Moriya - Toyohashi

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Moriya

住所 :

4 Chome-2-12 Fujimidai, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8135, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 441-8135
Webサイト :

4 Chome-2-12 Fujimidai, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8135, Japan
ゆきかぜ on Google

A shop that offers a selection of coffee
梅村拓也 on Google

I got iced iced coffee. It was refreshing and very delicious.
銀次郎岳 on Google

I always buy coffee beans. This is also delicious. Master always introduces recommended beans.
Porco Rosso on Google

兎に角、マスターは珈琲を愛しているんだろうなぁ。 味の好みは人により異なるので、美味いか否かは、飲んで頂かないとどうしようもないですね。 しかし、マスターが珈琲に注ぐ愛情は感じられると思いますよ。
I wonder if the master loves it. The taste preference varies from person to person, so if you don't drink it, you can't help it. However, I think you can feel the love that Master pours into the bag.
すずきかか on Google

A shop where your husband feels like coffee. You can calm down and have a coffee. In addition, take-out coffee is delicious. If you make a souvenir, you will be very pleased.
k k on Google

コーヒーへのこだわりがとても伝わってくるお店です。 チョコブラウニーも美味しかった(*´-`) 待ってる間に水出しコーヒーも試飲させてくれました
It is a shop that conveys your commitment to coffee. The chocolate brownie was also delicious (*´-`) While waiting, I also tasted cold coffee
流れ星 on Google

ハンドピックという 非常に手間のかかる作業を丁寧にされていて 雑味が感じられない 素晴らしいコーヒーです。 店内ではコーヒー豆の販売もされていますが 高品質のわりにお手ごろ価格です。
It is a wonderful coffee that has been carefully hand-picked, which is a very time-consuming task, and does not have any unpleasant taste. Coffee beans are also sold in the store, Affordable for high quality.
Stan Starobin on Google

Great coffee. Knowledgeable master, good atmosphere.

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