Moritaya - Nagoya

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Moritaya

住所 :

もりた屋 3 Chome-1 Aoyama, Midori Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 458-0833, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 458-0833

もりた屋 3 Chome-1 Aoyama, Midori Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 458-0833, Japan
塩漬け0124 on Google

影山次郎仮称 on Google

A good old restaurant.
渡邊郁夫 on Google

It is a local noodle restaurant. The menu is abundant and it seems that it is always full at noon. I got miso ramen, but it has a nostalgic taste with a red miso base, and it has a good volume as well. I wonder if it became one of the shops I would like to visit regularly (laughs).
竹内高文 on Google

夏は冷やっこ定食800円(ご飯・冷やっこ・お刺身・魚フライ・小鉢・味噌汁・漬物)・冬は湯豆腐定食(ご飯・湯豆腐と白菜・お刺身・魚フライ・小鉢・漬物)が大変お得。 エビフライとオムライスのセット1000円(エビフライのおかず一人前とオムライスそのまま一人前)も凄いボリュームです。
Cold summer set meal 800 yen (rice, cold sashimi, sashimi, fried fish, small bowl, miso soup, pickles) in the summer, Yudofu set meal (rice, yudofu and Chinese cabbage, sashimi, fried fish, small bowls, pickles) in winter Profit. A set of fried shrimp and omelet rice for 1000 yen (a side dish of fried shrimp and omelet rice as it is) is also a great volume.
阪野悟 on Google

カレーライス 期間限定で始まりました。値段650円トッピングは店主に聞いて下さい。自分はカツをたのみます。
Curry rice started for a limited time. Price 650 yen Please ask the shop owner for toppings. I'm a cutlet.
y n on Google

おじいちゃんおばあちゃんの夫婦でされてる昔ながらの食堂です。 生姜焼き定食をいただきましたが味もボリュームも大満足でした! また行きたいと思います。 とてもお勧めできるお店です。
It is an old-fashioned dining room that is used by a couple of grandpa and grandma. I had a ginger-grilled set meal, but I was very satisfied with the taste and volume! I think I want to go again. It is a highly recommended shop.
米田悟 on Google

A relaxing shop where a good couple tastes better than food. Not to mention the taste of the set meal, there is plenty of quantity to say!
スミスの巣 on Google

