Nagai Police Station - Nagai

1/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Nagai Police Station

住所 :

3743-3 Koide, Nagai, Yamagata 993-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 993-0014
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

3743-3 Koide, Nagai, Yamagata 993-0014, Japan
小松俊昭 on Google

aa a on Google

Impression that many police officers take an arrogant attitude.
まさとまさや on Google

山形県長井市警察官が非番の時仕事帰りに酒を飲むのは良い、 でも! 社会的交通安全ルールを無視した悪質な飲酒運転の警察官は捕まるべきだ! 今から数年前に実際に体験をした事から始まる! 敷地内や私有地の土地の道ならまだ解るが! ある警察の社会的交通ルールを無視した悪質な飲酒運転! あえて、その警察官の名前は伏せる事にしときます! 長井市警察署に長年勤めてる方は誰だか直ぐに分かると思いますけどね! あの、OBかってね! 私が代行車で実際に体験をし有った事!! 長井~飯豊 代行車を運転してる時、長井市の町の中に有る酒屋から連絡が来た! 着いてみると客は長井市の警察官だ、飲んだ酒の量を聞いたらビール5杯!焼酎7杯!店に入った時間帯は午後19~23時まで飲んでだとその警察官は言ってきた! その客は白の軽トラの客だ! そこまでは良く有る事、その客は長井市~飯豊の国道113号線のガマの湯の近くまで車を権威してる時、国道113号線の脇の田んぼに有る二車線の道で、その警察官がこう言って来た! ここで道で良いから後は会計をしてくれって言ってきた! いくら警察官でも、流石に不味いと思って、その警察官にお客さまここから、後この先1.3キロ先自宅なんですよねとこちらは話したが、流石に道路なので何とか自宅まで権威しようとしたがその警察官は言ってきた! 良いから、ここで会計をしろって言って来たから仕方がなく道路で会計をした! その警察官にはここから運転をするなら、こちらでは、責任は持てないと何度も何度も繰り返し話した! その警察官は悪びれも無く、無言で助手席から降りて、 その警察官は飲酒をしてるのに関わらず車の運転席に乗り込みそこからエンジンをかけシートベルトもせず二車線を車を発車させ去って行った! 警察官は飲酒運転をしても身内だからと言い取り締まりをしない事が多い! いくら、警察官でも二車線を車で走ったら飲酒運転になるのに警察官は、自分には甘過ぎる事が多い!! 一言! 私はその時にどんな代行車で長井市何処に迎えに行ったか! その警察官の自宅の近くまで行ったか良く覚えてる! 後、車のNo.は警察官に車のキーを借りたさい、No.をメモ帳に記載をするからだ! 名前も○○と車のNo.○○と記載をする事が多い! 代行車は距離、車のNo.、客の名前、 何処に迎えに行ったか店の名前、 行き先や最終地点をメモ帳に確り直筆書く事が多い! 警察官の車のNo.や名前をフルネームを未だにはっきり覚えてます! 2度とあの様な事をしないで貰いたい! いくら警察官でも、凄くこちらは迷惑をしたのではっきり覚えてますよ! 飲酒運転をした長井警察官は見た中で全部で5人居ますよ! 全て書くのは、後の4人はあえて控えて置きますよ! 言えるとしたら、 刑事課、地域課、生活安全課の人達だよ! 言える事は、未だに現役で職に居ますからね! 自ら違犯をした事実を反省しなさい! 普通は警察官と言うものは、市民のお手本に生る用に地域の安全や交通ルールを守るべきだ!! 警察官が違犯をしてる事態が、 全く、狂気の沙汰では無い!! 犯罪警察官の飲酒運転! 悪質な警察官のわき見運転! スピード超過センターライン一超え小国町の沼沢で国道113号一般車両、一般男性に怪我をさせた上に等に接触事故! 長井市警察署に一般人が道を聞いたさい、あの国道287号を飲酒運転の刑事課の人が正気の沙汰ではない! 国道287号を飲酒運転の刑事課の警察官対応をし一般の方に有ること無いことを一般の方が隣で聞いてても疑うほど、一般の人に権力を使い、言葉の悪質な暴言等や大声で有ること無いことを聞き、壁などや机を叩き一般の相手の方は脅えて居た! 国道287号を飲酒運転の警察官は一般市民にも圧力をかけ人害を侵害し、一方的に一般の方にyesかNOしか言わせ無いのうにするのは人害を侵害行為は聞いてても不愉快だ! 国道287号を飲酒運転の犯罪を犯してる刑事課の警察官は、犯罪者見たく悪い事をしてても自覚は無いものだと痛感する! 長井警察署組織の身内から違反をした、警察官を取り締まらないと長井市の安全、犯罪等が無くならない! 長井警察署の警察官は市民に対し悪いお手本だ! 長井警察署は、 一般の方に道を聞かれたら、米沢警察署、山形警察署を話し方を見習った方が良い! 山形警察署、米沢警察署は市民のお手本になる! 普通に対応をしなさい! 一般の方に道を聞かれたら、 行き先や通るルート等地図を出し 紙に通る道順序を書きなさい! 長井警察署は教師の暴行で子供達が怪我をし、怪我をさせた長井小学校で生徒の胸ぐらを掴み感情を抑えないで怪我をさせ、男性教師や校長を逮捕等、県内の新聞記者に報告しないのは何故だ! 後、長井警察署は子供同士が喧嘩をしたさい! 長井小学校で女児生徒一人に対し教室に監禁し、帰ろうとした女児生徒に対し教師が7人で追いかけ恐怖心を与え泣くほど追いかけ回し押さえつけて、一生の心の傷を付け真実の本当の事を言えなくし、警察官複数で女児生徒に話を聞いても、恐怖心の余りに女児生徒は真実の本当の事を言えなくさせ、その親を児童虐待としたの事件! その親に話を聞いた際、数日前に姉弟の喧嘩で怪我をし顔に痣になり、娘は小さいときから自分で服にライターで火遊びをし火傷をしたのにも関わらず隠して嘘を言い燃えた下着や服をベットの下に隠す事がある真実事実だった! 姉弟の喧嘩は略毎日親に止められるまで何回も繰り返し怪我をしてる事が多い! 嘘や店で万引きの盗みを何回かし、親と何度も店に行って謝罪をした事を担任の教師に娘は小さいときから嘘や隠し事をするので何度もその事を話をして何か有ったら連絡を下さいと確認の話した。 娘は教師に、姉弟の喧嘩で顔にアザになったのは言えなくて、 親に叩かれたと嘘を付、親のせいにした。 その事を教師が女児生徒に何度も繰り返し聞かずに思い込みで、その親に迷惑を与えた! その事を長井警察署の職員は子供の嘘を見抜け無い警察官達が悪い! 親に叩かれてないので、 女児生徒の嘘と解り、 二週間で帰って来た娘は親に嘘を付いてごめんなさいと謝った。 保護される前の事を女児生徒は親に全てを話した。 語った女児生徒、長井小学校で教師に寄る、 教室に監禁、 教師の集団で女児生徒が泣いていても、追いかけ回し腕や肩を力任せに掴んだ行為。 恐怖心を与え真実を言えなくさせた行為。 警察官が女児生徒に対し教室に外側複数の人で囲んで、そのな状態で一対一で話しても子供達は素直に話さなくなるのは当然だ! その事を長井警察署に行き話した。 長井警察署の対応は、 お前は、娘に対してハイかイイエで言わせて答さえさせたんだろうって言ってきた! それは、娘から言って来たからそのままの事を言ってる! 後、小学校内で合ったことは女児生徒から話してこないと普通は解らないとこだ!と話した。 その事を話した。 直後に警察官は奥に行って数分間待たせ、 奥から複数人で親を囲んで、 警察官が言った一言は! 警察官は女児生徒をまた、保護するぞって脅かし次いでに貴様もワッパをかけて牢屋に入れてやろうかって言ってきた! 完全に脅かしをする悪質な警察官だ! 警察官、長井小学校の職員は子供達の心の声を聞かないで、 考え無しで行動を取るのは軽率だ!と語った。 確認の為に長井警察署の内部の有る人物に確認を取ったら、その事を聞き確信が取れた! 未だに長井小学校、長井警察署から謝罪は無いと話した。 長井小学校、長井警察署のやり方が汚い、全く、正気の沙汰では無い!
