Muse Port Bokaru School

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Muse Port Bokaru School

住所 :

Kamiookanishi, Konan Ward, Yokohama, 〒233-0002 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト :
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kamiookanishi, Konan Ward, Yokohama, 〒233-0002 Kanagawa,Japan
しゅーへ。 on Google

どんな時に行っても暖かく迎え入れてくれるアットホームな雰囲気がとても好印象です! また、定期的にイベントもやって頂いており、その際に友達を作って一緒にLIVEに出る、なんてことも出来ます!←経験済み (イベントの様子はTwitterなどSNS上に積極的にあげられてます) 気になった方は無料体験も出来ますので詳しくはHPを参照下さい!?
The cozy atmosphere that warmly welcomes you at any time is a very good impression! In addition, we have regular events, and at that time we can make friends and go to LIVE together! ← Experienced (The state of the event is actively posted on SNS such as Twitter) If you are interested, you can try it for free, so please refer to the website for details! ?
zagiv on Google

2年ほど通いました。レッスン数や自己練習時間を増やしてもいまひとつ成果が実感できなかったので、オーナーに相談したら、講師の変更を提案されることもなく、いやならやめろとはっきり言われましたのでやめました。とにかく従業員及び経営者の態度が非常に嫌な感じでした。レッスンの質も、改めて思い返してみると「何となくそれっぽいことをやっているだけ」で意味がないものでした。 (ご返信をうけて) 「もしかしたら他のスクールさんと間違っておられるという事はないでしょうか。」 「貴重なお叱りをありがとうございます。」などと微塵も思っていないことがよくわかります。 相変わらずの自分の非をみとめない上から目線で、 お変わりないようで何よりです。 そして、今まで口コミに対して全く返信していなかったのに、 この口コミが出たとたんほかの口コミに対して返信しはじめ、 火消しに必死になっていることが明らかです。 私の記載が事実であることを、 自らの言動にて認めていることを裏付ける行動といえるでしょう。
I went there for about two years. Even if I increased the number of lessons and self-practice time, I couldn't really feel the results, so when I consulted with the owner, I wasn't offered to change the instructor, and I was clearly told to stop. Anyway, I felt very unpleasant about the attitudes of employees and managers. When I think back on the quality of the lessons, it was meaningless because I was just doing something like that. (Received a reply) "Maybe you're wrong with another school?" You can see that I don't even think "Thank you for your precious scolding." As usual, from the top, I can't see my fault It doesn't seem to change, and above all. And even though I haven't responded to word-of-mouth communication at all As soon as this review came out, I started replying to other reviews, It is clear that he is desperate to put out the fire. That my statement is true It can be said that it is an action that supports what you admit in your own words and actions.
かしゅわむ on Google

歌が好きで10代の頃からボーカル教室を転々としました。 いくつかのボーカル教室を経験した中で、ミューズポートボーカル教室が1番いい教室でした。 主観ですが上大岡近辺ではダントツだと思います。 生徒一人一人に合わせたレッスンをされており、目的に合わせて生徒がのびのび、楽しく音楽ができる工夫や環境作りが日常的にされていることが実際レッスンを受けている身として常に感じられました。 生徒同士・講師の交流の場も多々あり(もちろん希望制)、1年の中で普通ではなかなか体験できないイベントなど盛り沢山です。 個人的にこちらの教室には本当にお世話になり、歌唱指導に留まらずオーディションの相談等、担当講師以外の講師の方にまでご意見を頂戴出来たり、本当に親身になって接して頂き感謝しかありません。 実際こちらの教室に通って、自分の歌に自信が持てるようになって、誰かに歌声を聴いてもらえる機会が増えました。 自分が真剣に向き合えば向き合っただけ、同じように講師の方が向き合ってくれたおかげです。 "音楽は楽しいもの。" 教室に通っている生徒の皆さんはみんないつも笑顔です。 きっとそれは先生達が私達に楽しい音楽を教えてくれているからです。 本当にありがとうございます。 一個人の投稿ではありますが、1歩踏み出すのを迷っている方の参考に少しでもなれたら幸いです。
I like singing and have changed vocal classes since I was a teenager. Museport vocal class was the best one among several vocal classes. Although it is subjective, I think that it is a dantotsu near Kamiooka. The lessons are tailored to each student, and it has always been felt that students are taking the lessons according to their purpose, and that they are making daily efforts to create music and create an environment where they can enjoy music. . There are many opportunities for interaction between students and instructors (of course, a hope system), and there are plenty of events that you can't usually experience in a year. Personally, I would like to thank you for taking care of this class and being able to receive opinions from instructors other than the instructor, such as audition consultations, etc. . In fact, when I went to this classroom, I became more confident in my song and I had more opportunities for someone to listen to it. Thanks to the instructors who faced each other in the same way as they faced each other seriously. "Music is fun" All students attending the classroom are always smiling. Surely it is because the teachers teach us fun music. thank you very much. Although it is an individual post, I would be happy if I could use it as a reference for those who are unsure of taking one step.
マーチン on Google