ザ・昭和の定食屋! 元気な女将さんと、だいぶ耳の遠い(笑)けどこちらも元気な大将が作ってくれます。 ●冷奴定食を注文 (税込800円 2021年9月現在) まぁ、とにかくすごい量。 この日は魚のフライ(マグロカツ)を1つサービスしていただきました。 あんた、身体が大きいからね…だからだそうで(笑) ちなみに冷奴定食がこの店一番のボリュームです。 奴はソフトどうふ。 刺身はサーモンとマグロ。 魚のフライは、マグロカツ2つ。 お味噌汁は里芋入りの赤だし。 小鉢は茄子の煮浸しとひじきと野菜のマヨ和え。 ●とんかつとうどんのセットを注文。 (税込750円 2021年10月現在) 先客さんが注文をいくつかしていたため、提供までに少し時間がかかりましたが、すごく丁寧に作られてました。 カツ丼のカツは衣のさくっ感を残しながらも、肉に割下がしっかり染み込んでいます。 卵はちょっぴりポテっとしながらも味がしっかりついてて自分好み。 そして注目すべきはうどん! あったかいうどんながらもコシがあり、喉越しも素晴らしい! ちょっと麺にねじれもあるし手打ちかな?と思いきや、伺ったところ、作ってもらっているようです。 50年強(!)営業してみえるそうで、もう御年80才を超え10数年前から麺は自分では作られていないそうです。ただ、熟練の経験により、茹で加減をしっかりみてから出されているそうです。 手打ちうどん屋さんよりよっぽどおいしいです! 長年の経験がなせる勘だ!と思いました。 ●オムライスとエビフライ定食を注文 (税込1000円 2021年11月現在) エビが苦手なので、何か他のフライで代替出来ないかな〜?と相談したら、大将も女将さんも「いいよ」とご快諾。 「生姜焼きにする?カキフライもいいよ、できる限り請けるよ」とのことで、牡蠣フライにしました。 先にカキフライが到着。 なんと5個も入れてくれました。 ザクっとした衣にあったかくとろ〜んとした牡蠣が美味しい!下味もついているのでソース要らず。 美味い、美味いと食べてるうちにオムライス登場。なんの変哲もない昔ながらのオムライスですが「えっ?」と思えるくらい。玉子がフワフワ。火加減絶妙すぎ! ケチャップ少なめで「あれ?」と思ったけどチキンライスがベチャめなので、これまたバランス良し! ●すき焼き定食を注文 (税込800円 2021年12月現在) この値段でなんとも贅沢な… すき焼きだけだと味がマンネリ化するので 小鉢がついているのは大変嬉しい。 家庭に出てくるようなやさしい割下です。 美味い! . どれもおいしい安定の味。 安心できる古き良き時代の味。 ただいま、と言いたくなるお店です。 駐車場は北側の3角地帯に1台、さらに北の駐車場に2台停めれます。 お昼時間を逃しても通しで営業しているので助かります。
The Showa set meal shop! A cheerful landlady and a cheerful general who is quite deaf (laughs) will also make it. ● Order a cold tofu set meal (800 yen including tax as of September 2021) Well, anyway, a great amount. On this day, we had one fried fish (tuna cutlet) served. You have a big body ... That's why (laughs) By the way, the cold tofu set meal is the most volume in this restaurant. How soft is he? The sashimi is salmon and tuna. Two fried fish are tuna cutlets. Miso soup is red with taro. The small bowl is made by boiling eggplant, hijiki seaweed and vegetables with mayonnaise. ● I ordered a set of pork cutlet and udon noodles. (750 yen including tax as of October 2021) It took a while to serve because the previous customer had made some orders, but it was made very carefully. The cutlet in the katsudon retains the crispness of the clothes, but the warishita is firmly infused into the meat. Eggs are a little pote, but the taste is strong and I like it. And noteworthy is udon! Everything that was warm is chewy, and the throat is wonderful! I wondered if the noodles were a little twisted and handmade, but when I asked them, they seemed to make them. It seems that it has been in business for over 50 years (!), And it seems that noodles have not been made by myself for over 10 years since they were over 80 years old. However, it seems that it is served after carefully checking the boiled amount due to the skillful experience. It's much tastier than a handmade udon shop! It's a feeling that many years of experience can make! I thought. ● Order omelet rice and fried shrimp set meal (1000 yen including tax as of November 2021) I'm not good at shrimp, so I wonder if I can replace it with some other fry. After consulting with him, both the general and the landlady agreed, "OK." "Is it ginger-grilled? Kaki fry is also good, I will accept as much as possible," so I made oyster fry. Kaki fry arrived first. He put in as many as five. The warm and thick oysters in the crispy clothes are delicious! It also has a seasoning so you don't need sauce. Omelet rice appeared while eating delicious and delicious. It's an ordinary old-fashioned omelet rice, but it seems like "What?" The egg is fluffy. The heat is too exquisite! I thought "that?" With a little ketchup, but the chicken rice is messy, so this is also well-balanced! ● Order a sukiyaki set meal (800 yen including tax as of December 2021) What a luxury at this price ... If you only use sukiyaki, the taste will become rut. I am very happy that the small bowl is attached. It's a kind warishita that comes out at home. delicious! .. All have a delicious and stable taste. The taste of the good old days that you can rest assured. It's a shop that makes you want to say right now. One parking lot can be parked in the three corners on the north side, and two parking lots can be parked in the north parking lot. Even if you miss lunch time, it will be helpful because it is open throughout the day.

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