南アルプス天然氷 ふわりひめ - Kobe

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 南アルプス天然氷 ふわりひめ

住所 :

Motomachidori, Chuo Ward, Kobe, 〒650-0022 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87887
Postal code : 650-0022
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/fuwarihime.kobe/
街 : Hyogo

Motomachidori, Chuo Ward, Kobe, 〒650-0022 Hyogo,Japan
Kotsumi Chano on Google

It is a shop in front of the station, which can be reached in a few minutes on foot from Hanakuma station. I went there immediately after the opening on weekdays, but there was only one couple of vacant customers. It seems that the price of natural ice has risen in warm winter this year. It was 500 yen off for pure ice, but since it was a big deal, I received "raw strawberry chocolate 1500 yen" of natural ice. Ichigo syrup can be used as an alternative, but it may be faster if the ice melts. The amount was spilled from the container, but all were delicious. In addition to shaved ice, you can also drink and have a small meal (beef halami plate for some reason).
田中則子(ノリオだって人間だもの) on Google

1時間ほど待ちましたが、前の場所から変わり、元町商店街の中に引っ越ししました。 キウイ?のかき氷と紅茶ミルクのかき氷??を頼みまして凄く大きな氷でしたが、名前の通りフワフワで値段も高めですが、並んでまでも食べる価値がある氷?だと思います。
I waited for about an hour, but it changed from the previous place and moved to the Motomachi shopping district. Kiwi ? shaved ice and tea milk shaved ice ? ? It was a very big ice, but as the name suggests, it is fluffy and expensive, but I think it is worth eating side by side.
ペコリーナ on Google

Fluffy, high-quality ice made from natural water from the Southern Alps. Basically, it's more than 1,000 yen, but you can choose 3 types of syrup you like, and you can have a bottle of condensed milk as much as you like.

生いちじく 移転前の店にはとうとう行けませんでしたが やっと行ってきました コンクリート打ちっぱなしです 南アルプスの天然氷だけのかき氷屋さん 一時的に普通の氷のもありましたが 今は天然氷だけです なので高い 高いけど、わざわざ天然氷のかき氷を食べに来ているのでこれでいいんです 季節限定 生いちじく 1380円 これは困りました 器の2倍くらいもってあります おっさん一人で入って、氷を崩してテーブルをビシャビシャにしたら笑い者です 練乳とイチジクシロップは別にも用意してありますので、テッペンから食べて、真ん中を練乳でとかして、外壁を中に落とし込む作戦でこぼさずに食べれました 練乳とシロップの替えはあるし、中にもイチジクがちゃんと入っている 天然氷は優しく口溶けがいい 一杯一杯丁寧に作るので時間がかかる 行列ができている時は、このペースでは大変な事になりますね まあ、ならぶのは客の勝手だけど 色紙は村上佳菜子と誰だろ?織田信成かな まだまだ暑いので 贅沢しにまた来たい
Raw fig I couldn't go to the store before the move I finally went I'm leaving concrete A shaved ice shop with only natural ice in the Southern Alps There was also normal ice temporarily, Now it ’s just natural ice So expensive It's expensive, but I'm here to eat the shaved ice of natural ice, so this is fine. Seasonal Raw fig 1380 yen This was a problem I have about twice as much as a bowl If you go in alone, break the ice and make the table fluffy, you're a laugher. Condensed milk and fig syrup are also prepared separately, so I ate it from Teppen, melted the center with condensed milk, and ate it without spilling it by dropping the outer wall inside. There is a change of condensed milk and syrup, and there are figs inside. Natural ice is gentle and melts in the mouth It takes time to make each cup carefully When there is a line, it will be difficult at this pace. Well, it's up to the customer to line up Who is Shikishi with Kanako Murakami? Nobunari Oda It's still hot I want to come back to luxury
ken on Google

