美鍼堂 - Kobe

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 美鍼堂

住所 :

Motomachidori, Chuo Ward, Kobe, 〒650-0022 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87989
Postal code : 650-0022
Webサイト : https://www.bishindo.com/
街 : Hyogo

Motomachidori, Chuo Ward, Kobe, 〒650-0022 Hyogo,Japan
須田悠佳 on Google

小顔になりたくて通い始めました。 毎回最初にやる問診で、舌の状態・体の調子などをチェックしてもらって、確かに最近むくみが!とか気付けることが多くて、今では通うのが楽しみになっています。 鍼は初めてで最初は少し怖かったですが、慣れるとクセになるかもしれません。笑
I started going because I wanted to have a small face. Every time I had the first interview, I was asked to check the condition of my tongue, my physical condition, and so on. I often notice it, and now I am looking forward to going there. Acupuncture was my first time and I was a little scared at first, but it may be a habit when I get used to it. Lol
you for on Google

先日は美容鍼とリンパマッサージでお世話になりました。 鍼は痛みなく、鍼されてるのかも分からないくらいでした。 リンパもゴリゴリ刺激の強いイメージを覆す、とても気持ちのよい施術でした。 施術後から全身が温かくなり、夜は久しぶりにぐっすり眠ることができました。 初めてでも安心して利用できる感じなので友人にもぜひ教えようと思います。 また近々伺いますので、よろしくお願いします。
The other day I was taken care of by cosmetic acupuncture and lymph massage. The acupuncture was painless and I didn't even know if it was being acupuncture. Lymph was also a very pleasant treatment that overturned the image of strong stimulation. My whole body became warm after the treatment, and I was able to sleep soundly after a long absence at night. I feel safe to use it for the first time, so I'll definitely tell my friends. Thank you very much for coming soon.
yshie sz on Google

After the treatment, my body is very comfortable and my face is pretty clean! The needle didn't hurt either, and it felt good. The correspondence is polite and I want to use it again!
T U on Google

体にある湿疹で悩んでおり皮膚科の薬を飲んだり塗ったりして対処していたのですが、なかなか治らず神戸や三宮、元町付近で鍼灸院を探して、お伺いしました。 お店自体はこじんまりしているのですが、技は本物です。施術を受けた当日お手洗いに行く回数が増え、翌日には痒みと湿疹が完全に収まりました。鍼は8本しか打っていないのですが、先生曰く湿と熱が溜まっており、それを出すのに効果的なツボに打ったそうです。 先生は日本人と間違うくらい綺麗な日本語をしゃべる中国人の先生で、 他の鍼灸院で施術を受けた時はあまり効果がなかったので違いを先生に聞いた所、先生は日本だけでなく中国でも鍼の勉強をされておられ、中国の方がより多くの症例に合わせた鍼の打ち方があるからかもしれないと教えて頂きました。 体の内側から直して頂けると薬に頼らずに済むので、これからもよろしくお願いします。
I was suffering from eczema on my body and was dealing with it by taking and applying dermatological medicine, but it was hard to heal and I searched for an acupuncture and moxibustion clinic near Kobe, Sannomiya, and Motomachi and visited. The shop itself is small, but the technique is real. The number of times I went to the bathroom on the day of the treatment increased, and the next day, the itch and eczema completely subsided. I only hit 8 acupuncture points, but according to the teacher, the dampness and heat are accumulated, and I hit the acupuncture points that are effective for getting them out. The teacher is a Chinese teacher who speaks beautiful Japanese so much that he is mistaken for a Japanese. When I was treated at another acupuncture clinic, it was not very effective, so when I asked the teacher about the difference, he was studying acupuncture not only in Japan but also in China, and there are more cases in China. I was told that it may be because there is a way to apply acupuncture according to the situation. If you can fix it from the inside of your body, you will not have to rely on medicine, so please continue to support us.
kazune suzuki on Google

何度もお世話になっている大好きな場所です。施術の効果はもちろん、優しく丁寧な対応に癒していただき、施術中に寝てしまうほど最高にリラックスすることができます。 小顔のプログラムでは、顔だけでなく全身が温まり、顔だけでなく身体も心までも軽くなりました。 レディース鍼灸HARISH様、いつもありがとうございます。これからもどうぞよろしくお願いします。
This is a favorite place that has been taken care of many times. Not only the effect of the treatment, but also the gentle and polite treatment will heal you, and you will be able to relax as much as you can to sleep during the treatment. In the small face program, not only the face but the whole body warmed, and not only the face but also the body and mind were lightened. Thank you, ladies' acupuncture moxibustion HARISH. Thank you for your continued support.
y k on Google

夫婦でお世話になってます。 いつも丁寧にカウンセリングして下さり、その日の身体や顔の悩みに合わせて施術して下さいます。 施術後は直ぐにスッキリし、身体が軽くなります! 回数券を追加で購入したので、またお伺いします。
I am indebted to my husband and wife. Please always give careful counseling and perform the treatment according to your physical and facial problems on that day. Immediately after the treatment, you will feel refreshed and your body will become lighter! I bought an additional coupon ticket, so I will visit you again.
東田稚彩 on Google

最初は逆子治療で施術して頂きましたが 施術してすぐに逆子が治りました!! そのあとは肩凝りや腰凝りなど 身体の不調に合わせて治療して頂いていて 毎回ほんとに身体が楽になります! 対応もとても丁寧で安心して通わせて頂いています!
At first, I was treated with breech birth The breech was healed immediately after the treatment! !! After that, stiff shoulders and stiff waist, etc. I have been treated according to my physical condition It really makes you feel better every time! The correspondence is also very polite and I am allowed to go with confidence!
o yuro on Google

鍼は初めてだったので緊張しましたが、痛みも無く気持ちよかったです。 顔のたるみも一回で軽減されて翌日のほうが効果を感じ、肌の張りが感じられました。 こんなに効果を実感できるとは思っていませんでしたので、定期的に続けて行きたいです。
It was my first time to use acupuncture, so I was nervous, but I felt comfortable without any pain. The sagging of the face was alleviated once, and the next day I felt the effect and the skin was tense. I didn't expect to see such an effect, so I would like to continue on a regular basis.

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