Mon - Iida

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mon

住所 :

488-9 Yamamoto, Iida, Nagano 395-0244, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 395-0244
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM

488-9 Yamamoto, Iida, Nagano 395-0244, Japan
岡本真由美 on Google

デミカツを注文しました。 かなりのボリュームでしたが、味が本当に美味しかったので、なんとか完食! 食べきれない時は、お持ち帰りもOKだそうです。 リピ確定です。
I ordered demi-glace sauce. It was quite a volume, but the taste was really good, so I managed to finish it! If you can't eat it, you can take it home. Lipi is confirmed.
飯田亮 on Google

10月中旬の夜に友人と伺い カツ煮とソースカツ丼と食しました。 量が多くとても美味かったのでオススメです。
Visit with a friend on the night of mid-October I ate with boiled cutlet and sauce cutlet bowl. I recommend it because it was a lot and it was very delicious.
飯田俊一 on Google

The soy sauce katsudon was excellent.
川合伸治 on Google

I ate katsudon. It was delicious because it had a lot of volume and the food was devised.
かたつむら on Google

醤油カツ丼 香ばしい醤油ダレとサクサクじゅわ~な厚めのカツ!黄金の組合せです!
Soy sauce katsudon Fragrant soy sauce sauce and crispy juwa-thick cutlet! It's a golden combination!
かわさきおじさん on Google

なんとなく、今まで卵無しのカツ丼食べて無かったので今回初です。 いや~、肉肉肉、ちょっと甘めの醤油味、いや~美味しいです。 スプーンが何気に食べやすいので助かります。 自宅に帰るまで、お腹パンパンでした(笑)ご馳走でした。 又寄らせて頂きますm(_ _)m
Somehow, I haven't eaten eggless katsudon so far, so this is my first time. No, meat, meat, a little sweet soy sauce, no, it's delicious. It's helpful because the spoon is easy to eat. Until I got home, I was hungry (laughs) It was a treat. I will drop by again m (_ _) m
kazu “初心者ゼロ” matsu on Google

ひっさびさにガツン❗️とくる肉料理を食べたよ✨ お店はR153沿いで、雰囲気は昔懐かしいドライブインってかんじ。 ツーリングライダーさんや豪快トラック運ちゃんには大喜びされるんじゃないかな⁉️ 写真では判りにくいけど、肉厚✨すごいのよ。付け合わせのフライドオニオンが激旨✨? ソースカツ丼が知名度高い南信州だけど、ここは醤油‼️✨ 食が細い人はほぼ食べきれないだろうボリューム。 食べてる途中で心配されたマスターに、持ち帰り用の折を渡されそうになったくらい、女性は食べきれない人が続出してるんだろうと思う。 おひとり様には入りにくい雰囲気の店構えだけど、一回入ればきっとあなたも大丈夫? 大食い肉好きには大満足なお店だと思います?
I ate a meat dish that came with a rush ❗️ ✨ The shop is along R153, and the atmosphere is a nostalgic drive-in. I think touring riders and exciting truck luck will be overjoyed ⁉️ It's hard to see in the photo, but it's thick ✨ It's amazing. The fried onion of the garnish is intense ✨? Minami Shinshu is famous for its sauce cutlet bowl, but this is soy sauce! ️ ✨ Volume that people with thin food will hardly be able to eat. I think that there are so many women who can't eat so much that the master who was worried while eating was about to be given a take-out occasion. It's a store with an atmosphere that is difficult for one person to enter, but if you enter once, you will surely be okay ? I think it's a very satisfying restaurant for gluttony lovers ?
oshin impostor on Google

飯田山本インターを降りて数分走った先、道沿いにある、でかでかと掲げられた「もん」の看板が目印。カウンター6席、座敷4つ、テーブル席2つ。所々にインテリアとしての空箱や空瓶が配置された店内。メニューはほとんどが1300円。珍しさを感じた醤油カツ丼を注文。 前菜にサラダともやし、汁物は具だくさん、ほろほろと溶けこみの中間ぐらいの豚汁(?)。丼の上には肉厚のとんかつと、玉ねぎのフライ。主張しすぎない醤油の味つけ。ボリュームもあって満足。普段よりほんのちょっとの出費でローカルメシを味わいたいならおすすめ。
A few minutes after getting off the Iida Yamamoto Interchange, you can see the big "Mon" sign along the road. 6 counter seats, 4 tatami mats, 2 table seats. Inside the store, empty boxes and bottles are placed in places as interiors. Most of the menu is 1300 yen. I ordered a soy sauce katsudon that I felt unusual. Appetizer, salad and bean sprouts, plenty of soup, pork soup (?) Thick pork cutlet and fried onion on top of the bowl. Soy sauce seasoning that doesn't insist too much. Satisfied with the volume. Recommended if you want to taste local rice at a little more expense than usual.

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