Miyazaki Obstetrics and Gynecology - Suzuka

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Miyazaki Obstetrics and Gynecology

住所 :

2 Chome-1-8 Hirata, Suzuka, Mie 513-0844, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897888
Postal code : 513-0844
Webサイト : http://www.miyazaki-clinic.jp/

2 Chome-1-8 Hirata, Suzuka, Mie 513-0844, Japan
みるくここあ on Google

ここで出産希望で受診しました。初診で問診票を記入し、待合室で待っていたところ受付か看護師か分かりませんが呼び出されたので、立とうとするとここでいいですよと言われ待合室の座席で話をすることに。 私の体のことでここでの出産は難しいから他の病院を探して欲しいという内容だったのですが、他の患者さんが大勢いる中(待合室はとても静か)でその話をされました。 他の患者さんも気になるのか、ダンボの耳になっていますし、私は恥ずかしくて小声で話していると聞こえないと思ったのか更に声が大きくなるスタッフ。ここにはプライバシーはないのでしょうか? 自分でも分かっていてここで産めるか相談も兼ねて、評判が良かったので受診したのに…。受付であんな恥をかかされて最悪でした。 せめて別室か、待合室の端っこでもいいので周りに聞こえない配慮が欲しかったです。
I had a medical examination here with the hope of giving birth. I filled out the questionnaire at the first visit, and when I was waiting in the waiting room, I didn't know if it was a receptionist or a nurse, but I was called, so when I tried to stand, I was told that it was okay here and decided to talk in the waiting room seat. It was difficult to give birth here because of my body, so I asked him to look for another hospital, but he talked about it while there were many other patients (the waiting room was very quiet). I wonder if other patients are worried about it, and I'm listening to Dumbo, and I'm embarrassed and I thought I couldn't hear it when I was speaking in a quiet voice. Is there no privacy here? I knew it myself, and I also consulted if I could give birth here, and I had a good reputation, so I went to see him ... It was the worst because I was so embarrassed at the reception. At the very least, it could be a separate room or the edge of the waiting room, so I wanted consideration so that people couldn't hear it.
Sakamotu salt on Google

内装がきれいで広く、上品な場所 ナースさんの対応は普通に丁寧でした びっくりしたのは、 広々としたロビーに静かに聞こえるピアノの音など、高級感あるホテルのような待合室でした ただ、分かりづらかったのは 「チャラララン♪」って音がしたら 画面に会計か呼び出しの番号が 呼ばれてるって気づきにくい事でした それだけ案内して貰えなら良かったです なので、代わりに書いておきました
Clean, spacious and elegant place The nurse's response was normally polite What surprised me was It was a waiting room like a luxury hotel, with the sound of a piano quietly heard in the spacious lobby. However, what was difficult to understand If you hear the sound "Chara Laran ♪" The accounting or call number is on the screen It was hard to notice that I was called It would have been nice if you could guide me that much So I wrote it instead
あや椿 on Google

It's beautiful in the new hospital. But it's mechanical and not warm. I do not recommend it as a gynecologist. I think it feels like you are focusing on obstetrics. Maybe it's because gynecology can't make money?
岩田莉奈 on Google

婦人科で通院しています。 他の方も言われているように、先生はとても熱心に聞いて下さりとても対応が良いですが、受付の方の対応の悪さ、愛想の悪さ、本当に気分悪いです。 病院を変えたくても、自宅、仕事場からの通院を考えると、こちらしかなくて。毎回本当に気分悪いです。
I go to the hospital for gynecology. As others have said, the teacher listens very enthusiastically and is very responsive, but the receptionist is unresponsive, unfriendly, and really uncomfortable. Even if I want to change the hospital, I have no choice but to go to the hospital from home or work. I feel really sick every time.
まるこ on Google

建物が素敵で惹かれたのと、友達が何人か宮崎さんで出産していて院長先生はじめ皆さん優しくて良い人だったと聞いて私も宮崎さんで出産しました。 人気の病院でいつも混み合ってますが、検診の時にどの先生も丁寧に診察してくれて今の赤ちゃんの様子など細かく説明してくれたりと出産まで不安になることなく過ごせました。院長先生はエコーのスペシャリストの資格を持っていらして胎児ドッグも受けれますよ。 そして最後に必ず何か気になる事はありますか?と聞いてくださいます。 お産の際にもいろいろトラブルがありましたが助産師さん、院長先生が手際よく対応してくださり無事に出産することができました! 母乳外来などアフターフォローがあるのも心強いです!何故か低評価が多いですが、、私は宮崎さんはこれから出産する方にとてもおすすめだと思います。
I was attracted to the building, and I heard that some of my friends gave birth to Mr. Miyazaki and everyone, including the director, was kind and nice, so I gave birth to Mr. Miyazaki. It's always crowded at popular hospitals, but at the time of the examination, all the teachers carefully examined me and explained in detail what the baby is doing, so I was able to spend my time without worrying about giving birth. The director is qualified as an echo specialist and can accept fetal dogs. And finally, is there anything you really care about? Please ask. I had a lot of troubles during childbirth, but the midwife and the director of the hospital took care of me and I was able to give birth safely! It is also encouraging to have after-sales follow-up such as breastfeeding outpatients! For some reason, it is often rated low, but I think Mr. Miyazaki is highly recommended for those who are about to give birth.
vale maida on Google

口コミをみて少し心配していましたが。。受付の方も看護師さんも先生も、とても優しくて安心して受診することができました。 以前別の産婦人科で診断結果もまともに説明されず適当な扱いを受けて悲しかったのですが、今回こちらで受診して、病院選びは大切だと、つくづく感じました。 ありがとうございました。
I was a little worried when I saw the word of mouth. .. The receptionist, the nurse, and the teacher were all very kind and I was able to receive a medical examination with peace of mind. I was sad that I was treated appropriately because the diagnosis result was not explained properly in another obstetrics and gynecology department before, but when I visited here this time, I felt that it was important to choose a hospital. Thank you very much.
なな葉山 on Google

I use childcare, but there seemed to be some nursery teachers who disliked childcare after the consultation hours, and there were too many comments that I couldn't say many times. Finally, do you know that you are now restricted by Corona? If there is a person who can leave it, please ask there. No, I know. I'm sorry I'm depositing because there is no one to deposit. It's a job, so I want you to think that you can see it with confidence without complaining.
みず on Google

建て替え前からお世話になっております。先生の増員もあり、サービスもさらによくなったように感じます。 予約が取りづらいことがネックですが、産科自体減っている中たくさんの患者さんを受け入れて下さり本当に有難いです。待ち時間は長いですが院内は過ごしやすいですし、30分前にメールも届くので呼ばれるまで家でゆっくり待つこともできます。 託児所を利用したこともありますが雰囲気があたたかく、子は楽しんでいたようでした。 普段の診察はもちろんですが、特に出産の際、助産師さんや看護師さんが親身になってくださったことがとても印象的です。
We have been indebted to you even before the rebuilding. With the increase in the number of teachers, I feel that the service has improved even further. The difficulty in making reservations is a bottleneck, but I am really grateful for accepting a large number of patients while the obstetrics itself is decreasing. Although the waiting time is long, it is easy to spend time in the hospital, and you can also wait at home slowly until you are called because you will receive an email 30 minutes in advance. I used to use a nursery center, but the atmosphere was warm and the child seemed to enjoy it. It is very impressive that the midwives and nurses became kind to me, especially during childbirth, as well as the usual medical examinations.

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