Mushiya - Haga District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mushiya

住所 :

Jonaizaka, Mashiko, Haga District, Tochigi 321-4218, Japan

Postal code : 321-4218
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 10AM–5PM
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday 10AM–5PM
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday 10AM–5PM

Jonaizaka, Mashiko, Haga District, Tochigi 321-4218, Japan
漆畑裕 on Google

愛魚人 on Google

標本を大切に取り扱うという姿勢が感じられる良い店と感じました。 また行きたいと思います。
I felt it was a good store where I could feel the attitude of handling specimens carefully. I think I want to go again.
K Kimura on Google

I don't think I get tired of seeing insects that are not in Japan and going every day. Very good.
糸山新一 on Google

The shopkeeper is a passionate insect and has kindly responded to us.
主水四月一日 on Google

かなりの量の虫標本がありました。 一番ビックリなのは、入ってすぐの所にオオスズメバチの標本があった。
There was a fair amount of insect specimens. What surprised me the most was a specimen of a giant hornet right after entering.
山田トシオ on Google

知り合いの小さい子が音に反応するクモのおもちゃを面白がって遊んでたら、「壊れるからやんないで」と凄いイヤな感じで言われました。店主さん、壊れるかもしれないものは奥にしまっておきましょう。小さい子にはもっと優しく接しましょう。虫への情熱しか無いなら益子の陶器ロードに店を構えるな、と思いました。 虫も爬虫類も素敵ですが(自然の物なので)、店主が気持ち悪い店だと思います。ついでみたいに置いてある陶器の虫たちがありますが、もっとマシなモノ作れないのかと心底思います。
When a small acquaintance played with a spider toy that reacts to sound, he said, "Don't do it because it breaks" with a very unpleasant feeling. Shopkeeper, keep things that might break in the back. Treat small children more gently. I thought that if I had only a passion for insects, I wouldn't set up a shop on Mashiko's pottery road. Insects and reptiles are nice (because they are natural), but I think the owner feels uncomfortable. There are pottery insects that are placed as a side note, but I really wonder if I can make something better.
ケチャップ野郎 on Google

標本も良いですが、オーナーさん自作のケースが好きです。 オーナーさん子供には虫のこと一生懸命に教えてくれて優しくて親切ですよ。益子行ったら必ず寄ります。
Specimens are good, but I like the owner's own case. The owner is kind and kind to tell the children about insects. Whenever I go to Mashiko, I will definitely stop by.
knt on Google

虫や生き物の標本が好きな人にとって、すごく良いお店です。お手頃価格で、国産や外国産の昆虫標本などが手に入れられます。 聞いたお話しでは、この辺りの小学校でオオムラサキを育てて成虫になったら野生に放す学習活動があるようで、その地元の子供たちに配慮してこの辺りでのオオムラサキ採集はしていないそうです。優しい配慮だと思います?
It's a great shop for those who like insect and creature specimens. You can get domestic and foreign insect specimens at a reasonable price. According to the story I heard, there seems to be a learning activity to raise the Japanese emperor in the elementary school around here and release it to the wild when it becomes an adult, and it seems that the Japanese emperor is not collected in this area in consideration of the local children. I think it's a kind consideration ?

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