It is good to drink sake after work when Nagai City police officer in Yamagata Prefecture is off duty, But! Vicious drunken police officers who ignore social traffic safety rules should be caught! It starts from the fact that I actually had experience a few years ago! I still understand if it is a road on the site or on a private land! A malicious drunk driving that ignores the social traffic rules of a police officer! I dare to turn down the police officer's name! I think it's easy to see who has worked for the Nagai Police Department for many years! That's an OB! What I actually experienced with a substitute car! ! Nagai-Iide When I was driving a substitute car, I was contacted by a liquor store in the town of Nagai City! When I arrived, the customer was a police officer from Nagai City, and when I asked how much alcohol I had, I got 5 beers! 7 glasses of shochu! The police officer said he had to drink from 19:00 to 23:00 when he entered the store! That customer is a white light tiger customer! There is a good thing up to that point, the customer is a police officer on the two-lane road in the rice field beside National Highway 113, when the car is authoritative near the Gama no Yu on National Highway 113 of Nagai-Iide Said this! I told you to do the billing here because it's fine on the road! No matter how much a police officer is, it is not good for a police officer, and I told the police officer that the customer is 1.3 km away from here, but I tried to authorize myself to the house because it is a road, The police officer said! Good, I told you to pay here, so I had no choice but to pay on the road! I told the police officer that if I were driving from here, I couldn't be held responsible again and again! The police officer was silent and got out of the passenger seat silently, The policeman got into the driver's seat of the car, regardless of whether he was drinking, and from there he left the two lanes without the seat belt and the engine running and leaving! Police officers often do not crack down on drunk driving because they are relatives! No matter how many police officers drive in two lanes, they will be drunk, but police officers are often too sweet for themselves! ! A word! What kind of substitute car did I pick up at in Nagai City at that time? I remember how close I was to the police officer's home! Later, the number of the car will be written in the memo pad when you borrow the car key from the police officer! In many cases, the name is also written as ○○ and the car number as ○○! The substitute vehicle is distance, car number, customer name, Where did you pick up, I often write down the destination and the final point in a memo pad. I still clearly remember the full name of the police officer's car number and name! I want you to never do that kind of thing again! No matter how much the police officer is, I really remember it because it caused a lot of trouble! There are a total of five Dr. Nagai who drunk and drunk! For the rest of the four, I'll dare to write them all down! If you can say People from the Criminal Division, Regional Division, and Life Safety Division! What I can say is that I'm still in active duty! Reflect on the fact that you have committed a crime! Police officers should generally follow local safety and traffic rules to set an example for citizens! ! A situation where a police officer is committing a crime It's not crazy at all! ! Crime police officer drunk driving! Driving aside by a malicious police officer! Overspeed Center Line Beyond 1 In a swamp in Oguni Town, National Road No. 113 general vehicle, a general man was injured and contact accidents occurred! When the general public asked the way to the Nagai City Police Station, the person who was driving on National Highway No. 287 was not sane! Even if the general public hears that there is no general public who responds to the police officer of the criminal department of drunk driving on National Highway No. 287, it uses power to the general public and violent words of abuse I heard that it was never loud and hit the walls and desks, and the general opponent was threatening! Police officers driving on National Highway No. 287 drunk people and injured people by putting pressure on the general public, and one-sidedly letting the general public only say yes or no is a violation of people's harm. But it's unpleasant! The police officer in the Criminal Division who is committing a drunk driving offense on National Highway 287 realizes that he is not aware of the criminal's bad behavior! If you do not crack down on police officers who have violated from the members of the Nagai Police Department, the safety and crime of Nagai City will not disappear! The police officers of the Nagai police station are bad examples for