住友建機教習所 千葉教習センター - Inage Ward

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 住友建機教習所 千葉教習センター

住所 :

Naganumaharacho, Inage Ward, 〒263-0001 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 263-0001
Webサイト : https://www.sumitomokenki.co.jp/license/chiba/
街 : Chiba

Naganumaharacho, Inage Ward, 〒263-0001 Chiba,Japan
ゆーゆー on Google

アーク溶接で講習に行きました。 コロナ感染対策のため、窓を開けていたので教室が寒い。コロナにならなくても風邪ひいて体調壊しそうです。
I went to a class by arc welding. The classroom was cold because the windows were open to prevent corona infection. Even if I don't become a corona, I'm likely to catch a cold and get sick.
Shabuchu Naminori on Google

高所作業車の資格を取る為に受講。 教官の当たり外れもあるだろうが…学科はすぐに話が脱線する上に「ここは試験に出ない」と省略するのに、逆に要点は全然分からないという曖昧さ。実技も教官が全然指導する気が無く、全然別の作業をしたりその過程で平然とブームの下で作業したりといった具合。 しかも(玉掛など他の実技の様子も含めて)終始「教えてやる」という上から目線で、危険作業をやったワケでも無いのに「てめぇ何やってんだ!」と怒号が飛ぶ始末。まぁよその教習センターより値段が安い理由が分かるというか。 ぶっちゃけて言えば本来こういった講習で学ぶべき安全性もクソもないです。「安く資格が取れるから」という開き直りが肝要。 あと…講習の最後で「まぁ高所車取っても今はフルハーネス特別教育が無いと乗れませんけどね」とか。厚労省は高所車でのフルハーネスに関して着用義務は認めてますが特別教育は不要と明言しています。自社が関わる講習に関して大嘘ぶっこくのは止めて頂けませんかね?
Attended in order to qualify as a work vehicle for heights. Although there will be a hit with the instructor, but ... the department immediately distracts from the talk and categorizes "This is not for the test", but on the contrary ambiguity that the point is not understood at all. In practice, the instructor has no intention of teaching at all, and doing other work at all or working under the boom in the process. In addition, from the point of view "I will teach" from the beginning (including the state of other practical skills such as ball cages), even though it is not reason I did dangerous work, "I do what I do!" Well, do you know why the price is cheaper than that training center? Speaking of which, there is neither security nor fucking that should be learned in such a course. It is important to reopen the door, saying that you can get the qualification cheaply. After ... at the end of the class "Oh, even if you take a car in high places, you can not get on it without full harness special education now" and so on. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has admitted that it is obliged to wear the full harness for high-altitude vehicles but has stated that special education is not necessary. Can you stop the big lie about the class that your company is involved in?
ごひなねこち“飛佳留”ゆたかず on Google

In 2018! I took a forklift. There is a department test on the first day, but about 50 people took the test and all passed ❗ It's okay if you have to fall asleep ❗ Basically, you can definitely get a skill training license so everyone does not have to worry There was no problem with the sling, and the class was ok.
かとらすz on Google

最初に講義が始まったとき「このセンターはコロナ対策毛ほどもする気がないんやな」と感じた。 そこまで広くない教室にほぼ満員座って客側にソーシャルディスタンス求めるってなに?講義の定員でも決めて受講人数減らすとか出来なかったんかね? 案の定講義中に一番しゃべる教員マスクずらして口見えてるし遮蔽物教卓にたててるけど前にたってないから意味をなしてないし... 他のとこ最近受けたけどそもそも客の席の間にプラ板立ててたし教室内も席開けてたし対策がみえたけどここはなにもないわ。くそ 教科書読むだけの教員とかまじいらねー見直した方がいいよほんと
At the beginning of the lecture, I felt, "I don't think this center will do as much as anti-corona hair." What about sitting in a classroom that isn't that big and asking the customer for a social distance? Was it possible to reduce the number of participants by deciding the number of lectures? The teacher who talks the most during the scheduled lecture is shifting the mask and I can see it, and I am setting up a shield, but it does not make sense because it is not in front of me ... I received it recently, but in the first place I had a plastic board standing between the customers' seats and I had open seats in the classroom so I could see some measures, but there is nothing here. Fuck Teachers who only read textbooks
とつぶれ on Google

