
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラディアボディ

住所 :

Mizue, Kurashiki, 〒710-0802 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://radiabody.jp/
街 : Okayama

Mizue, Kurashiki, 〒710-0802 Okayama,Japan
Y K on Google

I wanted to go to the service well again, but the salon (was?) And the parking lot are shared, so it's small. And because the road in front of the store is connected to Aeon Kurashiki, it is quite crowded depending on the time of day. I thought I could go regularly if it was a little cheaper ...
エンムユーカル on Google

んー、キャンペーンで行ったら必ず セット料金の5万以上の券を案内される...。キャンペーンのメールくるのに...なんだかセットを買わなかったら、嫌そうな顔をされるので...。施術はすごく良いのだけどもう行かない。
Well, every time you go for a campaign Guided over 50,000 tickets for set fee. If you don't buy a set for a campaign email ... The treatment is really good but I can't go there anymore.
yu uka on Google

ブライダルコースを受けました。 式までにドレスが綺麗に着たくて 肩甲骨がでていなかったのが悩み だったのですが、式同日はドレスが 少しぶかぶかなぐらいまでに絞る 事ができました!! 肩甲骨ラインも綺麗にでました。 ウエストも引き締まって嬉しかった です!! 5回施術を受けたのですが、続けて 通って本当によかったです!! スタッフの方もいつも親切に対応 して下さってありがとうございま した! ドレスを着る方は絶対に受ける べきです!! 今度は体のメンテナンスで お世話になりたいです。
I have received a bridal course. I want to dress beautifully by the ceremony I'm troubled that the scapula was not exposed The dress was the same day as the ceremony I squeeze by a bit awkwardly Things were done! ! The shoulder blade line was also beautiful. I was happy to tighten my waist is! ! I received 5 treatments, but continued It was really nice to go through! ! The staff always respond kindly Thank you for doing did! Those who wear a dress will definitely receive Should be! ! This time with the maintenance of the body I want to be indebted.
松本純弥 on Google

小4の息子が院長にお世話になりました! バドミントンをやっていて肩、腰と痛めたのですが、治療後治りました。 予防のトレーニング方法、使えていない筋肉等、とても参考になりました。
The son of 4th grade was taken care of by the director! I was playing badminton and hurt my shoulders and lower back, but it healed after treatment. It was very helpful for preventive training methods, unused muscles, etc.

話しやすく相談しやすいオーナーさんに施術してもらいました。 身体の事もとても詳しいので、様々な事が聞けて、日々の生活の改善にも繋がりました。 スタッフさんもたくさんいて、皆んな親切でした。ありがとうございました!
I asked the owner, who is easy to talk to and talk to, to perform the treatment. I am very familiar with my body, so I was able to hear various things and helped improve my daily life. There were many staff members and they were all kind. thank you very much!
三谷原千鶴子 on Google

いつも夫婦でお世話になっています。主人は腰痛、足のだるさ、股関節の痛み、肩こりなど、私は股関節の違和感、首の痛み、先日はめまいで駆け込みました。耳石が外れたためで医者から首の運動をすすめられましたが自分では無理!!そこでラディアボディでゆっくり回してもらうことに!頭を回しても大丈夫になりました。ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m
I am always indebted to my husband and wife. My husband had low back pain, dull legs, hip pain, stiff shoulders, etc. I rushed in with hip discomfort, neck pain, and dizziness the other day. The doctor recommended me to exercise my neck because my otolith came off, but I couldn't do it myself! !! So I decided to have him turn slowly with a Radia body! It's okay to turn my head. Thank you m (_ _) m
三谷原恒良 on Google

I have been attending for over 10 years since the opening. I am relieved that I have been going for the longest time since I had surgery on hernia and have the best understanding of my body. Before, when I was on a business trip outside the prefecture, I couldn't walk when I received a massage at a cheap shop, and when I was seen by the director, it soon healed. Just a god hand! !! Now my family and company staff are also available!
頼正修子 on Google

This time, after giving birth, I went to the wedding ceremony! You can see your upper arm and back from the dress, so I asked you to focus on it and everyone at the party lost a lot of weight! I was very happy to be able to commit to the results! I love your kind customer service and smiles (* ^^ *)

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