婚活・結婚相談所 アクア・マースト - Toyohashi

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Contact 婚活・結婚相談所 アクア・マースト

住所 :

Mukaiyamaoikecho, Toyohashi, 〒440-0862 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 440-0862
Webサイト : https://www.toyohashi.merst.com/
街 : Aichi

Mukaiyamaoikecho, Toyohashi, 〒440-0862 Aichi,Japan
hiro maeda on Google

The counseling offices here are quick to respond, good at creating profiles, and have joined many federations, so you can arrange matchmaking. I think it's important that you can get a good match. Also, if things go wrong, we will discuss motivated members, such as refreshing meetings, etc., as to what went wrong, and guide us to the next direction. There is a mechanism that does not frustrate marriage. After all, there is also a compatibility between advisors and members. I was motivated and thought that anybody who could consult anything could get married. I thought it was a counselor's office with a mechanism to get married.
Keigo Kamibayashi on Google

無事に昨年末(2018年12月)成婚退会しました。  お見合いした件数は優に70件を超えていたと思いますが、自分のスケジュールが限られていた為、一度、午前10時、午後1時、午後3時半、午後5時半みたいな感じで組んでいただいた事があったのですが、上手にセッティングをしていただき、無理なくお見合いする事ができました。 途中からお見合い数日前と前日のリマインダーメール、お見合い終了時に自動で送信されてくるお見合い結果記入フォームのシステムが導入されたのですが、こちらも便利でした。 自分の場合はそれなりの予算を組んで臨んでいましたので、色々な結婚相談所さんとお話をして担当者さんの人柄で依頼先を決めました。 自分の結婚相談所選びの基準は、1.対応が早い 2.適当なこと(思ってもいないこと)をいわない、3.怒らずに気長に付き合ってくれる の3点だったので、大手結婚相談所(担当者さんのノルマがあるのかな?)は最初の段階で選考から外れました。 自分は恋愛相談は必要としなかったのですが、アクアマーストさんは返信が早いのと、お見合いの段取り・セッティングを組むのが上手く、アイディアを出したら前向きに背中を押してくれます。 また、70件を超えるお見合いをしたにもかかわらず、以前の出来事も良く記憶していただいていました。  本当に気長に付き合っていただき、感謝しています。
I was successfully married and withdrawn at the end of last year (December 2018). I think that the number of matches was well over 70, but because my schedule was limited, it was like 10 am, 1 pm, 3:30 pm, 5:30 pm I had you assemble it, but I had you set it well and I was able to match it without difficulty. A reminder email a few days before and the day before the matchmaking, and a matchmaking result entry form system that was automatically sent at the end of the matchmaking were introduced from the middle, but this was also convenient. In my case, I had a reasonable budget, so I talked with various dating agencies and decided the request destination based on the personality of the person in charge. The criteria for choosing your own dating agency are 1. The response was quick 2. I didn't say anything appropriate (unexpected), 3. I was patient without getting angry, so I wonder if there is a quota for a major dating agency (the person in charge). ?) Was excluded from the selection at the first stage. I didn't need a love affair, but Aquamerst responded quickly, and he was good at setting up and setting up a matchmaking, and when he came up with an idea, he pushed his back positively. Although we had more than 70 matchmaking, he remembered the previous events well. Thank you for being patient with me.
Studio Nagoyamoon on Google

こちらの相談所で成婚退会しました。 すごくお勧めです。 なぜなら ・代表の市原さんは、熱心で誠実、とても親身になって下さり、安心して活動できました。 ・メール等で、疑問や相談に丁寧で的確なアドバイスをいただけました。 ・写真撮影からプロフィール作成、お見合いのアレンジや先方相談所とのやりとりに至るまで、いつも迅速/確実に対応していただきました。 自分の友人知人にもし興味があれば、ぜひこちらの相談所を勧めたいです。
I lost my marriage at this office. I highly recommend it. Because ・ Mr. Ichihara, the representative, was enthusiastic, sincere, and very kind, and I was able to work with peace of mind. ・ We received polite and accurate advice for questions and consultations by e-mail. -From taking photos to creating profiles, arranging arrangements and interacting with the consulting office of the person in question, we always have a prompt and reliable response. If you are interested in your friends or acquaintances, I would definitely recommend this consultation center.
Yuu Aaa on Google