It's been four years since I learned vocals at Muse. It is a flow to work on the assignment song after carefully practicing vocalization every time. It is a full-fledged voice training class, unlike a karaoke class that simply teaches how to sing music. Online lessons with zoom started soon after the corona turmoil began, but it is very convenient to take lessons while staying at home. It's fun because all the teachers are bright and cheerful women.
白玉わさび on Google

独学で発声であったり高音の練習をしている方も多いと思いますが、やはり第三者から見てもらいアドバイスがもらえるというのはとても有用だと、通っていて日々思うようになりました。 私は地声が低いためポピュラーな歌を中々歌えずに悔しく思っていましたが、先生のアドバイスを受けて、今ではまだ改善点はあるにしろ少しづつ高音が出るようになってきており、歌う楽しさを思い出させてくれました。 教室、インストラクターの方々、社長さんも暖かい雰囲気で居心地よく、また話しやすくもあるので、もし入会を迷っている方がいらっしゃったら、百聞は一見に如かず!気軽に体験レッスンを受けるのもおすすめです。
I think that there are many people who are self-taught and are practicing vocalization and treble, but I have come to think that it is very useful to get advice from a third party every day. .. I was frustrated that I couldn't sing popular songs because of my low voice, but with the advice of my teacher, I'm starting to get high notes little by little, although there are still some improvements. It reminded me of the fun of singing. The classrooms, instructors, and the president are also comfortable in a warm atmosphere, and it is easy to talk to, so if anyone is wondering about joining, seeing is believing! Feel free to take a trial lesson.
椿ヨッシー on Google

I joined after being recommended by a friend. I really enjoyed taking lessons, and I've been able to speak out for the past year. Recommended for those who want to be able to sing as they wish.
Yoshi Tam on Google

It's been three years since I started taking care of this classroom, and I've been enjoying it in a cozy atmosphere. Recently, I feel like I've been able to get the correct pitch.
エリオ on Google

ミューズポートボーカル教室に通って15年経ちます。 最初の頃は声が出なかったキーがありましたがだんだんと出せるようになり今では昔の自分より迫力のある歌声が出せるようになりました。 お店で何か注文するときも声が通るようになりスタッフの方が直ぐに駆けつけてもらえるほど発声もよくなりました。 この先生とちょっと相性悪くなってきたなーと思った時も相談すれば違う先生に変更してもらえたので今の先生とは笑いあり悩みも聞いてもらえる程関係は良好でレッスンを楽しんでいます♪ これからもこのスクールには通い続けたいので今後も宜しくお願いします!!
It's been 15 years since I attended the Muse Port Vocal Class. At the beginning, there was a key that I couldn't make a voice, but gradually I can make it, and now I can make a more powerful singing voice than I used to be. When I ordered something at the store, I was able to hear the voice, and the staff was able to rush to me immediately. Even when I thought that it was a little incompatible with this teacher, I was able to change to a different teacher if I consulted, so I am enjoying the lesson because the relationship is so good that I can laugh and hear my worries with the current teacher. ♪ I would like to continue attending this school, so I look forward to working with you in the future! !!

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