
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社アカシアの樹

住所 :

Miyauchi, Hatsukaichi, 〒738-0034 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://www.acacia-no-ki.co.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Miyauchi, Hatsukaichi, 〒738-0034 Hiroshima,Japan
Reiko Mutou on Google

アカシアの樹のポリフェノール 血糖値が気になる時出会いました 糖の吸収を抑え食後の血糖値の上昇を 穏やかにしてくれるそうです 食事中に飲めばいいので忘れることもなく 小粒で匂いもキツくなく飲用しやすいです 製品の品質も細やかに書いてあるパンフレットで日本製品というのも安心です
Acacia tree polyphenols I met when I was worried about my blood sugar level Suppresses sugar absorption and raises blood sugar level after meals It seems to calm down Don't forget to drink it during meals It is small and has a strong odor and is easy to drink. It is safe to say that it is a Japanese product with a pamphlet that describes the quality of the product in detail.

血糖値対策に半年ほど飲み続けていますが効いている気がします! 次の健康診断が楽しみです^^
I've been taking it for about half a year to prevent blood sugar, but I think it's working! I'm looking forward to the next health check ^^
take jon on Google

Since it is a health food, it is said that it will take 3-6 months for it to be effective. I just don't feel it. I envy people who can eat as much as they want
Takeshi Gunji on Google

The HbA1c value was high at 5.8, and I was prepared to diagnose diabetes. A person suggested me to take care of red polysaccharide, but at first I was skeptical. After reading the explanation, the results were shown at university research institutes, and the mechanism of controlling blood sugar was logical, so I decided to try it for three months. When I drank the supplement, my stomach felt warm, so I felt that it was effective, but I was skeptical, and I was skeptical. Three months later, a blood test showed that HbA1c had improved to 5.6, and the effect turned convinced. . You can live a personally satisfying diet without excessively limiting carbohydrates. There may be individual differences in the time to effect, but we recommend that you try it for three months. By the way, I take healthy body tea, body calpis, and akapolysaccharide care every day.
M K on Google

万年ダイエッターの私は、主に糖質オフダイエットをしています。そのため血糖値上昇に関するサプリを買いあさりましたが、3ヶ月使い続けて一番いいと思ったのがここのサプリです。血糖値の上昇を抑えてくれるおかげか、1ヶ月後から体重が落ち始めました。 炭水化物を完全に抜くダイエットは体に悪いし、ストレスも溜まるので、こういったサプリメントを併用するのは良い方法だと思います。 体重を減らしたい人だけじゃなく、今の体重をキープしたい人も、普段の生活に取り入れることでいつまでも健康でいることができると思います。 私の叔父が血糖値を気にしているので、今度紹介しようと思います。
As a million year dieter, I'm mainly on a carbohydrate-off diet. Therefore, I bought a supplement for increasing blood sugar level, but the one I thought was the best after using it for 3 months. One month later, I started to lose weight, probably because of the increase in my blood sugar. A diet that completely removes carbohydrates is bad for your body and causes stress, so I think it's a good idea to use these supplements together. Not only those who want to lose weight, but those who want to keep their current weight should be able to stay healthy forever by incorporating them into their daily lives. My uncle cares about blood sugar, so I'll introduce it next time.
大茜 on Google

It is a little difficult to drink because you drink 6 tablets at a time, but it is easy to drink and you can expect the effect. Very polite delivery is good. I would like to continue drinking with peace of mind because of the ingredients derived from nature.
斎藤勉 on Google

It has been 4 months since I started drinking, but hemoglobin has not changed significantly. However, I think that it is working because it did not change even when it was a bit overweight after eating too much.
小川容子 on Google

沢山の薬を飲んでいるため、食前が、なかなか守れず、いつも失敗してしまいます。 作用があったのか、不明です。
Because I take a lot of medicine, I can't keep it before meals and always fail. I don't know if it worked.

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