Myokoji - Ichinomiya

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Myokoji

住所 :

2438 Yamatocho

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 491-0922
Webサイト :

2438 Yamatocho
Hill Dale on Google

荘厳な修行道場。知る人ぞ知る紅葉の寺院? ‘20/11月上旬 もみじ狩りに訪れましたが、やはりまだ時期尚早でした。11月下旬〜12月上旬が見頃とのこと。 仏殿では中を拝観でき、日中は案内してくれる方が見え、そこで妙興寺のパンフレットと参拝記念の「ムクロジの実」(無患子と書き無病息災を願う)をいただきました。 境内は広く幾つかの寺院があり、森の中を散策しながら巡ります。苔むした森がまた荘厳さを引き立てます。
A majestic training dojo. A temple of autumn leaves known to those in the know ? ‘Early 20/11 I visited for maple hunting, but it was still too early. The best time to see it is from late November to early December. At the Buddhist temple, you can see the inside, and during the day, you can see a person who will guide you, and there you received a pamphlet of Myokoji Temple and a memorial "Sapindaceae fruit" (written as an unaffected child and wishing for no illness). There are several temples in the precincts, and you can take a walk in the woods. The mossy forest enhances the majesty again.
伊藤誠一 on Google

It was a quiet and calm precinct. An oil painting dragon was drawn.
NA-GO channel on Google

とても静寂につつまれた雰囲気のある神社‼️ 特に天井龍図がインパクトがあった。 本堂での案内も親切丁寧✨ 参拝記念でムクロジをいただきました❗
A shrine with a very quiet atmosphere! ️ In particular, the ceiling dragon map had an impact. Guidance at the main hall is also kind and polite ✨ I received a Sapindaceae to commemorate my worship ❗
井上ガーデンサービス on Google

It is a very nice temple. The precincts are a quiet place with a lot of shade, and it is a perfect place for a walk. The Buddhist temple was open for free, so you can see many important cultural properties. When I left the Buddhist temple, I received the fruit of an unaffected child as a souvenir, which made me feel warm.
Yasuhiro on Google

名鉄名古屋本線妙興寺駅からすぐのところにある古刹。 現在は臨済宗妙心寺派の寺院。 寺伝によると貞和4年(1348)に創建されたというが、境内からは奈良時代の瓦が出土していて、妙興寺廃寺という古代寺院があったとことがわかっている。 この付近はとても歴史のあるエリアで、式内社も多く鎮座する。 一宮市は尾張国一宮である真清田神社、大神神社のほか、神八井耳命を祀る大神社など大和からの移住の可能性を示す神社のほか、酒見神社など倭姫命の伝承もある地域。
An old temple located just off Myokoji Station on the Meitetsu Nagoya Main Line. Currently, it is a temple of the Rinzai sect Myoshinji school. According to the temple biography, it was built in 1348, but it is known that there was an ancient temple called Myokoji Abandoned Temple, with tiles from the Nara period excavated from the precincts. This area has a very long history, and many Shikinai shrines are enshrined there. In Ichinomiya City, in addition to Masumida Shrine and Ojinja Shrine, which are the Ichinomiya of Owari Kuni, there are shrines that show the possibility of migration from Yamato, such as the Ojinja Shrine that enshrines Kamiyai Mimimei, as well as the tradition of Sakami Shrine and other shrines. A certain area.
すーまーたん on Google

静寂で、心癒されます。紅葉の穴場スポット、隣の博物館のお庭も綺麗です。散歩には丁度良いコースです。駐車場も沢山あります。 ライトアップしたら綺麗だろうなあ。
It is quiet and soothing. The spot of autumn leaves and the garden of the museum next door are also beautiful. It is a good course for a walk. There are also many parking lots. It would be beautiful if it was lit up.
Russ Ebert on Google

Myokoji used to be a great place to visit, however the monk in charge of the grounds now has mental issues and tends to call the police on people visiting and walking in the public areas of the grounds for no good reason other than he has deemed he doesn’t like you. If you are planning to visit, best to reschedule a few years from now or until a new priest is in charge of the grounds as he’s made it clear that people aren’t welcome anymore.
Band Stand on Google

A beautiful sight enveloped in nature. The gates and main hall are stunning. It's a Buddhist temple that really has a wonderfully peaceful atmosphere. It makes one feel like they are in the middle of a forest.

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