
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact かねこ歯科医院

住所 :

Momozucho, Agano, 〒959-2033 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.kaneko-dental.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–1PM
街 : Niigata

Momozucho, Agano, 〒959-2033 Niigata,Japan
廣田輝美 on Google

素晴らしい言葉使いと、丁寧な対応。 暖かみのあるスタッフさんに感動いたしました。
Great language and polite response. I was impressed by the warm staff.
波多野悦子 on Google

There are nine treatment tables, one for each one. Treatment is polite but always crowded. Please make a reservation
Y13130渡辺 理恵子 on Google

治療が最悪。もう行きません 院長先生は上手ですが、もう1人の方に変な削り方をされて噛み合わせがおかしくなりました。 また、奥歯をほとんど銀歯にすると言われたり、銀歯と白い詰め物を選べることを最初に説明してもらえず治療した後に言われました。
The treatment is the worst. I won't go anymore The director is good, but the other person made a strange shaving and the meshing became strange. He was also told that his back teeth would be mostly silver teeth, and that he could choose between silver teeth and white stuffing after treatment without first being explained.
Nao mama on Google

During my childbirth homecoming, when I asked a friend "Is there a good dental clinic in Agano City?", He told me this. I am very glad that the director gave me a detailed explanation and treatment. It was helpful for parents with small children, such as the kids' corner and the diaper changing table.
阿部旭 on Google

阿賀野市にあるかねこ歯科医院で、初めての受診でしたが、丁寧に説明をしていただきました。だいぶひどい虫歯だということで、今どのような事ができるのかお話いただき、これからの治療計画を簡単にでしたが説明していただいたので、安心感を得ることができました。 素晴らしい人間性と技術をお持ちであると感じました。今まで何件か歯医者さんを変えたことがありますが、院長先生が親切にご対応していただける歯医者さんは今までありませんでした。子供さんも多数来院されており、とても信頼できる歯医者さんです。感謝しています。
It was my first visit to the Kaneko Dental Clinic in Agano City, but he gave me a detailed explanation. I was relieved because he talked about what he could do now because he had terrible cavities and explained the future treatment plan, though it was simple. I felt that I had great humanity and skill. I have changed several dentists so far, but until now there has never been a dentist who can be kindly treated by the director. He is a very reliable dentist with many children visiting the hospital. We appreciate.
GARO GARO on Google

The treatment is polite and the response is good, but the reception is disappointing. I'm wondering if there is no emotional response, but I think it's better to study telephone correspondence as well. Please educate yourself.
ルルアクア on Google

腕は間違いなく確かだし、受け付けの方も至極丁寧。ただ、現在、受付時間が17時30分ラストなので仕事終わりの人はほぼ確実に行けない。急に歯が痛くなっても無理。その為、土曜日の診察が激混みし、21年5月現在では2ヶ月待ちです。仕事終わりの人達はほかの医院に流れてしまっている。激混みなので、歯のホワイトニングや矯正などの急を要する施術の場合は正直オススメ出来ない。(ホワイトニングの前に歯のクリーニングをしてもらっても次は2ヶ月先なので、ほぼクリーニングの意味が無い) 正直転院しようかと思う
The skill is definitely certain, and the receptionist is extremely polite. However, at present, the reception time is the last at 17:30, so people who have finished work can hardly go. It is impossible even if your teeth suddenly hurt. As a result, the medical examination on Saturday was extremely crowded, and as of May 2009, we are waiting for two months. People who have finished their work have been sent to other clinics. Since it is extremely crowded, I cannot honestly recommend it for urgent treatments such as tooth whitening and orthodontics. (Even if you have your teeth cleaned before whitening, it's almost meaningless because it's two months away.) I'm going to be honestly transferred
tik on Google

先生と衛生士さん、助手の方はとてもよく、腕も良いのですが、 受付の方が、気がきかなく、一方的なやりとりになり、不快です。 人気で、予約いっぱいなのはわかりますが、もうちょっと気の利いた言い方があるかと思います。 歯医者ジプシーで、一つに決めたいのに… どうにかなりませんか?
The teacher, hygienist, and assistant are very good and have good skills, The receptionist is uncomfortable and uncomfortable because it is a one-sided exchange. I know it's popular and full of reservations, but I think there's a nicer way to say it. At the dentist gypsy, I want to decide on one ... How pretty is it?

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