
2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 銀座整形外科

住所 :

Musashi7, 7 Chome−2−4, Ginza, Chuo City, 〒104-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://ginzaseikei.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–1PM
Tuesday 10AM–1PM
Wednesday 10AM–1PM
Thursday 10AM–1PM
Friday 10AM–1PM
街 : Tokyo

Musashi7, 7 Chome−2−4, Ginza, Chuo City, 〒104-0061 Tokyo,Japan
honney on Google

予約しても1時間待ちはザラです。 予約の意味がありません。 また、半年ほど通いましたが良くならず、それなのに治療方針も変えずだったので通うのをやめました。 常に混んでいるので、合う方は合うのかと。
Even if you make a reservation, waiting for an hour is Zara. There is no point in making a reservation. In addition, I went to the hospital for about half a year, but it didn't improve. It's always crowded, so I wonder if the one who fits will fit.
Horiuchi Fumi on Google

他の方も書いているように、予約時間から1時間半以上経過しても診察してもらえませんでした。 予約、という概念を理解されていないのかもしれません。首がさらに悪化しました。 診察自体は良いと思いますが、特筆することではない&上記のようにオペレーションが相当に悪いので、他のクリニックで診察されることを強くおすすめします。
As others have written, I wasn't able to see him even after more than an hour and a half had passed since the appointment time. You may not understand the concept of booking. My neck got worse. I think the examination itself is good, but it's not something to mention & the operation is quite bad as mentioned above, so it is highly recommended to see it at another clinic.
zo zu on Google

As others say, waiting times are often long even if you make a reservation. Personally, I don't care so much because I can read and work in that time. The examination is polite, and the pain in my neck, which I have been suffering from for many years, is improving. I will continue to attend.
k k on Google

スタッフの方が非常に優しく接してくれました。 コルセットをしていったのですが、サポートする力が弱っているのも気づいてくれました。 診察の際は先生が難しい説明をしている時に看護師さんが模型を使って分かりやすく説明してくれました。
The staff was very kind to me. I was wearing a corset, but he also noticed that his support was weak. At the time of the examination, the nurse explained in an easy-to-understand manner using a model when the teacher gave a difficult explanation.
もずさん on Google

客への扱いのひどいこと、問診票を書いたらもってきてだったりされて当たり前だとおもっている。 先生もタメ口なの謎
I take it for granted that the treatment of customers is terrible, and that I was asked to write a questionnaire. The mystery that the teacher is also a tame mouth
Yuki S on Google

検索したら評判が良さそうだったので伺いました。 レントゲン7〜8枚撮って、待ち時間にスマホを見ていたらレントゲンを撮った方が姿勢を注意して下さったので、良い病院なのかと思っていました。 ただ問診してくれた先生の説明が不明瞭、ヒアルロン酸注射されて、断ったのに無理矢理に首コルセット渡されて、MRIをするよう言われました。 あまりお金を持って来ていない、と言ったらMRIは別日でも良いと言われたんですが、なぜか紹介状代を先に取られました。コレは普通なんでしょうか?
When I searched, it seemed to have a good reputation, so I asked. I took 7 to 8 roentgens, and when I was looking at my smartphone while I was waiting, the person who took the roentgens paid attention to my posture, so I thought it was a good hospital. However, the explanation of the teacher who asked me was unclear, and I was injected with hyaluronic acid, and even though I refused, I was forced to hand over my neck corset and was told to do an MRI. When I said that I didn't bring much money, I was told that MRI could be done on another day, but for some reason I got a letter of introduction first. Is this normal?
ken nak on Google

肩から腕の痛み・痺れ等の症状があったため、他の病院で頭部と頸部のMRIを撮ってもらったところ、ストレートネックで、頚椎に問題があると指摘されました。その病院が遠距離であったため評判の良さそうなこのクリニックで治療していただくことにしました。 治療を始めてみると、画像診断により当初の病院では指摘の無かった問題個所も見つけて頂き、良い先生だなと思いました。現在は、治療計画に基づいた投薬・注射を継続しており、首コルセットも可能な限り装着を続けています。 この病気は先生と患者が一緒になって直していく病気だと励まされつつ、良い姿勢を保つように意識できているからなのか、おかげさまで症状は改善傾向が続いています。 他の方も仰っていますが、人気のあるクリニックで予約される患者数もめいっぱい入っているようなので、予約しても待ち時間が長くなってしまうことがありますが、大体の待ち時間を教えて頂けますので、銀座界隈を散歩して待つようにしています。
I had symptoms such as pain and numbness in my shoulders and arms, so when I had an MRI of my head and neck taken at another hospital, it was pointed out that I had a straight neck and had a problem with my cervical spine. Since the hospital was far away, I decided to have it treated at this clinic, which seems to have a good reputation. When I started the treatment, I was able to find some problems that were not pointed out at the original hospital by diagnostic imaging, and I thought he was a good teacher. Currently, I am continuing to take medications and injections based on the treatment plan, and I continue to wear neck corsets as much as possible. The symptom continues to improve, probably because the teacher and the patient are encouraged to fix this illness together and are conscious of maintaining a good posture. As others have said, it seems that the number of patients booked at popular clinics is full, so even if you make a reservation, the waiting time may be long, but please tell me the approximate waiting time. Since you can get it, I try to take a walk around Ginza and wait.
寛文鹿嶋 on Google

診察やスタッフの方はとても丁寧だが、待合室はいつも混雑しており、また、換気が不十分。 コロナ禍で不安を感じる。
The doctors and staff are very polite, but the waiting room is always crowded and the ventilation is inadequate. I feel uneasy because of the corona.

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