おすしやさん魚忠 - Kimitsu

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おすしやさん魚忠

住所 :

Mokushi, Kimitsu, 〒299-1163 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 299-1163
Webサイト : https://www.osushiyasan.com/
街 : Chiba

Mokushi, Kimitsu, 〒299-1163 Chiba,Japan
石井広一 on Google

I've heard that it's a restaurant with a good reputation, but it's noisy for professional fish, and the owner was a local acquaintance, so I didn't want to be disappointed, so I used it until now. I didn't, but when I went there because my friend made a reservation, most of the ingredients were delicious and the atmosphere of the restaurant was good, and I was able to eat quickly and without feeling any stress until the goods came out from the order. rice field!
Yukita S on Google

他にお客様もいらっしゃいましたが、提供時間も短くお会計も明瞭でした。 外観よりも落ち着いた店内も好感が持てました。オススメします(^^ゞ
There were other customers, but the delivery time was short and the accounting was clear. I liked the calm interior rather than the exterior. I recommend it (^^ ゞ
Y F on Google

メニューの写真より配膳された料理のほうが上。 大事な人や記念日に使えるお店。個室あり。 人気の店で活気があり、ワイワイと食事を楽しむにはベスト。
The served dishes are better than the pictures on the menu. A shop that can be used by important people and anniversaries. There is a private room. It's a popular restaurant and it's lively, so it's the best place to enjoy a meal.
K K on Google

It's always crowded from lunch. There is a good deal for the price, and if you order from today's recommended menu, it will not come off. The general was also very generous and friendly.
king cobra on Google

握りの竹を頂きました。 みそ汁、茶わん蒸しが付いてきます。 写真はありませんが追加で天ぷらを注文しました。 海老天がBIGです。 お腹いっぱいになります。 死にそうです。 ご馳走さまでした。
I got a handful of bamboo. Comes with miso soup and steamed tea bowl. There is no photo, but I ordered additional tempura. Ebiten is BIG. I'm full. I'm about to die. It was a feast.
kozu on Google

2021/5 おすしやさん 君津市にあるおすしやさんというその名の通りのお寿司屋さん。 街のお寿司屋さんとしては比較的、上質な感じを思わせる外観と店内。 カウンターとテーブル席どちらに座るか聞かれたのでテーブル席の方に。 初見だしカウンターは何か酔っ払った客がとてもうるさ…賑わっていたので。 取り敢えず特上握りと黄金アジの刺身を注文。 特上握りはネタとシャリのバランスが良い。 食べ易いけど物足りなくも無い。 この値段でこの質ならリーズナブルだね。 黄金アジはとても新鮮。 それ故に歯応えはあるけど旨味が回りきってないかな。 まぁ、新鮮なのと熟成されたのは好みが分かれるからどちらが良いとは言えないけど。 店員さんが茶碗蒸しとお味噌汁を持って来てくれました。 注文して無いけどサービスなのかな?ありがたい(*´ω`*) メニューが多彩なので、寿司をつまむ以外にも酒と肴で楽しめるお店。 法事や接待等で一席設けるのに使ったり、若造の兄ちゃんが彼女にいい格好するのに連れて来たりするのにも使えるかな(笑) 自分が行ったタイミングがたまたまかも知れないが、あまり客層が良くねーなと。 お店側は客を選べないので、今回は純粋に接客や料理等の評価です。 御馳走でした!
2021/5 Osushiya-san A sushi restaurant in Kimitsu City called Sushiya-san. The exterior and interior are relatively high-quality for a sushi restaurant in town. I was asked whether to sit at the counter or at the table, so I went to the table. At the first-time counter, some drunk customers were very noisy ... because it was crowded. For the time being, I ordered a special handful and golden horse mackerel sashimi. The special grip has a good balance between the ingredients and the rice. It's easy to eat, but it's not unsatisfactory. This quality is reasonable at this price. Golden horse mackerel is very fresh. Therefore, it's chewy, but I wonder if the umami hasn't turned around. Well, I can't say which one is better because there are different tastes for fresh and aged. The clerk brought me chawanmushi and miso soup. I haven't ordered it, but is it a service? Thank you (* ´ω` *) The menu is diverse, so you can enjoy sake and side dishes as well as sushi. I wonder if it can be used to set up a seat for legal affairs, entertainment, etc., or to bring a younger brother to look good on her (laughs) It may happen that I went there, but the customer base isn't very good. Since the shop cannot choose customers, this time it is purely evaluation of customer service and cooking. It was a treat!
鈴木裕司 on Google

近くのおすしやさんです(笑) 名前がおすしやさんなんで! お店の雰囲気、接客(女将さんの心遣い他)、ネタ(地元の魚とか)この界隈ではトップクラスのお店だと思います! そんなに利用頻度は多くは有りませんが、20年以上前から利用させて貰っています! これからも伺いますので宜しくお願い致しますm(__)m 又伺いました! 早い時間帯に伺ったんですが既にお客さんが一杯でした! 相変わらず何でも美味しいです!
It ’s a nearby sushi restaurant (laughs). The name is Sushiya-san! The atmosphere of the restaurant, the customer service (the care of the landlady, etc.), the material (local fish, etc.) I think it is one of the best restaurants in this area! I don't use it so often, but I've been using it for over 20 years! Thank you for your continued support. M (__) m I visited again! I visited early, but the customers were already full! Everything is delicious as usual!
bazi on Google

ただ最高のおすしやさん。 ランチだと1500円もあればとても美味しいお寿司や天丼などがいただけます♪ 美味しいです。文句なし! 特に天丼は浅草のお店らの5倍は美味しいです。嘘だと思ってぜひ♪
Just the best sushi. For lunch, you can enjoy very delicious sushi and tendon for 1,500 yen ♪ Is delicious. No complaints! Tendon is especially delicious five times as delicious as the shops in Asakusa. Think of it as a lie ♪

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