三代目旭屋酒店 本店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三代目旭屋酒店 本店

住所 :

Mizuhodai, Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3125 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://asahiyasaketenhonten.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Miyagi

Mizuhodai, Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3125 Miyagi,Japan
masahiko FUJIWARA on Google

I bought a liquor of the same amount that I didn't want and couldn't sell it alone. According to the owner, "That's normal." The Fair Trade Commission and sake brewery will also be reported.
kazue sasaki on Google

A lineup of rare sake that is not available in Tohoku! Look for gifts and rewards for yourself (^ o ^)
三浦拓朗 on Google

There were a lot of sake that I rarely see in other shops. The clerk explained it carefully.
Mi C on Google

種類は多くないものの親切に説明してくださいました。 入って眺めていると好みの味をいってもらえれば案内しますと言ってくれて、 初心者なので甘いのを、と伝えると蓬莱泉を薦めてくれました。あと尾瀬の雪どけ。 蓬莱泉を購入させていただきました。飲むのが楽しみだと話したら、燗はダメ。冷やか常温でとのこと。 こういう丁寧さは嬉しくなりますね。
Although there are not many kinds, he kindly explained. When I entered and looked at it, he told me that I would give you a taste if I could taste it, When I told him that he was a beginner, it was sweet, and he recommended me to Horaizumi. Also, the snow of Oze. I bought Horaisen. Speaking that drinking is fun, don't smoke. It is said that it is cold and at room temperature. This kind of politeness makes me happy.
最後の侠客 on Google

看板に偽りあり 蔵元の想いを…という、謳い文句が気になり、期待して2度程訪店しました が、しかし欲しいと思ったお酒が、冷蔵庫に【在庫多数】にも関わらず、見せびらかすが如く、抱き合わせとはいかがなものか 自分が行った時は、40000円の抱き合わせ箱まで販売する始末…更に某有名銘柄はプレ価格 比較的無名な銘柄酒蔵に対して失礼この上ない、要はおたくの酒は、有名銘柄と抱き合わせないと売れないんだよ、と言わんばかり… 旭屋さんの看板の謳いを実践してる酒屋さんなら、仙台市内及び近郊に沢山あります 当然ながら、希少銘柄でも、ネットでは高額でありながら、決して抱き合わせはせず、特約店としての小売価格を守り、単品販売で譲ってもらえます 看板ばかり格好いい嘘を謳うのは止めてほしいですね 挙げ句にちょっとかじりの知ったか蘊蓄… 奥様?の謙虚さが店主にもあればいいのですが、そのような販売方法で全て台無しです 抱き合わせするくらいなら、特約店としての暗黙のルールを守り、儲け主義を貫くなら、酒蔵と取引をやめたらいかがですか された酒蔵に状況を見せたいものです 日本酒ブームの有名無名に拘わらず、他酒店や日本酒専門飲食店等、数百種の銘柄を利いてきた自分は、二度と訪れることはないです
Falsely in the signboard I'm worried about the ugly complaints that the thoughts of the storehouse are ..., and I visited the store twice But, I wanted to drink alcohol, but despite the [stock many] in the refrigerator, as if showing off, how it is like tying When I went, I sold a 40,000 yen tying box to a closeout box. Furthermore, a well-known brand is a pre-price Excuse me for the relatively unknown brand liquor storehouse, and the point is that the geek liquor can not be sold without tying up with the famous brand, just saying ... If you are a sake shop who practices the admiration of the signboard of Asahiya, there are many in Sendai city and the outskirts Of course, even if it is a rare brand, although it is expensive on the net, it will never be tied up, it will protect the retail price as a dealer and you will be able to get it for sale separately. I want you to stop asking only cool billboards Did you know a bit bite in the list? wife? The humbleness of the shop owner is good, but it is all ruined by such sales method If you stick to the implicit rules as a dealer, if you stick to making a profit principle, why not stop trading with sake breweries I want to show the situation to the sake breweries Regardless of the famous sake boom, I have used hundreds of brands such as other hotels and sake specialty restaurants, and I will never visit again.
山田文雄 on Google

お店は広くないけど、 仙台市では名店の1つ。 色々なお酒の話を聞きながら 選ぶのもこれまた楽しいもの です。 ここのお酒は、なかなか 見かけないお酒が多いです。 今回、初めてご主人と 話す機会があり、 某大型イベントの乾杯酒に なるかもしれないお酒を かなり熱く語って頂き、 買わないでは帰れなく なりました笑 まぁ最初から買うつもり で行くのですけどね。 お値打ちのお酒から プレミアムなお酒まで 取り揃ってます。 行く毎に展示されるお酒は 入れ替わっていますので これも一期一会ということで 佐々木蔵之介さんの実家の 佐々木酒造店の聚楽第が 並んでいたかと思えば 今日は三重県の大田酒造の 半蔵がどっと積んであり ました。 蓬来泉は前も置いて ありました 特約店かな。 今日は若い方も来ていて 尾瀬の雪どけを探してて その蔵本が、十四代の 師匠だと言ってました。 ここの酒屋さんは 代々、良い蔵本と お付き合いしてるのを 感じながら、帰途に。 スパークリング泡酒で 今宵は乾杯したいと 思います。
The store is not large, One of the famous shops in Sendai City. While listening to various liquor stories This is also fun to choose is. The sake here is quite good There are many liquors that you do not see. This time, for the first time with my husband Have the opportunity to talk, For a toast for a certain large event Alcohol that may become You talked very hot, I can't go home without buying Lol now Well I'm going to buy it from the beginning I go by. From value-for-money sake Up to premium sake I have it. The sake displayed every time you go Because it has been replaced This is also a once-in-a-lifetime chance Of Sasaki Kuranosuke's home Jurakudai of Sasaki Sake Brewery If you think it was lined up Today, Ota Sake Brewery in Mie Prefecture Hanzo piled up Was. Horai spring was Is it a dealer? Young people are coming today Looking for the snow in Oze The Kuramoto is the 14th generation He said he was a teacher. The liquor store here For generations, with good Kuramoto I'm dating While feeling, on the way home. With sparkling awashu I want to toast tonight think.
miyamoto takeo on Google

地元でも中々手に入らないお酒が有ります。 取り扱いお酒のセンスは最高です
There are some sakes that are not readily available even in the local area. The sense of handling liquor is the best
saki photo (ミッシー) on Google

あまり地元では買えない他の地方のお酒がたくさん売られてました まだ来ていない方は一度は見られてもいいかなと思いました
A lot of sake from other regions that I couldn't buy locally was sold. If you haven't come yet, I thought it would be okay to see it once

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