
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 水戸南フィッシングエリア

住所 :

Motoishikawacho, Mito, 〒310-0843 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.mitominami-fa.jp/
街 : Ibaraki

Motoishikawacho, Mito, 〒310-0843 Ibaraki,Japan
RC-42 on Google

2021年4月6日に行きましたが、従業員が常連客(?)とずっと話込んでいてゴミや死魚の回収等の仕事や場内の見回りを一切しておらず、ペレット巻きも常連客(?)の前だけという非常識ぶり。 まぁ魚は普通に釣れましたが。
I went there on April 6, 2021, but the employees talked to the regular customers (?) For a long time, did not do any work such as collecting garbage and dead fish, and did not look around the venue at all, and the pellet winding was also a regular customer. Insane only in front of (?). Well, I could catch fish normally.
s (S) on Google

初めて訪れたのは2011年1月だったかな? ここ数年は年に2回くらい行きますが、前の方がロックサーモンよく釣れたような気が? バスは冬以外はよく釣れて、エリアタックルで遊ぶのが丁度いいかなと思います。
Did you first visit in January 2011? I go there about twice a year for the past few years, but I feel like I caught rock salmon better in the front ? I think it's best to catch the bass well except in winter and play with the area tackle.
OSD on Google

5号池 大型の鯉vsマスレンジャーの戦い 無事勝利!激レアではありますが、このサイズの鯉が掛かることもあるのでご注意を!
No. 5 Pond Battle of large carp vs. mass ranger Safe victory! Although it is extremely rare, be aware that carps of this size may hang on it!
Betty Li on Google

Wearing polarized sunglasses and going around the pond, there are only three dying fish. It is not at the level of a fishing pond. I paid 3000 yen, but this is a scam. I got out in less than an hour, I want you to return the money.
Chinatsu Tanimoto on Google

ちゃんと整備されているので家族連れでも安心でした。 すごく立派なのが釣れている人がいました。 親戚の道案内兼お付き合いで行ったので、釣れる前に帰ってきてしまいましたが、そこそこ釣れて楽しめたようです。
It was well maintained, so it was safe for families. There was a person who was able to catch something very good. I went there with my relatives as a guide and a friend, so I came back before I could catch it, but it seems that I enjoyed catching it.
七瀬恋 on Google

Pond No. 4 can catch a lot, Pond No. 5 hung 30 fish in the morning and evening, but it was less than 30 cm, I was a fly, but the place where I could swing the rod was limited, so I thought it was an area for lures , I caught a total of less than 200 ☆ 4
くり on Google

観光地の釣り堀とは違いますので簡単には釣れません。ウデの差が如実にでる釣りです。エリアトラウト専用の道具を使い練習すればたくさん釣れます。 特にバス経験者に多いのですが斜めキャストする方がいます。対岸のアングラーとお祭りするので真っ直ぐキャストするよう心掛けて欲しいです。
It is not easy to catch because it is different from the fishing pond in a tourist spot. It is a fishing that makes a big difference in Ude. You can catch a lot by practicing with the special tools for area trout. Especially, there are many people who have experience with buses, but there are people who cast diagonally. It will be a festival with the angler on the opposite bank, so please try to cast it straight.
喰え(朝ごはん) on Google

4号 6号池は釣れます。特に4号池はイージーでした。クリアな時はサイトフィッシング出来るので勉強になると思います。5号池はただの野池です。 コロナ禍でもマスク無しで釣り場でスタッフと常連が談笑しており理解に苦しみます。 本来なら星3から4ですが、、、
You can catch No. 4 and No. 6 ponds. Especially the No. 4 pond was easy. When it's clear, you can do site fishing, so I think it will be a learning experience. Pond No. 5 is just a wild pond. Even in the case of Corona, the staff and regulars are chatting at the fishing spot without a mask, which makes it difficult to understand. Originally it is 3 to 4 stars, but ...

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