中華料理 かさや

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華料理 かさや

住所 :

Myoden, Ichikawa, 〒272-0111 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–9PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Myoden, Ichikawa, 〒272-0111 Chiba,Japan
tomo yoco on Google

Chinese restaurant in town. The store isn't that big, but it's full of snacks and set meals. Gyoza seems to be particular about it, and Magic Salt will come out with it.
中村宣昭 on Google

住宅街にある町の中華料理屋で出前もやっているようです。 お店はお母さん、お父さん、息子さんの三人で息子さんが出前担当と思われます。 メニューがすでに昔懐かしいタイプでテーブル等の内装も昭和感満載です。 今回はラーメンセット800円を頂きました。 醤油ラーメンと半チャーハンのセットです。 醤油ラーメンは昔ながらの正しい(笑)ラーメン。 チャーハンは意外とあっさり。でも味はしっかりで大変美味しかったです。 値段も安く、味も美味しい。 良いお店でした。 次回は餃子を頂きたいと思います。
It seems to be doing delicious at a Chinese restaurant in a town in a residential area. My shop is a mum, a father, a son, and my son seems to be in charge of delivery. The menu is already old-fashioned type and interior decorations such as tables are full of Showa. This time I got a ramen set 800 yen. It is a set of soy sauce ramen and a half fried rice. Soy sauce ramen is old-fashioned right (lol) ramen. Fried rice is surprisingly easy. But the taste was solid and very tasty. The price is also cheap, and the taste is also delicious. It was a nice shop. Next time I would like to have a dumpling.

A Chinese restaurant full of the Showa era. A valuable store where there is no cafeteria nearby. Perhaps the price is a little higher.
獣医東一平 on Google

A good old Chinese restaurant that is quietly located in an inconspicuous place on a side street or a narrow road. The audience seats are small with 4 seats, but on the contrary, I feel the friendliness. I had a set meal, but I was satisfied and ate it! A strong Chinese food that makes you feel happy! It's my favorite food. There was a new discovery that dumplings are also eaten with crazy salt! I regret that I should have explored closer to my workplace ...
kazushige dobashi on Google

昭和感たっぷりの街中華屋さん?店内の雰囲気も良いですね? クレイジーソルトで食べる餃子も美味 チャーハンもすごく大好き美味しい?
A Chinese restaurant with a lot of Showa era ? The atmosphere inside the store is also good ? The dumplings eaten with crazy salt are also delicious I love fried rice very much and it's delicious ?
Johji Yoshizawa on Google

近所に住んでいましたが厨房の方へ外ゴキブリが入っていくのを何度か目撃してからは行かなくなりました。 まず、こういった町中華さんで出される料理のボリュームを想像してみてください。出てくるのはその半分程度の量です。 なので成人男性が満腹になるにはメインを二品は注文した方が良いかと。もちろん個人差はありますが。 そういった量ですがお値段は町中華の相場より少しお高めな印象。 料理の味は当たり障りのない感じ。個人的には微妙。美味しいと感じる人もいるんでしょうけど。 カツカレーとかもありますが煮詰まった感じにカツがお菓子のビッグカツみたいなのを思い描くとわかりやすい。 厳しい意見なのかもしれませんが、お値段据え置きなら総じて単純に料理の量を倍程度にすれば普通に満足はできるレベルになるのかなと。 しかし昔からあるみたいで馴染みにしているお客さんが多いため常連さんで繁盛していそうです。 個人的にこの周辺で中華食べるなら総じて何でも美味しい華風伝や、ランチは安く夜もバランスの良い駅前の楽楽酒坊を選びます。
I lived in the neighborhood, but after witnessing the outside cockroaches entering the kitchen several times, I stopped going. First of all, imagine the volume of food served by Mr. Chuka in the town. About half that amount comes out. So I wondered if it would be better to order two main items for an adult man to be full. Of course there are individual differences. Although it is such an amount, the price is a little higher than the market price of Chinese food in town. The taste of the food is bland. Personally, it's subtle. Some people may find it delicious. There is also cutlet curry, but it is easy to understand if you imagine that the cutlet is like a big katsu of sweets. It may be a harsh opinion, but if the price remains unchanged, I wonder if simply doubling the amount of food will bring you to a level where you can usually be satisfied. However, it seems that it has been around for a long time, and there are many customers who are familiar with it, so it seems that it is prosperous with regular customers. Personally, if you want to eat Chinese food in this area, choose Kafuden, which is delicious in general, and Rakuraku Sakebo in front of the station, which is cheap for lunch and well-balanced at night.
遠藤広正 on Google

ちょうど、妙典春日神社の彫刻を眺めていたら昼12:00を過ぎており、「お腹空いたぁ~」と思っていたところ、神社のすぐ近く(旧街道沿い)で「中華そば」の幟旗を発見! 誘われるように路地に入っていくと、すぐに「昭和28年創業」の文字が刻まれた赤いオーニングが目に留まりました。 店内は4卓だけの小ぢんまりとした「昭和」のオーラ全開なお店です。 ラーメン(500円)をオーダーしましたが、これぞ「正統派」と思える期待通りの無難な醤油ラーメンで、まさに「昔ながらの、ザ・中華そば」と呼べる安心して食べられる1杯・・・ まるで、きっちり45分後に正義の味方が出てきて悪党をバッタバッタやっつける「ワンパターン」のTV時代劇におけるストーリー展開に相通じる分かりやすさです。 澄んだ鶏ガラスープが何故か「また食べたくなる」味・・・ 見た目はアッサリとした淡い色合いだけど、しっかりと味付けられていて、かつ後味を引かないスッキリ感が地元常連客の心をガッチリ掴んで離さない長期繁盛の秘訣と言えるでしょう。
Just when I was looking at the sculpture of Myodenkasuga Shrine, it was past 12:00 noon, and I was thinking "I'm hungry", but near the shrine (along the old highway), the flag of "Chinese noodles" Discovered! As soon as I entered the alley to be invited, I noticed a red awning with the words "Founded in 1953" engraved on it. The inside of the store is a small "Showa" aura with only 4 tables. I ordered ramen (500 yen), but this is a safe soy sauce ramen that seems to be "orthodox", and you can call it "old-fashioned, the Chinese noodles" with peace of mind ... It's as easy to understand as the story development in the TV historical drama of "One Pattern" where the ally of justice comes out exactly 45 minutes later and defeats the villain. The clear chicken glass soup has a taste that makes you want to eat it again ... Although it looks light and light, it is well seasoned and has a refreshing feeling that does not catch the aftertaste, which is the secret to long-term prosperity that grabs the hearts of local patrons.
tokyo- chiba- on Google

街中華の本に出ていたので行ってみました。 外観、内装いい感じ出てます。 これぞ街中華という感じ。 いくつか注文しましたが、餃子が特においしかったです。 チャーハンは五目チャーハンにしましたけど、よくある冷凍のミックスベジタブルが入っただけっぽくて残念。ニララーメンはニラが思ったより少なくて残念。 あと喫煙可なので、あの空間で吸わない人はキツイかも。
I went there because it was in a Chinese book in town. The exterior and interior look nice. This is like Chinese food in town. I ordered some, but the dumplings were especially delicious. I chose fried rice as Gomoku fried rice, but it's a shame that it only contains the common frozen mixed vegetables. It's a pity that the number of garlic ramen is less than I expected. Also, smoking is allowed, so people who do not smoke in that space may be tough.

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