
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パティスリー・ボン・クラージュ

住所 :

Myoden, Ichikawa, 〒272-0111 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.bon-courage.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Myoden, Ichikawa, 〒272-0111 Chiba,Japan
みそ on Google

There are many types, but they all look and taste similar. Based on a roll cake, seasonal fruits are on top, so the taste does not change no matter when you eat it. The price is worth the size, but I don't think I'll go again.
모찌 on Google

It's really delicious. It's been a favorite shop since I was little. Not to mention the delicious cakes, I love the baked goods here! The clerk is also very kind :) When I went to the store after 18:10 without knowing that the business hours were until 18:00, when I started the closing work, I asked "Are you still in time?" :) ", Thank you very much for waiting until the shopping is over! I will go again! !!
紅茶ラテ on Google

いちごのタルトは結構美味しい。 お弁当は量があるのに安いからコスパいい...のだと思うが、ケーキに量は求めていない。笑 他の方も書いてるが確かに店員の態度は悪い。 一度間違ったものを渡され、それに他の店員さんが気づき、「間違ったの渡したんじゃない?」と最初の店員さんに。 私が「そうなんですか?すみません」と渡すと、最初の店員さんは無言でめんどくさそうに回収していきました。 店員の態度で店を決めようとは思いませんがあれは中々...。
Strawberry tart is quite delicious. I think the cost performance is good because the lunch box is cheap even though it has a large amount, but I don't ask for the amount of cake. Lol Others have written it, but the clerk's attitude is certainly bad. I was given the wrong thing once, and another clerk noticed it, and said to the first clerk, "Don't you give it the wrong thing?" When I handed him "Is that so? I'm sorry", the first clerk silently collected it annoyingly. I don't think I'll decide the store based on the attitude of the clerk, but that's not the case ...
George OK on Google

親戚の家が近くてよく利用します。 品揃えや味は私好みで、家族も気に入ってますね。季節毎に変わるタルトが大好きです。とくにバナナのタルト!是非とも通年売って欲しいと思うアイテムです。
I often use it because my relatives' house is nearby. I like the assortment and taste, and my family loves it. I love tart that changes with the seasons. Especially banana tart! It is an item that I definitely want you to sell all year round.
方舟ノア on Google

とってもチャーミングなヒロインへ! シュークリームとロールケーキがオススメです!シュークリームは平日のみ?何故だ何故平日のみ何だシュークリームのみの営業をしてほしいくらいだ!駐車場無しテイクアウトのみです! たっぷりカスタードのシュークリーム君がマンマル頬張って僕は穏やかになれるだろう
To a very charming heroine! Cream puffs and Swiss roll are recommended! Is cream puffs only on weekdays? Why, why, only on weekdays, I want you to open only cream puffs! No parking, only takeout! Plenty of custard cream puffs will make me calm with Mammaru cheeks
じょんよんぺん on Google

150円握りしめて妙典シュークリームを買いに行ったら170円に値上がりしてました。3週間前に買ったときは150円だったのでびっくり。 というわけでロールケーキは1340円。デコレーションケーキは4500円ぐらい。 と書いていたものも値上がりしちゃったんじゃないかと思います。
When I grabbed 150 yen and went to buy Myoden cream puff, the price went up to 170 yen. I was surprised because it was 150 yen when I bought it 3 weeks ago. That's why the roll cake is 1340 yen. The decoration cake is about 4500 yen. I think that the price of what was written has also increased.
さとしいとう on Google

美味しいケーキでお気に入りのお店です 今年は お正月に3000円以上購入で 先着ですがケーキプレゼントクーポンも配布され大満足 一度食べてみてください
It ’s a delicious cake and it ’s my favorite shop. This year, it is the first-come-first-served basis for purchases of 3000 yen or more on New Year's Day, but cake gift coupons are also distributed and I am very satisfied. Please try it once
佐久間力 on Google

Myoden, Ichikawa, a pastry shop. Opened from New Year's Day 2022, purchased New Year's Day. Easy price for cakes and baked goods.

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