紫山中央公園 壁泉

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 紫山中央公園 壁泉

住所 :

Murasakiyama, Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3205 Miyagi,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Miyagi

Murasakiyama, Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3205 Miyagi,Japan
_キシル(キシル) on Google

It is a good waterfall that is also useful for supplying water in the event of an earthquake.
古川一明 on Google

A spacious and enjoyable park with playground equipment.
M Y. on Google

とても、良い散歩コースになります。 春や秋には、とても良い散歩コースです。
It will be a very good walk course. It is a very nice walk course in spring and autumn.
自然の中のタブレ on Google

キレイってわけでは無いですがトイレある、公園利用者用の駐車場ある。混んでいる時はいっぱいです。遠足なのか幼稚園児の集団が春頃にはいたり、、白衣を着た人の前に犬連れの人が並んでる姿とかありました。 追記H 30/ 1年ぶりに又近くに来たので行ってみたら、車椅子用も男トイレも故障中で小便器も詰まってるのか水流すと溜まります。 いつ直るのか分からないので、 大トイレで急いでる方は別な所へ行った方が良いです。
It's not clean, but there is a toilet and a parking lot for park users. It's full when it's crowded. Perhaps it was an excursion, there was a group of kindergarten children in the spring, and there were people with dogs lined up in front of people in white coats. Postscript H 30 / I came to the neighborhood again for the first time in a year, so when I went there, the wheelchair and the men's toilet were out of order, and the urinals were clogged. I don't know when it will be fixed, so Those who are in a hurry in the large toilet should go to another place.
やまだ太郎 on Google

夏場の水遊びにオススメです。 穴場なので(管理状態)水質が若干気になります。 水深も水遊びにやや深めかな? 1才児、2才児はちょっと危ないかも。
Recommended for playing in the water in the summer. Since it is a little-known spot (managed state), the water quality is a little worrisome. Is the water depth a little deeper for playing in the water? 1-year-old and 2-year-old children may be a little dangerous.
papa papapapa on Google

綺麗に整備されています 冬場は水が止められてますが 雪景色も綺麗にです
It is in good condition Although the water is stopped in winter The snow scene is also beautiful
菊地和男 on Google

公園の遊具を写真撮影して帰宅して約2時間後、私服警官2名が訪ねて来ました。私の車のナンバーを110番通報してきたそうです。 「グーグルマップに投稿する写真を撮りに行った」と言ったら、それ以上聞かれませんでした。 50過ぎのジジイが一人で立ち寄るところではないですけど、何だか世知辛いですね。遊具施設から駐車場までわざわざ私の後をつけてきた?…。声かけもせず110番って何なんだろう?。 グーグルマップに投稿されている遊具施設の写真が下手すぎるので、新緑撮影のついでに立ち寄ったが、面白い経験でした。 初めて本物の警官の身分証を見ましたが、テレビで見るものより、正直なところ、ピカピカしていなくてショボかったです。 肝心の紫山公園は、時間的には明るかったのですが、日差しが西に傾いていて、自分の影が写真に入り、よろしくなかったです。 2017年6月23日(金) 午前中の公園の遊具を撮影しようと訪れたら、壁泉から水が出ていて撮影してきました。
Approximately two hours after taking photos of the playground equipment in the park and returning home, two plainclothes policemen came. He reportedly reported my car number 110. When I said "I went to take a picture to post on Google Maps", I wasn't asked any more. Jijii, who is over 50, isn't the only place to stop by, but it's somewhat hard to see. Have you been following me from the playground facilities to the parking lot? …. What is the 110th without calling out? . The picture of the playground equipment posted on the Google Map was too bad, so I stopped by while taking a picture of fresh green, but it was an interesting experience. For the first time, I saw the identity of a real police officer, but honestly, it was not shiny and shy than what I saw on TV. The important point of Shizan Park was bright in time, but the sun was leaning west, and my shadow was in the picture, which was not good. June 23, 2017 (Fri) When I came to shoot the playground equipment at the park in the morning, the water came out from the wall spring and I started shooting.
Aki Hiratsuka on Google

子どもと遊ぶには広くて最適な公園です。 ボールやソリを持っていけば長時間遊べます。 公園利用者の駐車場もあり、20台くらいは停められるようです。 遊具もありますが、行ったときはローラー滑り台が改修の為に使用禁止で残念でした。遊具からトイレまで距離があるので、遊具側にもトイレがあるといいかと思います。
It is a large and ideal park for playing with children. You can play for a long time if you bring a ball or sled. There is also a parking lot for park users, and it seems that about 20 cars can be parked. There are playsets, but when I went there, it was a pity that the roller slide was prohibited for repair. Since there is a distance from the playset to the toilet, I think it would be nice to have a toilet on the playset side as well.

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