
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MotoShop三笠

住所 :

Yachiyodaikita, Yachiyo, 〒276-0031 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879898
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Yachiyodaikita, Yachiyo, 〒276-0031 Chiba,Japan
上様 on Google

まさに上から目線。 馴れ馴れしくてサイテー。 もっとお客さん一人一人を大事にした方がいい。 特に常連客を。 やることなすことが遅すぎる。 対応が本当に悪い。 嘘はつくし、約束も守らないし。
Just looking from above. Familiar and fit. You should take good care of each and every customer. Especially for regular customers. Too late to do. Correspondence is really bad. I lie and I don't keep my promise.
Katsushi on Google

とても気さくな良い感じな店主さん 他店で購入したバイクの故障も 嫌な顔など一切無しで 色々な相談にも対応して頂けるお店です 忙しい店主さんなので 納期など、余り無理を言わないように 余裕をもって行きましょう
A very friendly and good owner If a motorcycle purchased at another store is out of order Without any nasty faces It is a shop that can handle various consultations I'm a busy shopkeeper Don't overdo the delivery Let's go with a margin
斎龍 on Google

I run shops in various places, but unlike other places, I carefully repair used motorcycles bought elsewhere, the atmosphere is outstanding and I like it more I have a little thought that I should find this place early, but there is no other place here. I think I should introduce it to my friends so that I can feel good feeling and personality.
川野直輝 on Google

いつもお世話になってるバイク屋さんです。 最初は原付からでその後は400ccや大型も購入させてもらいました。 バイクも探して欲しいと言うと真剣に探してきてくれます。 修理の相談も、絶対にダメとかそこは後でも大丈夫とか判断してくれます。 カスタムとかもこっちのパーツの方がいいよとかもアドバイスしてくれます。 これからも宜しくお願いします。
It is a bike shop that is always taking care of me. At first, I bought a moped, and then I bought a 400cc model and a large model. If you ask them to look for a motorcycle, they will look seriously. Even for consultation on repairs, it will definitely be judged as bad or there is no problem even later. He also advises us that custom parts are better. Thank you for your continued support.
masa taka on Google

I asked for Honda's genuine parts installation (chain slider), but the parts that had to be fitted were not completely fitted, and as a result, it was returned in a state of omission. I didn't do the chain maintenance I asked for. I may be busy, but I want you to do the work you received properly. It's a shame that the response when purchasing the vehicle was good.
hajime kato on Google

プロフェッショナルです。僕が出会った最高のバイク屋さんです。 お忙しいのに神対応。本当に頑張っていらっしゃいます。いじめないであげてください。
I'm a professional. This is the best bike shop I have met. Even though I am busy, I support God. You are really doing your best. Please don't bully me.
Katsu Ishi on Google

知り合いからバイクを購入して、バイクライフを楽しもうと思ってましたがめちゃくちゃ調子悪くてバイクに乗る気にならなくなる程最悪でした。 せっかくバイク買ったので、修理して貰いたく色々なバイク屋を探したら、このバイク屋さんを見つけました。 ちゃんと直るのかなと不安でしたが、さすがプロ❗ 完璧に直してくれました? 値段も安かったし、社長さんも色々とアドバイスをしてくれて本当感謝してます。 また、色々と面倒見て貰うつもりです。 ただ、社長さんの体調が心配です。 仕事も大変かもしれませんが、1日でも早く直して下さい。
I wanted to buy a bike from an acquaintance and enjoy my bike life, but it was so bad that I didn't feel like riding a bike. I bought a motorcycle with much effort, so when I searched for various motorcycle shops that I would like to have repaired, I found this motorcycle shop. I was worried that it would be fixed properly, but as expected it was a professional ❗ He fixed it perfectly ? The price was low, and I am really grateful to the president for giving me various advice. Also, I will take care of you in various ways. However, I am worried about the physical condition of the president. Work may be difficult, but please fix it as soon as possible.
五十嵐直樹 on Google

今年の6月に購入させて頂きました。 初めて電話した際も親身になってこちらの要望を聞いてくれて嬉しかったです。 対応は勿論の事で整備の方もしっかりしてくれ安心出来るショップだと思います。 自宅からはかなり離れていますが、色々と気軽に相談出来る店なので今後もお世話になろうと考えています。
I purchased it in June of this year. When I called for the first time, I was happy to be kind and listen to this request. I think that it is a shop where you can rest assured that the maintenance staff will be solid as well as the correspondence. It's a long way from home, but it's a shop where you can feel free to consult with us, so I'm thinking of taking care of you in the future.

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