MY double(マイ ドゥーブル)

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MY double(マイ ドゥーブル)

住所 :

Higashiurawa, Midori Ward, 〒336-0926 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88789
Webサイト :
街 : Saitama

Higashiurawa, Midori Ward, 〒336-0926 Saitama,Japan
Anne Guri on Google

It's a cafe run by a lovely couple ❤ I felt like they made me with the feeling that I want people to eat something really delicious. The cake and baked goods are very gentle and warm taste !! Recommended ♪
k. abe on Google

ケーキも美味しいけど、プリンが絶品でビックリしました。 マジでウマい。
m hiroshi on Google

The atmosphere of the shop is good and the cake is delicious
mi ya on Google

インスタで見て気になっていて、やっと行けました! ランチはドリンクとデザート付きでした。 ドリアセット、チーズがトロトロでとっても美味しかったです。 お子様セットもあり2歳の子供も完食。 ケーキはテイクアクトしました。甘すぎずペロッと食べられちゃいます。 記念日などのケーキはこれからこちらでお願いしようと思いました。 小さいですがキッズスペースがあり、お手洗いはオムツ替えもできるように配慮されていて 赤ちゃん〜小さい子がいる家族への心遣いが嬉しいです。
I was curious to see it on Instagram, and I finally went! Lunch was with drinks and desserts. The drier set and cheese were very tasty. There is also a children's set, and a 2-year-old child completes the meal. The cake was taken. It ’s not too sweet and you can eat it. I wanted to ask here for cakes for anniversaries. Although it is small, there is a kids space, and the toilet is designed so that you can change diapers. I'm happy to care for a family with a baby and a small child.
やすおロボ on Google

雰囲気の良いご夫婦が営む素敵なお店。 ケーキもさることながら、お食事も一級品! こんな所でこんなクオリティのご飯が食べれるなんてっ!と、きっと誰もが満足出来ると思います。 毎週水曜日はパンも販売。このパンもとっても美味しい!人気の品は予約必須。 私のお気に入りは「大納言チーズパン」意外な組み合わせが生み出す美味しさは是非お試しを。
A nice shop run by a good couple. The food is first-class as well as the cake! I can eat such quality rice in such a place! I think everyone can be satisfied. Bread is sold every Wednesday. This bread is very delicious! Reservations are required for popular items. My favorite is "Dainagon cheese bread". Try the deliciousness created by the surprising combination.
akaさんツーリング on Google

営業日が分かりにくいですね! Google map情報によると、営業中との案内で来てみたら、お休みでした? 来店前に電話で確認した方がベストです。
It's hard to understand the business day! According to Google map information, when I came with the information that it was open, it was a holiday ? It is best to check by phone before coming to the store.
さにぽん on Google

ちょっとわかりにくい場所にあるものの、 こじんまりとしたお店で、おそらくご夫婦で経営されていると思うが気持ちのあたたかさが伝わる店づくりをしていて、小さな子供連れの方の配慮がなされていていいなと思ったし、イチゴのタルトもタルト生地にイチゴかな?甘酸っぱいジャムが入っていたりして 食感が普通のイチゴのタルトとは違って楽しめる工夫がしていて、生クリームも美味しかったし、 ここのケーキは全部制覇してみようと思えるお店だが、とにかくわかりにくい場所で歩きで犬の散歩でゆっくりキョロキョロしていないと、かなりの確率で通りすぎてしまう残念さがあるので星4つ。焼き菓子も裏表示を見たらマーガリンを使っていないので素晴らしいと思った♪ ここの焼き菓子も制覇をしたいと思う。
It's a bit confusing, but It's a small shop, and I think it's probably run by a couple, but I'm building a shop that conveys the warmth of my feelings, and I thought it would be nice if people with small children were taken into consideration. Is the tart also strawberry in the tart dough? It contains sweet and sour jam The texture was different from ordinary strawberry tart, and the cream was delicious. All the cakes here are shops that I think I'll try to conquer, but anyway, if I don't walk around in a place that is difficult to understand and walk slowly with a dog, there is a pity that I will pass by with a high probability, so I have 4 stars. When I saw the back display of the baked confectionery, I thought it was wonderful because it did not use margarine ♪ I also want to conquer the baked goods here.
山口克身 on Google

It is a small shop run by a young couple with a small child of about 1 year old. The owner of the pastry chef makes it by himself, and his wife is in charge of the cash register, but the types and numbers of cakes lined up in the showcase are small. Instead, I'm glad that the toppings with names such as original birthday cakes, which are decorated with various fruits that normally need to be reserved in advance, can be done as appropriate if the whole cake remains, and the attention to detail of the customer service. There is also a space in the back where you can have a dinner with a small number of mom friends. Only one parking space can be parked about a minute's walk away, but when the car is full, it is okay to park it if there is an empty space next to it.

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