フォークリフト、玉掛け、高所作業車、小型移動式クレーンでお世話に。 修了証の写真撮影が無料、費用もそれなりの値段でありがたいが、弁当の量が少ない割に500円は高く感じる。
Take care with forklifts, slings, aerial platforms, and small mobile cranes. Photographing the certificate is free, and the cost is reasonable, but I feel that 500 yen is expensive for the small amount of lunch boxes.
yakumisoba on Google

受講の際の書類提出や入金などの全てに無反応なので、当日まですごく不安になる。メールなどで反応があると良いと思う。 技能の時の待合室についてるエアコンが壮絶に汚いので潔癖な人は無理だと思います。掃除して欲しい。ただし、技術テストの評価は緩いので本当に最悪なよっぽどの人でなければ合格する。 合格することが目標なので、合格しやすいという点においては評価する。
I am very anxious until the day because I do not respond to all the documents submission and payment at the time of attendance. I hope there will be a response by email. The air conditioner in the waiting room at the time of skill is extremely dirty, so I think that it is impossible for a person who is innocent. I want you to clean it. However, the evaluation of the technical test is loose, so if you are not the worst person, you will pass. Since my goal is to pass, I appreciate the fact that it is easy to pass.
及川義信 on Google

問い合わせメールに3営業日間スルー。用のある前日に電話してようやく解決する始末。 なお電話応対してくれた事務員さんも日程を正確に把握出来ていないガバガバ情報統制。
Inquiry email through 3 business days. The disposition that is finally resolved by calling the day before there is a need. In addition, the clerk who answered the phone also did not know the schedule accurately.
ソレナンデ商会 on Google

『自由研削砥石特別教育』で行きました。県道66号に面していて場所も分かりやすく迷う事はないと思います。土曜日の受講でしたが、近辺の車の流れがあまり良くないので、時間に余裕を持って行くと良いです。駐車スペースもあったので車でも問題なしです。 HPに弁当が500円で買えるとあったので利用しました。仕出し弁当でご飯も温かく、おかずの味も悪くありませんでした。持ち込みも可なのでコンビニで買って行くのもありです。昼休みに教習センターを抜けて買い出しにも行けます。 この講習は、6時間で構成されています。ほぼ座学で最後に実習でした。HPに実習時の服装で作業着と書いてありますが、自由研削砥石の実習では、作業着でなくても問題ありませんでした。当日のスケジュールは、8時15分開始⇒12時~12時45分昼休憩⇒16時15分終了の流れでした。 今回の講師の方は、説明も分かりやすく適度に余談話がありました。ポイントになる所もしっかり教えてくれましたので、個人的には理解しやすいと感じました。ただ6時間の枠で教える内容が多いので、11時位から最後までかなりの早口でペースアップしてました。講師の方の声の質もあって、落語を聞いている様な感じだったので、頭に入る要素だったのかもしれません。
I went to "Special Grinding Wheel Special Education". I don't think you'll face the prefectural road 66 and get lost in an easy-to-understand way. Although it was a Saturday class, the flow of cars in the vicinity is not so good, so it's a good idea to leave time. There was a parking space, so there is no problem with cars. I used to buy a lunch box for 500 yen on HP. The catered lunch was warm and the side dishes were not bad. You can bring it in, so you can buy it at a convenience store. You can go out of the training center during the lunch break and go shopping. This course consists of 6 hours. It was almost classroom learning and the last practical training. Although it is written on the HP as work clothes in practice, there was no problem even if it was not work clothes in the practice of the free grinding wheel. The schedule of the day was from 8:15 start ⇒ 12:00 to 12:45 lunch break ⇒ 16:15 end. The instructor of this time had a moderate aside story with easy-to-understand explanations. He also taught me the points, so I felt it was easy to understand personally. However, there was much to teach in the 6-hour frame, so I was able to increase my pace from 11 o'clock to the end. The quality of the instructor's voice also made me feel like I was listening to rakugo, so it might have been an element that came to my mind.

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