氷も天然氷で蜜もレベルが高く美味しいです。追い蜜がついてくるのもありがたい。かき氷機は初雪(3台)。1人1オーダー制 こちらのお店で酷評されているのは値段の高さと待ち時間の長さですが、夏の休日はどこのかき氷屋も混んでいるので待つのにストレスを感じる人は休みの日にかき氷食べに行かないほうがいいと思われます(夏の休日にかき氷が食べたい人は予約制の店に行くほうがいい)。ふわりひめも他のかき氷店同様、平日の開店時などは比較的待ち時間少なめで食べることが出来ましたのでご参考に。 値段はもう少し安いとありがたいですが天然氷なので許容範囲。 かき氷は結構大きいので1人だと食べきれない人も多いかも? 1人1オーダー制ですがドリンク注文もOKと書いていたので二人で行くときはかき氷とドリンク注文でもいいかもしれません。
The ice is also natural ice and the level of honey is high and delicious. I'm grateful that the honey comes with me. The shaved ice machine is the first snow (3 units). 1 order system per person The high price and long waiting time are criticized at this shop, but people who feel stressed to wait because the shaved ice shops are crowded on summer holidays eat shaved ice on holidays. I think you shouldn't go to (People who want to eat shaved ice on summer holidays should go to a reservation-only store). As with other Kakigori restaurants, Fuwarihime was able to be eaten with relatively little waiting time when the restaurant opened on weekdays, so please refer to it. I would appreciate it if the price is a little cheaper, but it is acceptable because it is natural ice. The shaved ice is quite large, so many people may not be able to eat it alone. Although it is a one-order system for each person, it was written that drink orders are OK, so when going with two people, it may be okay to order shaved ice and drinks.
shi- on Google

2022.03 今年初のかき氷 店舗わかりにくい おいしかったです レモンミルクレアチーズと苺を注文 練乳、ヨーグルト、などソースを選べます レモンミルクに練乳 苺にヨーグルトソースにしました。 各ソースだけでもおいしい 崩れやすいので気をつけて レモンミルクの中にはアイスクリームが お手洗いは?遠い 店舗の奥の黒い扉から廊下へ出て一番奥 フロアー事務所等皆使用?私物も置いてある ウォシュレットでなくても せめて保温便座に。 便座アルコールで拭けず コロナ禍便座カバー?衛生面が
ごまきゅ on Google

友達と一緒に去年に、夏に来ました。 3回ぐらいきたかな? 元町商店街の方に移転されたみたいです。 いちごショコラ、レモンミルクヨーグルト? キュウイ?これが最高に美味しかった を頼みました。 可愛い器にこんもりボリュームがあるかき氷が出てきますよ。 美味しいし、映えるしテンションがあがる? 夏は混んでたら30〜1時間は待つかな…。 待ってでも食べたくなります。 また来ます( ^^ )
I came to summer with my friends last year. Did you come about 3 times? It seems that it was relocated to the Motomachi shopping district. Strawberry chocolate, lemon milk yogurt? Kiwi ? This was the best I asked for. Kakigori comes out with a thick volume in a cute bowl. It's delicious, it's shining, and it's exciting ? If it's crowded in summer, maybe I'll wait 30 to 1 hour ... I want to eat even if I wait. I will come again (^^)
Radu Turcan on Google

Delicious shaved ice, but bad customer experience. Initially, I arrived there at 17:00, but the queue was very long and moving really slowly. So, after 30 minutes of waiting, I decided to have a walk and come back at 18:30, hoping that the queue will be shorter and knowing that they close at 19:00, so there should be enough time to finish the shaved ice. When I came back, there was no queue, but they didn't want to accept my order saying that they are already closed... I showed them that it is written on their door that they are open until 19:00 and also, I saw that they are still bringing some orders to other customers that arrived a few minutes before. After around 15 minutes of unnecessary discussion, they finally accepted my order and asked me to eat it quickly. I waited for another 15 minutes to receive the shaved ice and in 8 minutes I finished it. Yes, the shaved ice was really good. But the whole discussion and waiting was unnecessary. I left the shop at the same time as the other last customer (that arrived before me). Quite disappointed of the customer experience, that's why is a 2 stars. If not this whole situation, I would have given them 5 stars. I hope they will improve.

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