Nagamoriyakkyoku Acupuncture - Gifu

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nagamoriyakkyoku Acupuncture

住所 :

1 Chome-21-19 Nagamorihonmachi, Gifu, 500-8228, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 500-8228
Webサイト :

1 Chome-21-19 Nagamorihonmachi, Gifu, 500-8228, Japan
寿詞弥栄 on Google

It was good to have an atmosphere that makes it easy to consult with female staff only.
伊藤知絵 on Google

イベントでお世話になっています^ ^体にある本来の力が蘇ります!お店の雰囲気も落ち着く空間で癒されます(о´∀`о)
I am indebted to you at the event ^ ^ The original power of your body is revived! The atmosphere of the shop is also healed in a calm space (о´∀`о)
川村優奈 on Google

I started, but I was very kind and relieved. I'm glad that the shop staff explained it carefully. I think I want to go again. Thank you very much.
Kaori on Google

親身になって対応していただけます。 薬の説明も丁寧で、とても分かりやすかったです(^ー^)
You can be friendly. The explanation of the medicine was also polite and very easy to understand (^-^)
Takako Matsuo on Google

I went at the recommendation of a friend. The teacher listened to me very kindly and gave me a prescription for Kampo. I would like to continue.
小石民代 on Google

The Chinese herbs were displayed in an easy-to-understand manner and I enjoyed it. Bamboo juice seems to be good for my health. The correspondence of the shop was also good.
m t on Google

むかし、仕事のストレスで出た全身の湿疹で悩まされてましたが、長森薬局さんに処方していただいた煎じ薬ですっかりよくなりました。 それから、体質も変わり、湿疹がめったにでなくなりました^_^漢方相談も親身になってしてくださいますよ。
I had been suffering from eczema all over my body due to work stress, but the decoction prescribed by Nagamori Pharmacy has improved. Since then, my constitution has changed, and my eczema has become rare.
TtksY on Google

お腹や体の不調が続いていたため 女性の薬剤師さんがいる漢方薬局を探しており、 初めてご相談しました。 すごく話しやすい優しい先生で、 症状を伝えると、 症状が出る原因や理由を丁寧に説明してくれました。 処方してもらった漢方を飲んでいますが、 徐々に楽になってきたのを実感しています。 店内は落ち着いた雰囲気で、 鍼灸院も併設しているようでした。 これからも通いたいと思っています。
Because my stomach and body were still sick I'm looking for a Chinese medicine pharmacy with a female pharmacist I consulted for the first time. A kind teacher who is very easy to talk to When you tell the symptom, He politely explained the cause and reason for the symptoms. I'm drinking the prescribed Kampo I feel that it has gradually become easier. The inside of the store has a calm atmosphere It seemed that there was also an acupuncture and moxibustion clinic. I would like to continue to attend.

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