Nagatomo Clinic

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nagatomo Clinic

住所 :

Kusunokicho, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, 〒220-0003 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kusunokicho, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, 〒220-0003 Kanagawa,Japan
レー。 on Google

門脇陽裕 on Google

2 rim on Google

発熱外来でお世話になりました。 とても丁寧な対応・説明で安心致しました。
Thank you for your help in the fever outpatient department. I was relieved by the very polite response and explanation.
山田 on Google

長引く咳で通っています。 喘息でした。 すっかりよくなりました。 ありがとうございました。 みなさん感じ良いです。
I have a long cough. It was asthma. It has improved completely. Thank you very much. Everyone feels good.
non tobe on Google

喘息と副鼻腔炎の咳の複合で長く苦しんでいましたが どちらも適切に診断処置していただき、とても楽になりました。 処方も新薬、漢方の希望を聞いていただけたり インフォームドコンセントもしっかりしていました。 控えめに言っても名医だと思います。
We suffered for a long time due to a combination of asthma and sinusitis cough Both were properly diagnosed and made much easier. You can also hear the hope of prescription and new medicine, traditional Chinese medicine Informed consent was also firm. I think it's a great doctor to say the least.
Jack Marks on Google

A beautiful and well-equipped clinic. The health check also gives results relatively sooner than the neighborhood. Doctors can also appreciate the courteous response.
松田大志 on Google

第4火曜の15:00に行ったがやっていなかった。診療日ですよね? 他にも3人、開くのを待っている人いたが、時間になっても開かず。 電話をかけてみたが「診療時間内におかけなおしください」となるばかり。 わざわざ行ったのに不親切極まりない。 臨時休業なら貼り紙貼っとけ。しっかりしろ。
I went there on the 4th Tuesday at 15:00 but didn't do it. It's a medical day, right? There were three other people waiting to open, but they didn't open when the time came. I made a phone call, but it just said, "Please call back within the consultation hours." Even though I went all the way, it was extremely unfriendly. If you are temporarily closed, stick a sticker. come on.
かのみそ on Google

引越してきてからかかりつけの病院が無くて困っていました、、、 このご時世咳が出てると白い目で見られ、他院では受診を断られたり問診のみの対応と言われたのですが、こちらの病院ではすぐに別室で検査を進めて頂き原因もわかり、適切な処方をしてもらえてすぐに効き目が出てすごく安心しました。 消毒や換気もバッチリで院内は清潔で設備も行き届いていてとても思いやりを感じる病院でした。 先生、看護師さん、受付の方皆さん感じよく親切で丁寧な方で対応はスムーズだしすごく安心して受診することが出来ました。とても感謝しています。
Since I moved, I was in trouble because I didn't have a family hospital ... When I had a cough at this time, I was seen with white eyes, and at other hospitals I was told that I would be refused a medical examination or only responded to interviews, but at this hospital I immediately proceeded with the examination in a separate room and found out the cause. I was very relieved that the effect came out immediately after receiving an appropriate prescription. The disinfection and ventilation were perfect, and the hospital was clean and well-equipped, which made me feel very considerate. The teachers, nurses, and receptionists were all pleasant, kind, and polite, and the response was smooth, so I was able to receive a medical examination with great peace of mind. I appreciate it very much.

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