Mutsumi Animal Clinic - Nagaoka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mutsumi Animal Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-2-7 Kotobuki, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 940-0015
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 9AM–12PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

2 Chome-2-7 Kotobuki, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-0015, Japan
たま on Google

From careful examination to selection of easy-to-drink medicine, detailed lecture on how to give medicine, we gently responded with smiling face. It is a teacher who wipes out the anxiety of the owner.
肴豆 on Google

The director changed in March. I don't know about the previous teacher, but Igarashi-sensei is a very good teacher. I've been to various veterinary clinics, but I decided to use this as my family doctor.
a always on Google

先生が丁寧に対応してくださいます。 治療中のワンコがいるのに、私の都合で家が不在になった時には1日預りもしてくださいました。 異常があると直ぐに検便、検尿してくれます。 ただ、看護婦さんが(笑)全く愛想なし 犬に声をかけるわけでもなく、黙々とお仕事。素晴らしいけどちょっと悲しいかな。
Your teacher will respond carefully. Even though there was a dog under treatment, I kept it for a day when my house was absent for my convenience. The stool and urine will be checked as soon as there is an abnormality. However, the nurse is (laughs) completely unfriendly Don't talk to the dog, work silently. Wonderful but a little sad.
みう on Google

Even if you go for a little thing, they will look at you in a friendly way. It changed to "Mutsumi Animal Hospital" from September.
a- tcs on Google

東京の動物病院で3年間だけですが、動物看護師をしていたものです。まず、雰囲気が悪い。受付、看護師すら、不安を抱えてくる患者さんに対して、癒し、安心要素が全くない。 そして、処置が下手。技術無し、学も無し、愛想も無し。もともと動物病院が少ない地域なのでそれに託つけてあぐらをかいていたのがよくわかります。 暴れてもいない動物を力ずくで押さえつけるのも嫌でした。血検からもレントゲンからも動物の様子からも病気を発見できないかたです。全ての処置が逆効果になり、とどめを刺されたようなものでした。その後急激に悪化し二日で亡くなりました。本当に行かなきゃ良かったです。 追記:獣医が変わったそうですね。学と腕もあるかただと良いのですが。設備も整うといいなと思います。まだ看板が『松沢動物病院』のままなので、仕切っているのは以前の獣医なのかもしれません。
I used to be an animal nurse at a veterinary hospital in Tokyo for only three years. First of all, the atmosphere is bad. Even the receptionist and the nurse have no healing and reassuring elements for patients who have anxiety. And the treatment is not good. No skill, no learning, no amiability. It's easy to see that since there aren't many veterinary hospitals in the area, I entrusted it to cross-legged. I didn't want to forcefully hold down animals that weren't rampaging. It is a person who cannot detect the disease from the blood test, X-ray, or the appearance of the animal. All the treatments were counterproductive and it was like a stab at the end. After that, it deteriorated sharply and died in two days. I really should have gone. Postscript: It seems that the veterinarian has changed. It would be nice if I had some scholarship and skill. I think it would be nice to have the equipment in place. Since the signboard is still "Matsuzawa Animal Hospital", it may be the former veterinarian who is partitioning.
ルル on Google

説明が丁寧で 一つ一つ詳しく教えていただきました
The explanation is polite I was taught in detail one by one
よしみ on Google

前の先生、とても親切丁寧で親しみやすい先生でした。 退職されて残念ですが、今の先生も前の先生と同じくとても親切丁寧で、わかりやすく説明してくれるので安心してお願いできます。 看護師さん達も、みなさん気さくで優しく対応していただいて、この病院に何年もお世話になってます。 家からは遠いのですが、この病院が気に入っているので、何かあるときは毎回お世話になってます。 これからもよろしくお願いします
The former teacher was a very kind, polite and friendly teacher. I'm sorry to have retired, but the current teacher is very kind and polite like the previous teacher, and he will explain in an easy-to-understand manner, so you can rest assured. The nurses have been kind and kind to me, and I have been indebted to this hospital for many years. It's far from home, but I like this hospital so I'm always indebted to it. I look forward to working with you
番場義典 on Google

スタッフの方々は、いつも丁寧な対応してくださいます。 五十嵐先生も優しく丁寧で、常に親身になってくださいます。 おすすめの病院です。
The staff are always polite. Mr. Igarashi is also kind and polite, and he is always kind to me. This is a recommended hospital.

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