Mizutani Clinic - Nagoya

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mizutani Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-2 Chumarucho, Kita Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 462-0056, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Postal code : 462-0056

代谷勝己 on Google

炎のレッドクロス on Google

相談事しやすい先生です 愉快先生です
A teacher who is easy to consult It ’s a funny teacher.
岩崎光博 on Google

A very patient-minded teacher with a sense of security and trust.
鈴木蓮美 on Google

It was really the worst. If you say that the medicine doesn't fit, I'll only give you this here, so if you go elsewhere ... This was about a year ago, but I thought I would never go again.
T Tomas on Google

タイミングが悪いと、待ち時間がやたらと長い! 通常で一時間ぐらいで、診察もあまり当てにならない!! 肝臓が少し悪いかなと言われ、西部医療の紹介状をもらい、調べた所、臓器4ヶ所にがんが発見されました。こんなポンコツやぶ医者には、二度と行きたくは、ありません!
If the timing is bad, the waiting time is long! Usually it takes about an hour, and the medical examination is not so much! It was said that the liver was a little bad, and after receiving a letter of introduction from Western Medicine, I found cancer in four organs. I don't want to go back to this kind of doctor!
ふつうの人 on Google

空いてます。理由は他の方が書かれている通り、注射で3度程刺し直されました笑 診断書を頼むと1万円で、高額を理由にお断りすると次回予約時他の病院を勧められ予約を受付けてもらえませんでした。 結局、他の病院に行きましたが違う病名で有る事が分かり紹介状による大きな病院で診察を受ける事になりました。スーパーの横ですが空いていて利便性もよく駐車スペースも8台程と広いのですが行く意味はあまり無いかもしれません(泣) ※書き込みで設備、内容に凄く詳しい投稿がありますが身内の方でしょうか笑 余りにも違う内容に吹き出しました
It's free. As the reason is written by other people, I was re-stabbed about 3 times with an injection lol When I asked for a medical certificate, it was 10,000 yen, and if I declined because of the high price, another hospital was recommended at the next reservation and I made a reservation It was not accepted. In the end, I went to another hospital, but I found out that it had a different disease name, so I had to go to a large hospital with a letter of introduction. It's next to the supermarket, but it's vacant and convenient, and the parking space is as large as 8 cars, but it may not make much sense to go (crying). I wonder if it's a person lol
MASAYO .Y (MASAYO) on Google

院長先生は、患者の話を良く聞いてくれます! 不安な事はすぐに調べてくれるし、必要なら精密検査の紹介状を書いて頂けます! 超音波エコー、胃内視鏡検査、心電図、X線検査が可能ですが、一部が指定の日時で事前予約になります。 月二回の土曜日に、整形外科の先生の受診が受けれます。 リハビリは、午前中のみ毎日受けれますよ♪ 事務長さんを始め、スタッフは好感が持てますし、看護師さんは小数精鋭で採血が上手く助かります(о´∀`о)
The doctor listens well to the patient! If you are worried, you can look it up immediately, and if necessary, write a letter of introduction for close inspection! Ultrasound echo, gastroscopy, electrocardiogram, and X-ray examination are possible, but some of them are reserved in advance at the designated date and time. On Saturdays twice a month, you will be able to see an orthopedic doctor. You can receive rehabilitation everyday only in the morning ♪ The staff, including the secretary general, has a good impression, and the nurses have a small number of elite figures and blood sampling is very helpful (о´∀`о)
p o on Google

身体と喉の調子がおかしくなり診察していただきました。院内は清潔感や明るさがあります。ベテランの看護師さんが女性、男性含めかなり多くいます。そっけなさはありますが時々は優しいです。 私の血管が細い為か注射は何度か刺し間違えて痣になることがあります。 溶連菌との診察結果で点滴や薬をだしていただきましたが1ヶ月以上治らず、仕方なく別の病院に行ったところ全く違う病気でしたので治療中の為、こちらにはもう通わないと思います。 あと、身体が弱いことを相談すると 子どもを産めば体質が変わるから と言われたのが傷付きました。うまく受け流せる方なら大丈夫だと思います。 空いてますので時間が無い方にはお勧めします。お隣の調剤薬局さんの薬剤師さんは、とても親身になってくださいます。置いてあるお薬の種類が少ないのと処方に時間がかかる点が残念です。ネット処方箋の受付等始まると便利なのになと思いました。
I had a medical examination because my body and throat were out of order. The hospital is clean and bright. There are quite a lot of veteran nurses, including women and men. It's kind of awkward, but sometimes it's kind. Because my blood vessels are thin, the injection may be mistakenly stabbed several times and cause bruising. I received an intravenous drip and medicine based on the result of the medical examination with hemolytic streptococcus, but it did not heal for more than a month, and when I went to another hospital, I had a completely different illness. I will. Also, when I consulted about my weakness, I was hurt when I was told that if I gave birth to a child, my constitution would change. I think it's okay if you can parry it well. It is free, so it is recommended for those who do not have time. The pharmacist at the dispensing pharmacy next door is very kind. It is a pity that there are few kinds of medicines and it takes time to prescribe. I thought it would be convenient to start accepting online prescriptions.

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