|MR.BOND|ミスターボンド| - Kobe

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact |MR.BOND|ミスターボンド|

住所 :

Motomachikokadori, Chuo Ward, Kobe, 〒650-0014 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 650-0014
Webサイト : https://www.bond1947.com/
街 : Hyogo

Motomachikokadori, Chuo Ward, Kobe, 〒650-0014 Hyogo,Japan
横家政志 on Google

Naoki Taniguchi on Google

I've been going there for nearly 30 years, but it's a good place to come anytime
西村俊一 on Google

Second-generation store owner, a lot of special goods ❗ I bought a British tie and socks ?
南たかし on Google

Although it is a small store, I admire it every time I bother you that the product lineup of wear and goods of trad and heavy duty series (what to place and what not to put) is considerable.
桑原和夫 on Google

Since the days of my grandfather, the products have been certain.
船岡建勲 on Google

20年ほど前でしょうか・・ ふらっと立ち寄ったところ、「レッドウィングのスエードペコス」を勧めていただき、一目惚れして衝動買いしました。 今でも大切に履いています。 神戸の「通」なオシャレさんが通うお店ですね。
About 20 years ago ... When I stopped by, I recommended "Red Wing Suede Pecos" and fell in love with it at a glance and bought an impulse. I still wear it carefully. It is a store where Kobe's fashionable fashionable people go.
Nosa Tess on Google

ボンドは青春時代の思い出のお店ですね 50年以上前ですが・・ オヤジさんがオシャレでびっくりでしたね 今はなき千林のイリエのご主人と良く行きましたね 初めて買ったのがインディアンモカシンでしたね 息子さんが今も頑張っておられるようで・・久しぶりに訪問したいですね 写真は17年前に行った時です
Bond is a store of memories of youth, more than 50 years ago ... I was surprised that the old man was fashionable. I often went with the owner of Irie, who is now absent Senbayashi. The first time I bought it was Indian moccasins. It seems that my son is still working hard ... I want to visit him for the first time in a while. The picture is when I went 17 years ago
Dilla Mania on Google

real things.

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