Mona Lisa - Funabashi

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mona Lisa

住所 :

2 Chome-11-32 Honcho, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 273-0005
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–7PM
Sunday 8AM–6PM
Monday 8AM–6PM
Tuesday 8AM–6PM
Wednesday 8AM–6PM
Thursday 8AM–7PM
Friday 8AM–7PM

2 Chome-11-32 Honcho, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0005, Japan
小川秀裕 on Google

船橋に住んでましたが、始めて来ました。 店もサラリーマンや家族もいて、込んでいました。安くて美味しい食事を頂けました。
I lived in Funabashi, but I came here for the first time. There were shops, office workers and families, and it was crowded. I had a cheap and delicious meal.
倉持伊吹 on Google

ゆっくり食事とコーヒーを楽しみたかったのに、「早く食べてください。冷めちゃいますよ。ランチタイムなので、混んじゃいますからね」と「さっさと食べて出て行け」ともとれるようなことを仄めかされた。 好きな速さで飲食させてほしいと思った。 しかもこの経験は一度だけではなく、以前にも同じことをされました。 もう二度と行きません。
I wanted to enjoy food and coffee slowly, but it was implied that I could say, "Eat early. It will get cold. It's lunchtime, so it's crowded." And "Eat quickly and go out." rice field. I wanted you to eat and drink at your favorite speed. And this experience wasn't just once, it was done before. I will never go there again.
大泉純子 on Google

(Translated by Google) The old-fashioned Napolitan was very delicious o (^ o ^) o But I wonder if I can go anymore (.> Д д<) 喫茶店だから仕方がないと思いますが、染み付いたハードな煙草の匂いで美味しさ半減? 残念でした❗️
taka 787 on Google

A retro coffee shop full of Showa era. ? is dry curry, and lunch is +100 yen with a drink!
U1 H.L. on Google

チェーン店以外で、モーニングをいただけるお店が中々ない街で、自転車で 出かける前に立ち寄るのにとてもありがたいです。ご近所のお母さんたちが お寛ぎで おしゃべりされていたり 旦那さんが コーヒーを飲みながら新聞を読んでいたり、と決して 今風なおしゃれもサービスもないのですが、いつの間にか 今では少なくなった一つの文化か、とも感じました。
It's a city where there aren't many shops other than chain stores where you can get a morning, so I'm very grateful to stop by before going out by bicycle. The mothers in the neighborhood are relaxing and chatting, and the husband is reading the newspaper while drinking coffee. There is no modern fashion or service, but it is a culture that has become less common now. I also felt that.
なーの on Google

落ち着いた感じの喫茶店です お昼時に訪問です 夫婦でランチコースのナポリタンと生姜焼き定食注文です 写真は生姜焼き定食です 全体的にポリュームあり、しっかりした味でうまかったです プラス100円でドリンク追加出来ます アイスコーヒーも美味しかったです リピする予定です
It's a coffee shop with a calm feeling Visit at noon It is a lunch course Napolitan and ginger grilled set meal order for a couple The photo is a ginger-grilled set meal There was a volume on the whole, and it was delicious with a solid taste. You can add a drink for an additional 100 yen The iced coffee was also delicious I'm planning to repeat
Lifeisajourney on Google

Second time there. Forgot to take a photo but there’s super cute Shiba dog during the cafe isn’t too busy. He doesn’t let you touch easily but he doesn’t bite you. Food and drinks there are also great. We had pasta and garlic rice and both of them were so good, and morning menu ( order a drink and you’ll get free sandwiches ) is tasty too. If you love dogs then this is the place to go.
Timur Rakhmatillaev (eskat0n) on Google

Lunch price and portion had reasonable price and amount was quite good. The staff was friendly. To be noted though, there are no English menu or even pictures on menu.

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