MUJI Aeon Mall Ageo Store - Ageo

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MUJI Aeon Mall Ageo Store

住所 :

イオンモール上尾 1F 3 Chome-8-1 Atago, Ageo, Saitama 362-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887888
Postal code : 362-0034
Webサイト :
Description : Minimalist Japanese retailer with a wide range of generic products, including apparel & home goods.

イオンモール上尾 1F 3 Chome-8-1 Atago, Ageo, Saitama 362-0034, Japan
terra zzo on Google

無印良品の店舗では今まで見たなかで 圧倒的に一番広い! 通路も広々でお子さん連れでも買い物しやすく商品も見易いです。 富士見のららぽーとの無印良品とは真逆のタイプでしょう。 商品の在庫も圧巻で無印良品が好きな方にはワクワクする店舗だと思います。
I've never seen a MUJI store Overwhelmingly the widest! The aisles are wide and it is easy to shop with children and see the products. It's the exact opposite of Fujimi's LaLaport MUJI. The inventory of products is overwhelming, and I think it is an exciting store for those who like MUJI.
城栄治 on Google

This store was a lot easier as it moved from Benibana Walk. Thank you for your continued support.
芳子長内 on Google

I really like MUJI ~ ? Before ➰ I used to go to MUJI in Ginza a lot, but ➰ I have less chance to go to Corona ➰ I enjoy it nearby ~ I love cotton fabrics ? This time ➰ I also bought gimbap I saw ❗ a little more ➰ I wonder if I wanted sesame oil taste ~
yasuko Horii on Google

The space between the product shelves is wide, making it easy to shop. It's easy to find what you're looking for because clothing, interior goods, and food are organized in an easy-to-understand manner.
尾形哲志 on Google

It is a wide-ranging MUJI product with a wide selection.
colo sol on Google

Food was also available, and clothing and miscellaneous goods were also available. I think it is a recommended store for those who like it.
こなみんゆきこ on Google

無印の中でも比較的大きく、品ぞろえも良いお店です。雰囲気も良いです。 あの駐車場さえなければ。 イオンモールの駐車場は、他の車にぶつかりそうなくらい狭く酷いので、他のお店で我慢しようと思っています。
It is a relatively large shop even in MUJI and has a good selection of items. The atmosphere is also good. Without that parking lot. The parking lot of AEON MALL is so small and terrible that it might hit another car, so I'm thinking of putting up with it at another store.
on Google

2021.9.26 14時頃訪問 品揃えが豊富でうっとりしてしまいます。 衣料品コーナーや寝具コーナーは値下げが始まっていました。 レジ近くには賞味期限が近いものをお安く売っています。 セルフレジが2台あり、袋も無料でいただけます。 トレンカを買おうとして、セルフレジに行ったら500円でびっくりしました。 店員さんに言えば途中まで打ったレジの取り消しもしてくれます。 トレンカ好きなので3着買いました。
2021.9.26 Visit around 14:00 The assortment is abundant and you will be fascinated. Price cuts have begun in the clothing and bedding corners. We sell cheap items near the cash register that are close to the expiration date. There are two self-checkouts, and you can get a bag for free. When I went to the self-checkout to buy a stirrup trouser, I was surprised at 500 yen. Speaking to the clerk, he will also cancel the cash register that was hit halfway. I like stirrup trousers so I bought 3 of them.

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