Mount Omuro Asama Shrine - Itō

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mount Omuro Asama Shrine

住所 :

Futo, Itō, Shizuoka 413-0231, Japan

Postal code : 413-0231

Futo, Itō, Shizuoka 413-0231, Japan
osamu ogawa on Google

The crater is large enough to tell you the magnitude of the eruption, and you can go around the crater, so you'll get tired, but please take a look around while enjoying the spectacular scenery.
Shintaro Sano on Google

Since the passage was narrow and the round-trip road was steep, there were no tourists worshiping too much.
まるまる on Google

It takes about 20 minutes to go around! A cool time is recommended!
tambourine on Google

イワナガヒメはどんな気持ちだったのかなぁと思いを馳せて。 火口廻りもして、気分スッキリです。
I wondered what Iwanagahime was like. I feel refreshed around the crater.
K on Google

The shimenawa was being exchanged. (2021.12.25)
Kyon Adachi on Google

雲見浅間神社とセットの浅間神社 リフトに乗らないと行けない。 お地蔵さまたちのお出迎えもあり、富士山、房総半島、三浦半島 南アルプス すっごい景色も付いてくる。 小さな祠の隣に過保護のようにあります。 すり鉢を降りて行くのも社を護る位置なのかな?
Asama Shrine set with Kumomi Sengen Shrine You can't go without getting on the lift. Mt. Fuji, Boso Peninsula, Miura Peninsula with the welcome of Jizo The Southern Alps also comes with a great view. Next to a small shrine is like overprotection. Is it a position to protect the company to go down the mortar?
Image Creation Studio on Google

Immediately after getting off the lift station, there is a road to the crater on your left, from which you can go to the shrine.
えこてらす on Google

大室山山頂から火口へ降りていく道中にある神社です。大室山リフトに乗らないと参拝できません。 参道は結構な勾配の階段で、火口へ向かって降りていく体験はなかなかできない貴重なものだと思います。
This shrine is in the journey from Omuro summit go down to the crater. Omuro can not worship and not ride the lift. The approach in the staircase of quite a slope, experience going down toward the crater is I think something valuable that can not be easily.

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