
2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact プレジール森ノ宮店

住所 :

Morinomiyachuo, Chuo Ward, 〒540-0003 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
街 : Osaka

Morinomiyachuo, Chuo Ward, 〒540-0003 Osaka,Japan
斉藤正治 on Google

今時、30玉交換ってビックリです。 釘も◯はんとか12さんに比べても悪いですよ。 もう行きません。
It is amazing to have 30 balls exchange at this time. Nails are also bad compared to Mr. 12. I will not go.
神田博之 on Google

Because it disinfects properly. Peace of mind (^. ^) I'm very satisfied if I get a little more! ️
Mako Takada on Google

It is no exaggeration to say that it is one of the best garbage stores in Osaka. It's a shop that has already finished various things such as cash rate shit, replay shit, shit between tables and seats.
奥野新 on Google

今まで換金率は悪いがそれでも近いので通っていたが、店員の質が悪すぎてストレスになった。 台を遊戯中、明日のイベントを紹介するつもりで話しかけられたが、 「ご遊戯中失礼いたします」などはなく平日のイベントのことだけ。 別の店員は、台の故障で客を待たせておきながら、 「大変お待たせいたしました」はなく、故障の修正具合を確認するために、「客の玉を使っていいですか」と聞く始末。 店を運営する以前の問題だ。店員の顔は覚えたので上記2名がいるうちは通わないと決めた。
Until now, the cash rate was poor, but I still went there because it was close, but the quality of the clerk was too bad and I was stressed. While playing on the platform, I was told to introduce tomorrow's event, There is no such thing as "I'm sorry during the game" and only weekday events. Another clerk, while keeping customers waiting for the breakdown of the table, There is no "I have been waiting for you very much", and she asks, "Is it okay to use the customer's ball?" It was a problem before running the store. I remembered the clerk's face and decided not to attend while the above two people were present.
Ta Ta on Google

設定入ってない!Aタイプにすら スロ46枚貸しなのに、換金率悪い 良いとこ見つけることができない
There is no setting! Even A type Even though I rent 46 slots, the conversion rate is bad I can't find a good place
岡田康弘 on Google

Not only between the table and the seats, but also the aisle is narrow, so customers and clerk who pass over their backs come into contact. Although it is force majeure, it seems to be a real idiot that it is frustrating and stressful except for games. So it may be wise in every respect to sit down and concentrate and go to a large suburban store where you can immerse yourself. .. ??✨ ☆
maru yasu on Google

ヘソ釘の左と右を比べると左の方が上向きで玉が非常に入りにくくなっています。 嘘だとおもった方は是非見てみましょう。不思議とどの台も同じ傾向です。道釘の間隔もみると面白いですね。 最新台も1,2週間たつと回転数が露骨に落ちます。 最新台が出た時は毎日台の写真を撮って記録に残すと面白いかもしれません。 あくまで自分の体験ですが、どの台も体感1kで10回転前後でした。最近のパチンコは難しいですね。
Comparing the left and right of the navel nail, the left side is upward and it is very difficult for the ball to enter. If you think it's a lie, please take a look. Curiously, all the cars have the same tendency. It's interesting to see the distance between the road nails. The number of revolutions of the latest stand will drop blatantly after a week or two. When the latest stand comes out, it may be interesting to take a picture of the stand every day and record it. It's just my own experience, but each table was about 10 rotations with 1k experience. Pachinko is difficult these days.
貝Tatsu on Google

終わってる、低貸しで遊べないし、設定悪いか入れてない。 確率完全無視、この店ならハズしたい放題。撮れ高間違いなし!!
It's over, I can't play with a low loan, and I haven't put in a bad setting. Ignore the probability completely, you can do whatever you want at this shop. There is no doubt that it will be high!

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