citizens! Nagai police station If the general public asks you how to do it, it's better to learn how to speak at Yonezawa Police Station and Yamagata Police Station! Yamagata Police Station and Yonezawa Police Station serve as examples for citizens! Please handle it normally! If the general public asks you how to Publish maps such as destinations and routes Write down the order of the path on the paper! Nagai police station reported to a newspaper reporter in the prefecture that children were injured by teacher's assault and injured Nagai Elementary School who caught the chest of students and injured without restraining emotions and arrested male teachers and principals Why not! Later, at the Nagai police station, when children quarrel with each other! At Nagai Elementary School, one girl student was confined in the classroom, and the girl student who tried to return was chased by seven teachers, giving fear and chasing enough to cry, pressing down and holding down, scratching the heart of a lifetime and telling the true truth Even if I couldn't say it, and the police officers talked to the girl student, she was so frightened that the girl student couldn't say the true truth and made her parents child-abuse! A few days ago, when I talked to his parents, he was injured in the quarrel between his siblings and had a bruise on his face.His daughter hid herself even though she was playing with a lighter on her clothes and burned from her childhood. It was a fact that you could lie and hide your burning underwear and clothes under your bed! My siblings' quarrels are often injured many times every day until my parents stop me! I lied and told the teacher my teacher that I had stolen shoplifting several times at the store and went to the store many times with my parents and apologized because my daughter lied and hidden things from a young age I asked him to contact me if there was something. My daughter couldn't tell her teacher that she had a bruise on her face due to her brother's quarrel, I lied that my parents had hit me and blamed my parents. The teacher did not ask the girl student over and over again to think about it and annoy her parents! The staff of the Nagai police station is bad because the police officers can't see the child's lies! I haven't been hit by my parents, Lie and understanding of a girl student, The daughter, who came back in two weeks, apologized to her parents for lie. The girl student told her parents everything before she was protected. A girl student who spoke, a teacher at Nagai Elementary School, Imprisoned in the classroom, Even if a female student is crying in a group of teachers, it is an act of chasing around and squeezing arms and shoulders. The act of giving fear and making it impossible to tell the truth. Even if a police officer surrounds a girl student with multiple people outside the classroom and talks one-on-one in such a situation, it is natural that the children do not speak obediently! I went to Nagai police station to talk about it. The Nagai Police Department's response is You told me that I might have asked my daughter to say yes or no! That's exactly what I said from my daughter! After that, what I met in elementary school is that I usually do not understand unless I talk to a girl student! I said. I told you about that. Immediately afterwards, the police officer went to the back and waited for a few minutes, Surround the parents with multiple people from the back, One word the police officer said! The police officer threatened the girl student again to protect her and then told you if you would like to put a wappa and put him in a prison! A vicious police officer who threatens you completely! Police officers and staff at Nagai Elementary School don't listen to the hearts of children, It is imprudent to act without thinking! I said. I asked a person inside the Nagai Police Department to confirm it, and I was convinced of it! Nagai Elementary School and Nagai Police Department said that they still have no apologies. The method of Nagai Elementary School and Nagai Police Station is dirty, and it's not sane at all!

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