アクアマーストでは、ベテランの市原さんが会員全員のお世話を手厚く親身にしてくださるので、とても安心です。 「誰でもいいから成婚させよう」ではなく、きちんと一人一人に向き合い、「納得のいく人と成婚」できるよう、全力でサポートしてくださいます。 私は成婚に至るまで、何度も辛い思いをしましたが その度に市原さんが「大丈夫、前進ですね!」と明るく声をかけてくださり、ポジティブに婚活を進めることができました。 そして今の主人との交際中も、相談する度に極め細やかなアドバイスをいただき、そのお陰で出会いから4ヶ月で成婚することができました。 恋愛は一人で悩んでいるとドツボにはまってしまうことがありましたが、プロの市原さんから「結婚生活において大切なこと」を念頭に置いたアドバイスをいただけたのは、とてもありがたかったです。成婚後も家族のような温かな繋がりがとてもありがたいです。 一生のお相手に出会えるのなら、 この一時期は思い切ってお金をかけて、アクアマーストで活動することをオススメします!
At Aqua Marst, veteran Mr. Ichihara will take good care of all the members, so I am very relieved. Instead of "let's get married because anyone can do it", please face each person properly and support us so that we can "marry with a convincing person". I had a lot of pain until I got married, but every time Ichihara-san cheerfully said, "It's okay, it's a step forward!", I was able to promote the marriage activity positively. .. And even while I was dating my husband, I received extremely detailed advice every time I consulted, and thanks to that, I was able to get married four months after the encounter. When I was worried about romance alone, I sometimes got stuck in a jar, but I was very grateful that Mr. Ichihara, a professional, gave me advice with "important things in my marriage" in mind. Even after getting married, I am very grateful for the warm connection like a family. If you can meet a lifelong partner We recommend that you take the plunge and spend some money during this period to work at Aquamast!
Keiko on Google

アクアマーストの代表市原さんには本当にお世話になりありがとうございます。 海外在住者へのサポートが厚いということで入会を決めたのですが、(そもそも女性の海外在住者に対して登録を受け付けていない業者さんも多かったり、別途のサポート体制のない業者さんばかりで苦労しました)本当に帰国時にいくつものお見合いを段取り良く設定して下さってスムーズにお見合いが出来ました。1日3件お見合いはざらでした。 しかし、道のりは遠く厳しく、、女性で長期海外在住、経営者、50代という壁は高く大きく、婚活は迷走を続けておりました。 そんな中でもいつも励まし、応援し、定期的にお声掛け頂いて、プロフィールの見直し、対象相手の選び方なども色々なタイミングでアドバイス頂き、プロとしての目でそういうサポートを頂けたのは心強かったです。 最終的にはコロナで長期帰国することになり日本で婚活に本腰を入れることになり、状況変化に合わせて婚活の仕方もアドバイス頂き、出会いから1か月半で本交際に入り4か月後には入籍となりました。(私的には夫婦別姓法案が可決されるまで入籍はしなくても良かったのですがお相手の希望でそうなりました)。結果的には丸々2年全力で頑張った感じです。とても長く感じました。とにかく1人の人と出会えたら良いのだからとおっしゃる市原さんの言葉を信じて頑張って来て良かったと思います。ずっと迷走を続けていて一体これで本当に自分に合う人がいるのだろうかと落ち込んだ時期もありましたが会員さんは日々更新(新規入会)している訳なので気を取り直して頑張り続けました。落ち込んだ時は(他の否定的な人より)市原さんに相談にのってもらうのはとても良いと思います。 今は本当に良い方に出会えたと思いますし、とても楽しく、二人で更に成長していける環境だと感じています。幸せを満喫しています♪ お取引先の女性社長さんも私に感化されて入会されています。 アクアマーストで1人でも多くの人が幸せをつかんでいけることを応援しております!本気の婚活したい方には本当にお薦めです。
Thank you very much to Mr. Ichihara, the representative of Aqua Marst. I decided to join because of the strong support for overseas residents (many of the companies do not accept registration for female overseas residents in the first place, and there are only companies that do not have a separate support system. (I had a hard time) When I returned to Japan, I was able to set up a number of matchmaking arrangements and make a smooth matchmaking. The matchmaking was rough three times a day. However, the road was far and tough, and the barriers of being a female, living overseas for a long time, a business owner, and in her 50s were high and big, and the marriage activity continued to stray. Even so, it was encouraging to receive such support from a professional perspective, always encouraging, cheering, and regularly speaking out, reviewing my profile, and giving me advice on how to select a target partner at various times. Eventually, I will return to Japan for a long time in Corona, and I will be serious about marriage activities in Japan. I was enrolled a month later. (Personally, I didn't have to enroll until the couple's surname bill was passed, but it happened at the request of the other party). As a result, I feel like I've done my best for two years. I felt it for a very long time. Anyway, I'm glad I believed in Mr. Ichihara's words that I wish I could meet one person and did my best. There was a time when I was wondering if there was a person who really suits me because I had been straying all the time, but since the members are renewing (new enrollment) every day, I regained my mind and continued to do my best. When I'm depressed, I think it's very good to ask Mr. Ichihara for consultation (than other negative people). I think I've met a really good person now, and I feel that it's a lot of fun and an environment where we can grow further together. Enjoying happiness ♪ The female president of our business partner was also inspired by me and joined. We support as many people as possible to get happiness at Aqua Marst! It is really recommended for those who really want to get married.
こいじあいこ on Google

