まねき堂 盛岡店

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact まねき堂 盛岡店

住所 :

Morioka Ekimae Kitadori, Morioka, 〒020-0033 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : http://manekidou.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Iwate

Morioka Ekimae Kitadori, Morioka, 〒020-0033 Iwate,Japan
木村west.coast.choppeas on Google

My husband was very easy to talk with, and I was able to buy it up to the point where I could be satisfied myself. If there was another opportunity, I wanted to ask and went home.
羽柴健太 on Google

スタッフの方の対応が親切丁寧で とても良かったです。 また買取金額も高額だったので 大満足です。
Correspondence of the staff is kind and polite It was very good. In addition, the purchase price was also high I am very happy.
to hashimo on Google

It is recommended. There is no negative image at the store. As we are conducting market research and being honest, we were able to get along with expensive buying shops without having to visit buying shops one by one.
nagi on Google

The staff was friendly, the knowledge was abundant, the story was interesting and the atmosphere was easy to consult. It is a restaurant where the assessment can be done with peace of mind.
塚っちゃん on Google

いつ行っても即査定してくれるので素晴らしい!  とても話しやすい店長がいます? これからもいろんな物を持っていきたくなる!
It ’s great because it ’s always assessed right away! There is a store manager who is very easy to talk to. I want to bring various things from now on!
大場真一 on Google

The owner is kind and has a wealth of product knowledge. So far, we have bought a lot, but the amount was satisfactory! I look forward to working with you.
coko coko on Google

緊張して来店しましたが店主さんのお人柄で安心して買い取りをお願い出来ました。 親切丁寧、説明も細やかで買い取り金額にも満足です。 本当にこのお店にして良かったです。 買い取り店お探しの方は是非こちらのご利用をオススメします‼︎‼︎
I was nervous and visited the store, but I was able to ask for the purchase with confidence because of the owner's personality. Kindness and politeness, detailed explanations and satisfactory purchase price. It was really good for this shop. If you are looking for a shop, I recommend you to use this place‼ ︎‼ ︎
2o1 bow on Google

親切な対応で安心感のあるお店だな、と感じました。以前利用していた全く別の買取店と比べると説明も丁寧で納得のいく買取をしてもらいました!知識も豊富なので、どんな事でも相談できる、話しやすい従業員の 方々が居るお店です。HPを拝見すると出張査定買取もしているそうなので 次はそちらでお願いしたいと思います。
I felt that it was a kind response and a shop with a sense of security. The explanation was also polite and convincing purchase compared with the completely different purchase shop used before. The knowledge is also abundant, so it's easy to talk to employees who can consult anything It is a shop where there are people. Because it seems that you also do business trip assessment purchase when you see HP Next time I would like to ask there.

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