modern.割烹ささ家 - Nishio

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact modern.割烹ささ家

住所 :

Yazonecho, Nishio, 〒445-0872 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 445-0872
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Yazonecho, Nishio, 〒445-0872 Aichi,Japan
くろくろ on Google

おしゃれで美味しいとは思う。 しかし、さすがに毎回利用出来る値段ではないため、年1の何かのイベント・お祝いで使うぐらいだと思う。 経営者兼料理長?の方は、岡崎のホテルで料理、修行していたそうだが、料理の内容と値段とのバランスの判断は人によって大きく別れるところだと思う。
I think it's fashionable and delicious. However, since it is not a price that can be used every time, I think that it will only be used for some kind of event or celebration in the year 1. Owner and chef? Said that he was cooking and practicing at a hotel in Okazaki, but I think that the judgment of the balance between the content of food and the price is largely different.
のぶ代Be happy on Google

個室ランチで丁寧、食材の拘り 大満足しました。
Polite in a private room lunch, sticking to the ingredients I was very satisfied.
Joh Yamashita on Google

家族でお祝いごとがある際は使わせて頂いています。大将がお1人で料理を作られてます。ランチもやってますが、懐石料理もあります。1品1品こだわって作り込まれており、季節の素材を使ったり、産地に拘っており、とても美味しく頂けますし、料理の奥行きがあると思います。 個室もあるので、子供も連れていけますし、周りの目を気にすることなく無駄な気使いをせずにすみます。 店員さんも料理の説明をしっかりとされたり、気使いも少なからずして頂きました。西尾市内で、これだけこたわって料理を出してくれるところはそんなにないですし、これからもお世話になりたいと思っています。
I use it when my family has a celebration. The general is cooking alone. We also have lunch, but there are also kaiseki dishes. 1 item 1 item is stuck in mind, and it is made using seasonal materials, it is stuck to the production area, and it is very delicious and I think that there is a depth of cooking. Because there is also a private room, children can also be taken, and they will spend their lives without worrying about the eyes around them. The clerk also gave me a solid explanation of the dishes and the feeling was too small. In Nishio City, there isn't a lot of places where you can cook as much as you like, and I hope to be indebted to you in the future.
森田まや on Google

Weekday limited lunch. The ingredients are good and delicious, albeit little by little. The dessert was watermelon sorbet.
PK on Google

200% satisfied with both eyes and tongue! Boiled foods have a very gentle taste with delicious soup stock. The sashimi is also fresh, and we are particular about all the ingredients. He is a wonderful chef who can explain each dish carefully and feel his love for cooking, and he is a favorite restaurant as he goes all the way from Kanto.
洋明 on Google

以前、会社の付き合いで伺ったのですが、美味しいお店でした。 出来ればプライベートな時に行きたいですね(笑) 仕事だと、食事に集中出来ないです(笑)
I visited the restaurant before, and it was a delicious restaurant. If possible, I want to go when I'm private (laughs) At work, I can't concentrate on eating (laughs)
Ghanaぴとちゃん on Google

法事後の食事で此方のお店を初めて使いました。畳の上のテーブル席に魅力を感じました。お料理がモダンでお洒落で味も食器も素敵な物を使っていて驚きました。懐石料理で出てくるお料理の温度も適温でとても美味しくいただけました。料理が出てくる度のメニューの説明も有り難く感じました。 ひと皿ひと皿は少ない量なのに全皿食べたらお腹も膨れ〆のお茶漬けが苦しさを感じず最後のデザートも可愛らしく盛ってあり美味しくいただけました。子供用にとお願いして盛り合わせも作ってもらいました?
For the first time after the law, I used my restaurant in Hakata. I felt charm in the table seat on the tatami. I was surprised that the food was modern, fashionable and the taste and tableware were wonderful. The temperature of the food that comes out with kaiseki cuisine was also delicious and very delicious. I also appreciated the description of the menu every time the food came out. Even though there was only a small amount of dishes, if you ate the whole dish, your stomach would swell and you would not feel the bitterness of the tea pickles in the bowl, and the last dessert would be delicious and delicious. I asked for children and made a platter ?
めぐっぺ(めぐっぺ) on Google

ディナー利用、初来店。前々から気になっていました。 素晴らしいお料理を提供して戴けます。 目で鼻で舌で………五感を刺激するお料理です。 静かな店内、個室に案内されました。 提供のタイミング、提供されるごとにされるお料理の説明、温かいものはしっかり熱く、魚は臭みが全くなく、出汁の味………どれをとっても本当に美味しかったです! 友人夫妻の結婚祝いと伝えてありましたが、それに合うように特別仕立てのお料理にカードも添えてくださいました。友人夫妻はとても感激していました。 次はランチ利用をしてみたいです。 リピありです!素晴らしい和食に大満足でした\(^-^)/
For dinner, first visit. I've always been interested in it. You can serve great food. With eyes, nose, and tongue ……… It is a dish that stimulates the five senses. I was guided to a private room in a quiet store. The timing of the serving, the explanation of the dishes served each time, the warm ones were hot, the fish had no odor, and the taste of the soup stock ……… Everything was really delicious! I was told that it was a wedding gift for my friend and his wife, but he also added a card to the specially tailored food to match it. The friends and wife were very impressed. Next time I would like to have lunch. There is a lipi! I was very satisfied with the wonderful Japanese food \ (^-^) /

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