代表の市原さん他スタッフの皆様が本当に親切で温かく優しく、何より会員の身になって親身に考えてくださり、会員が交際中、迷いや悩みをできるだけ持たずに、先に進んでいけるようアドバイス、コメントを頂けたことを感謝しています。例えば交際中の相手について、この先どうしようか迷っていると、市原さんに的確な正しい判断をしてもらえて、とても気持ちが楽になって、スッキリと決心ができて、また前向きに先に進むことができました。このような正しい判断を度々いただけたからこそ、無駄な交際を続けずに、効率良く婚活が進められて、自分にふさわしい相手と出会えたことと思います。入会前から最後まで本当に様々な面で細かなところまで親身になってお世話していただき、良心的な温かい心でアドバイスして頂きました、婚活において、市原さんは私の親のようであり、良き指導者でした。会員のことを第一に考えた親切親身な温かいサポートをしていただきました。 アクアマーストの素晴らしいところは、事務所の繁栄のことは考えておられず、良心的な心で会員ことを第一に考えてくれて、お見合い交際を親身なお世話で進めてくださり、適切なアドバイスをしていただき、会員さんの要望に応えてくれます。会員さんに信頼されるアクアマーストだから、今のままのアクアさんで、人々はどんどん集まってきて、最も信頼、期待される相談所に発展し、さらに大きくなっていくと思います。
Mr. Ichihara, the representative, and all the staff are really kind, warm and kind, and above all, they are kind enough to be members and give advice so that members can move forward without any hesitation or worries while dating. , Thank you for your comment. For example, if you are wondering what to do about the person you are dating, Ichihara-san will make an accurate and correct decision, which will make you feel very comfortable, make a clear decision, and move forward again. Is done. I think that it was because I was able to make such correct decisions so often that I was able to efficiently promote marriage activities and meet the right person for me without continuing unnecessary dating. From before joining to the end, I was kind enough to take care of every detail in various aspects, and gave me advice with a conscientious and warm heart. Mr. Ichihara is like my parent in marriage activities. Was a good leader. We received warm and kind support that puts the members first. The great thing about Aqua Marst is that it doesn't think about the prosperity of the office, it puts the members first with a conscientious heart, and it is appropriate to proceed with the matchmaking relationship with kind care. We will give you a lot of advice and respond to the requests of our members. Since it is an aqua mast that is trusted by its members, I think that with Aqua as it is, people will gather more and more, develop into the most trusted and expected counseling center, and grow even larger.
neko biyori on Google

I have made inquiries to several major counseling offices so far, but it was the community-based aquamast that I arrived at because there were sales-like areas and it was difficult to consult with my relatives. Most of the phone calls were sent by e-mail when I was really in trouble, but it was really encouraging for me to think seriously about what I said and to consult with me. It's a phone call. Thanks to all the staff at Aqua Marst, I was able to have such a fun marriage. It wasn't so rugged, but even so, it was just a response that conveys the feelings of the staff, "I want you to get married and be happy." I'm really thankful to you!
hana koyori on Google

2ヵ所の大手の結婚相談所に4-5年お世話になりましたが、残念ながらこれといった成果も得られず退会しました。その後、大手ではなく地域の相談所で活動しようと思い至り、アクア・マーストに辿り着きました。 初回の面接から、婚活のプロセスや、心構えなど、私のパーソナリティなども踏まえたアドバイスを受けました。活動内容はIBJやbiuといったサイトで相手探し、相談所からの地元・近隣地域の方の紹介となります。色々な方と出会うことが出来て、最も濃い婚活期間でした。とにかく、大手と比べて相談所とのコンタクトが多く、非常に相談しやすいです。相談せざるを得ないと感じることもあるくらいです。おかげさまで相談所に入会して1年ちょっとで婚約できました。婚約指輪の買い方、両家への挨拶の調整、結納式場の紹介もしてもらって、円滑に結婚式までの道を辿ることが出来ました。 結局のところ、どこの相談所で活動してもIBJなどのサイトに登録して相手を探すという点では、どこも同じ方法をとることになります。そのため相談所を選ぶ際にはそれ以外の+αで考えると良いと思います。アクア・マーストでは相談員さん個人の力が得られやすく、その後押しはとてもパワフルかつ積極的です。婚活に迷いや閉塞感を感じている方は是非相談してみるといいと思います。
I have been indebted to two major dating agencies for 4-5 years, but unfortunately I couldn't get any results like this and withdrew. After that, I decided to work at a local counseling office instead of a major company, and arrived at Aqua Marst. From the first interview, I received advice based on my personality, such as the marriage process and attitude. The content of the activity will be searched for a partner on sites such as IBJ and biu, and the counseling agency will introduce local and neighboring people. I was able to meet various people and it was the strongest marriage period. Anyway, there are more contacts with counseling offices than major companies, so it is very easy to consult. Sometimes I feel like I have to consult. Thanks to you, I joined the counseling office and was engaged in a little over a year. I was able to smoothly follow the path to the wedding ceremony by being introduced to how to buy an engagement ring, adjusting greetings to both families, and introducing the wedding ceremony hall. After all, no matter where you work at the counseling office, you will use the same method everywhere in terms of registering on a site such as IBJ and searching for a partner. Therefore, when choosing a counseling center, I think it is better to think about other + α. At Aqua Marst, it is easy to obtain the individual power of the counselor, and the support is very powerful and positive. If you are uncertain about your marriage or have a feeling of blockage, please feel free to contact us.

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