みよし市文化センターサンアート(みよし市勤労文化会館) - Miyoshi

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact みよし市文化センターサンアート(みよし市勤労文化会館)

住所 :

Miyoshicho, Miyoshi, 〒470-0224 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 470-0224
Webサイト : http://www.hm9.aitai.ne.jp/~sunart/
街 : Aichi

Miyoshicho, Miyoshi, 〒470-0224 Aichi,Japan
あおきしゅうこ on Google

毎年、菊花展に行きますが、今日は偶然に除幕式に遭遇?? 菊も愛情を注いで、育くまれた秀作揃いで、美しく咲き誇ってました? 文化展の盆栽、書道、絵画などの秀逸な作品揃いで見応え充分?
I go to the Kikuhana exhibition every year, but today I happened to encounter the unveiling ceremony ?? The chrysanthemums were also loving and beautifully blooming with all the excellent works that were brought up ? Excellent works such as bonsai, calligraphy, and paintings at the cultural exhibition are worth seeing ?
ママゆき on Google

I used it for the first time since it was renewed. The seats and toilets were very beautiful. I want to use it again ♪
陽棚 on Google

子供の発表会で利用しましたが、会場もトイレも綺麗で、駐車場も広くとてもよかったです。 子供が怪我をしてしまいましたが、センターの皆さんにとても親切にしていただきました。 ありがとうございました。
I used it for the children's recital, but the venue and toilet were clean, and the parking lot was large and very nice. My child was injured, but the people at the center were very kind to me. Thank you very much.
田井中道夫 on Google

みよし美術展を見てきました まあまあの会場でした 会館のアプローチ ホールはドエリャーいいですね 駐車場も広く良かったですね
I've seen the Miyoshi Art Exhibition. It was a decent venue. The approach hall of the hall is Doeriya, isn't it? The parking lot was also large and nice
岡本謙一(shiro-cro) on Google

知らぬとは言え、こんな素敵な施設があるとは知りませんでした。 今回はロビーコンサートで足をはこびましたが何時かはホールでの催し物があれば行ってみたいと思います。
Although I didn't know, I didn't know that there was such a wonderful facility. This time I went to a lobby concert, but someday I would like to go if there is an event in the hall.
SZ TA Huang on Google

Old cartoon movies
Miyakawa Akira on Google

Andreia Pinheiro on Google

Beautiful ceremony hall. Good employee. Very clean.

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