
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact えひめ住販

住所 :

Morimatsumachi, Matsuyama, 〒791-1113 Ehime,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899977
Webサイト : http://www.ehime-estate-navi.com/
街 : Ehime

Morimatsumachi, Matsuyama, 〒791-1113 Ehime,Japan
masaru kikuchi on Google

A G on Google

社長社長 on Google

建てた後もトラブルなどがあれば親身に対応してくれます。 5年ほど住んでますが、目立つようなトラブルはありません!
niwa oto on Google

It is sunny and the air-conditioned environment in the room is comfortable and very comfortable.
とくもも on Google

All of you are kind and polite, and if you have any questions or problems, you can respond immediately, which is helpful!
mikuko shimafuji on Google

The impression was that the house itself was warmer than the room was warm. I was able to fully experience the comfort even in a short time.
Tetsu on Google

えひめ住販さんのお家に入居して2年経ちますが、とても快適に暮らせています。 気密・断熱性能が高いので、冬でも家中が暖かく薄着で過ごせます。 この冬は、子どもたちの起床時間がかなり早く、早朝からリビングでゴロゴロしています。 そういえば「朝、布団から出たくない」、「朝の着替えがつらい」ということもなくなりました。 朝から賑やかなので、もっとゆっくり寝てて欲しいのですが(笑)。
It's been two years since I moved to Ehime Sumihan's house, and I'm living very comfortably. Since it has high airtightness and heat insulation performance, you can spend the whole house warm and lightly even in winter. This winter, the children get up quite early, and they are messing around in the living room from early morning. By the way, I no longer have to say "I don't want to get out of the futon in the morning" or "It's hard to change clothes in the morning". It's been lively from the morning, so I'd like you to sleep more slowly (laughs).
M O on Google

居相のモデルハウスを見学させて頂きました。ZEHのさらに上のG2グレードの高気密高断熱の家。 床下エアコン一台の暖房で二階まで暖気が上がる造りになっていて、家全体どこへ行っても隅々まで暖かくストレスフリーです。 気密もしっかりされてるので、窓や床下から隙間風が入ってきません。 外気温12℃で暖房の設定温度は20℃なのに室温26℃でした。 見学者の方が他にも居られたので、少し室温が上がってたかもしれませんが、それでもすごいと思います。 冷え性のわたしですが長袖Tシャツ一枚でもいけそうなくらいです。 厚手のセーターで行って汗かきました。最初からTシャツで行けば良かったです。 太陽光パネルで自家発電して、昼間は電気使い放題ですし、冷暖房費にそんなに悩まなくて良いんだろうなと思いました。 この先も電気代はどんどん値上がりするみたいですし。寒くても熱くても電気代気にしないでエアコン使えるのは良いと思います。 普通のお家買うより初期投資(建築費用)はかかるけど、ランニングコスト(冷暖房費、修繕費)はこういうお家の方が結局住みだしてからの費用も含めてみると抑えられるとか。 合理的だなと思います。
I visited the model house of Iai. A G2 grade airtight and highly insulated house above ZEH. The underfloor air conditioner heats up to the second floor, making it warm and stress-free wherever you go throughout the house. The airtightness is also good, so drafts do not come in from the windows or under the floor. The outside temperature was 12 ° C and the set temperature for heating was 20 ° C, but the room temperature was 26 ° C. There were other visitors, so the room temperature may have risen a little, but I think it's still amazing. I'm cold, but I think I can use a single long-sleeved T-shirt. I went with a thick sweater and sweated. I should have gone with a T-shirt from the beginning. I used solar panels to generate electricity in-house, and during the day I could use as much electricity as I wanted, so I thought I wouldn't have to worry too much about air conditioning costs. It seems that the electricity bill will continue to rise in the future. I think it's good to be able to use the air conditioner without worrying about electricity bills, whether it's cold or hot. The initial investment (building cost) is higher than buying an ordinary house, but running costs (air-conditioning costs, repair costs) can be reduced if you include the costs after you start living in such a house. I think it's rational.

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