
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 駿河不動産株式会社

住所 :

Miyatake, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8035 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : https://suruga-f2.jp/
街 : Shizuoka

Miyatake, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8035 Shizuoka,Japan
å charlotte on Google

急な引っ越しでしたが、丁寧な説明で、無事に引っ越しを終えることができました! 学生さんにはピッタリだと思います。
It was a sudden move, but with a polite explanation, I was able to finish the move safely! I think it's perfect for students.
s n on Google

The president showed me around the property and told me about the shops such as supermarkets in the area. It was very kind.
?? on Google

店舗が休日だったにもかかわらず社長さん自ら物件を案内して頂きました。都合が合わない中大変ありがたく 娘の大学の住まいを2~3件案内して頂きました。家賃の事や家主さんとか住んでる方とかの案内もして頂きました。通学にも便利で生活し易い物件を案内して頂き即日に決めてしまいました。親として不安がありましたが良い環境の物件を見つけられ感謝しております。
Even though the store was on a holiday, the president himself showed me the property. I was very grateful for the fact that it wasn't convenient for me, and I was kind enough to inform you about my daughter's university residence. He also gave us information about rent and the landlord and the people who live there. I was asked to show me a property that is convenient for commuting to school and easy to live in, and I decided on the same day. As a parent, I was worried, but I am grateful to find a property with a good environment.
お腹弱い系のOL on Google

It was exchanged by e-mail, but it feels good and the response is quick. It's a very positive impression. It was a person in charge called Mr. Mochizuki. Thank you very much.
hitomi U on Google

遠方の為、電話とメールのみで契約しました、対応も良くアドバイスもして下さり不安でしたがすんなり決めれました。 入居時、駿河不動産へ伺った時も皆さんの雰囲気がとても良かったです。ここにお願いして安心出来ました。
Because it was far away, I signed the contract only by phone and e-mail. When I moved in and visited Suruga Real Estate, everyone's atmosphere was very good. I was relieved to ask here.
さららん on Google

紹介していただくアパートは手頃な価格で広さもあって満足いくものでした。 実際に物件を見に行く際に説明してくれた方がとても丁寧で、親身になっていい物件を探してくれる方です。契約後もし何かあった時も、呼べばその方が来てくれるとの事でしたので、契約後の安心もあります。 地元を大切にしているいい企業です。自信を持ってオススメします。
The apartment I was introduced to was reasonably priced and spacious, which made me happy. The person who explained when actually going to see the property is very polite, and the person who is friendly and looking for a good property. Even if something happens after the contract, it is said that the person will come if you call, so there is also peace of mind after the contract. It is a good company that values ​​the local area. I recommend it with confidence.
em y on Google

Many of the properties are reasonably priced for students, and there is also a pre-pass reservation system, which was helpful. The person in charge is also friendly, and it is an atmosphere where you can feel free to consult if you have any problems after the contract.
松本由佳 on Google

I was impressed by the first property inquiry when my child went on to school. I visited the company several times, but it was always easy for everyone to respond cheerfully and consult with me. I was relieved that the property information, explanation of matters, and support for SOS immediately after moving in were polite. I had the impression that I was attentive to the end, and I thought that living in a property of a management company without anxiety was the most reassuring factor for a child living alone.

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