Mizuho Clinic - Mizuho

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mizuho Clinic

住所 :

556-1 Honden, Mizuho, Gifu 501-0236, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 501-0236
Webサイト : https://mizuho-cl.doctorsfile.jp/

556-1 Honden, Mizuho, Gifu 501-0236, Japan
hi ro on Google

院内はきれいで先生も優しいが 人数多いくせにスタッフ全員が冷たいので 話しにくい。特に受付が 態度悪い ヒソヒソ話をして笑っていたり気分悪い
The hospital is clean and the teachers are kind Even though there are many people, all the staff are cold It's hard to talk. Especially the receptionist has a bad attitude I'm laughing and feeling sick
1縁利 on Google

今日行きましたが、 「どんくらい辛いの」と聞かれて、咄嗟に言葉がでなくて口ごもってたら 「わからないならそんなに辛くないってことだね」と言われて、不快でした。 辛くないなら病院なんて行きません。 それに体のだるさなんて人にもよるでしょう。 看護婦も結構冷たい感じがしました。
I went today When I was asked, "How hard is it?" I was uncomfortable when I was told, "If you don't understand, it's not that hard." If you don't feel spicy, you won't go to a hospital. Also, it depends on the person that you are sluggish. The nurse also felt quite cold.
ayuyanレトリバー on Google

The teacher is always kind and politely explaining. The staff is friendly and easy to talk to. It was Oita ago, but if you had a medical examination before the consecutive holidays, I would like to have a phone number for the holidays, please call if there is anything during the consecutive holidays, probably because the symptoms were severe. I am very grateful to see the drug eruption as soon as I get in contact on a holiday. I was surprised that only bad comments, but I think that there are a lot of people who think Mizuho Clinic is good because it is compatible.
naotin tobo on Google

2~3年くらい通ってます。決して営利主義ではなく患者第一主義という感じで診てくれる、個人病院にしてはあまり無い感じのところだと思いました! 他の医院にかかっていたときは行くたびに検査検査、高額な検査代金を取られていましたが、こちらでは無駄な検査は一切無く、適切な処置を丁寧にして頂いて本当に感謝しています。 先生の説明も丁寧でわかりやすく、楽しく会話しながらリラックスさせてくれます。 よくエラソーな先生はパソコンの画面見ながら患者の顔は全く見ない、データ見て数字ばかり説明する人いますがここの先生はホントに患者のことを知ろうとしてくれると思います。 失礼かもしれませんがこれが町医者の真骨頂ではないでしょうか⁈ 他のレビューに医療はサービス業と書いている人いましたが何か勘違いしているのではないでしょうか・・ ドクターと患者は人対人なので相性の良しあしもあるでしょうが、長くお世話になるのならこういう先生でお願いしたいと思いますよ~
I have been going for about 2 to 3 years. I thought that it was a place where there was not so much for a private hospital, which was diagnosed as a patient-first principle rather than a commercial one! When I went to another doctor's office, every time I went there, I was paid for inspections and expensive inspections, but here there is no useless inspection and I am really grateful for the proper treatment. . The teacher's explanation is polite and easy to understand, and makes me relax while having fun talking. There are people who are often erasers who look at the screen of the computer and do not see the patient's face at all. The data explains the numbers, but the teacher here really wants to know the patient. It may be rude, but isn't this the true value of a town doctor? There was a person who wrote that medical care is a service industry in other reviews, but I wonder if something is wrong. The doctor and patient are person-to-person, so there will be good compatibility, but if you are going to take care of me for a long time, I would like to ask for this kind of teacher ~
フェアリー on Google

初めて行った時です。受付の方がすごく冷たかったです。看護師のドンのような人が「ここは私の病院よ」というような態度をしていて正直引きました。常連の方にはすごく丁寧に対応していて、むしろしゃべってる感じです。大声を出して。もう少し病院全体を考えて話してあげるといいと思います。体調が悪い方の中には頭に響いてガンガンする方もいると思います。 そして何より電話対応に驚きました。相手の方は症状が辛く、家で診察してほしいようで、どうしたら良いかを看護師の人に聞いていました。すると「どうして欲しいかじゃなくてあなたはどうしてほしいんですか?どうしろっていうんですか?それがはっきりしていないならお答えできません。」と冷たく言っていました。待っている間に聞こえてきました。かなり大きめの声でした。忙しいというのもわかりますが辛いと訴え、病院の都合に合わせようとしている患者さんにむかってその対応はどうなんだと思いました。その電話の後、他の看護師さんに言いふらしていました。勿論、大きな声で。 先生は優しいですし質問にも答えてくださりました。看護師さんも丁寧な方はいますが、その印象がドンに押し潰されていると感じました。正月明けてすぐでここの病院しか開いていなかったため行きましたができればもう行きたくないです。
It is the first time I went. The receptionist was very cold. A person like the nurse Don took an attitude like "Here is my hospital" and pulled me honestly. I am very polite to the regulars and I feel like I'm talking. Loud. I think it would be better to think about the whole hospital and talk a little more. I think that some of you who are not feeling well may feel nervous and get pounded. And above all I was surprised at the phone response. The other person had no symptoms and asked for a medical examination at home and asked the nurses what to do. Then, he said coldly, "Why not what I want you to do? What do you want? I can not answer if it is not clear." I heard it while I was waiting. It was a fairly loud voice. I understand that I am busy, but I complained that it was painful, and I thought what I could do for patients who were trying to match the convenience of the hospital. After the phone, I told other nurses. Of course, in a loud voice. The teacher was kind and answered questions. Although some nurses were polite, I felt that the impression was crushed by Don. I just went back to New Year's Day and I only went to the hospital here.
SWK on Google

Personally, he is a very interesting teacher. Friendly and easy to talk to, the impression is the opposite of high pressure. I was really taken care of when I fell down due to heat, when a mysterious thing was made, and when I used a gastrocamera. The mysterious thing disappeared naturally and remained unidentified after all, but it was interesting that when he was healed, he was really relieved to say, "Oh, that was good!". Thank you very much.
ryoso ya on Google

Both nurses and teachers are the worst. I went to vaccination. There was no pre-inoculation consultation, and I was told to get out of the room if I was violent. Of course, there was no greeting. Isn't it safe and secure to inoculate at the hospital? I can't do it just because it was so crowded that I couldn't afford it. If anything happens, I will take responsibility properly. As a pediatrician, it was not an attitude towards children. I definitely do not recommend it to those who are thinking about vaccination or pediatrics.
Mona Aquino on Google

Very helpful nurses who go the extra mile, especially in assisting foreigners.

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