オートウェーブ 宮野木店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オートウェーブ 宮野木店

住所 :

Miyanogicho, Inage Ward, 〒263-0054 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://auto-wave.co.jp/shop/miyanogi
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Miyanogicho, Inage Ward, 〒263-0054 Chiba,Japan
myumyu99 on Google

タイヤ交換しました。 価格も他社3社と比べて安く 即日交換でき 満足しています。価格勉強してくれました? 購入時によく確認しなかったのが悪かったのですが 窒素ガスを充填でのタイヤ交換だったので 今後のタイヤ空気圧時には窒素ガス充填になりそうです。オートウエーブでは無料で充填してくれます。量販店によっては充填料金とるところもあるようですので購入時には確認を!
I changed the tires. The price is also cheaper than the three other companies I am satisfied with the exchange on the same day. He studied the price ? It was bad that I didn't check it well at the time of purchase, but since it was a tire replacement with nitrogen gas filling, it seems that nitrogen gas will be filled at the time of future tire pressure. Autowave will fill it for free. It seems that some mass retailers charge a filling fee, so check when purchasing!
Show 39Sun on Google

今日はスタットレスタイヤのレンタルで伺いました。 スタッフの方が親切で客との会話を楽しんでいる感じがして好感が持てます。これからも利用したいと思います。
I visited today for rental of studless tires. I feel that the staff are kind and enjoy the conversation with the customers, which I like. I would like to continue using it.
君塚宏尚 on Google

I sometimes go to change tires and oil. There are so many types and the prices are reasonable. For that reason, it takes about 1.5 times the scheduled time to work each time. If it is said that it takes 40 minutes, please think that it will take 1 hour. Other than that, it is ◎.
Ak Taki on Google

The AUTOWAVE Miyanogi store has been used for a long time. It has become impossible to completely clean the ATF since it became the current car, but it is worth trying a car that can do this work. Personally, if you do it after exceeding 50,000 km, it will have the effect of experiencing a lot of driving, so if you want to ride your car for a long time, please try it once. Also, due to changes in the internal layout of the store, I feel that the oil department has been reduced. Regarding tires, I only exchange them with Autowave, but I usually buy tires every time in response to the efforts of the clerk who actively hits the calculator and pays the amount, so I can get a discount. I know that, but the clerk who proceeded with the retail price this time was said to be reluctant to discount, so I stopped negotiations. Since there was no help for it, the person in charge when I bought the tire before was in another department, so when I consulted, I asked them to respond and gave me a reasonable amount of money and bought the tire. I have been purchasing it regularly for a long time, so I realized again that it is better to have a business talk with a familiar clerk. I can't give you the amount on the internet, but if you include the aftercare of the tires, it's a reasonable amount. I want to buy it again.
大先生 on Google

タイヤ交換のために利用しました。 店舗外観や店舗内は古さを感じましたが、待合室のソファは快適です。 オートバックスやイエローハットでも、あそこまで快適なソファは無かったですね。 1時間半の待機時間が苦になりませんでした。 勘弁してほしかったのは、芳香剤の臭いです。 気持ち悪くなりそうでした。
I used it to change tires. The exterior and interior of the store felt old, but the sofas in the waiting room are comfortable. Even with AUTOBACS and Yellow Hat, there was no sofa that was so comfortable. The waiting time of one and a half hours did not bother me. What I wanted you to forgive me was the smell of fragrance. I was feeling sick.
さとみ on Google

車のメンテには待ち時間がつきものですが、受付を済ますといつも飲み物とお菓子をくれます。待合室(コロナ禍の今は部屋のように区切られていません)には雑誌やマッサージチェアもあり、Wi-Fiも使えます。無料のコーヒーメーカーとウォータースタンドで紅茶も飲めます。 水曜はエンジンオイルのレディースデイもやっていてお得です。スタッフも親切で隣の業務スーパーも往来できるので最近は何かあると、ここでお願いしています。 最近ではスマホ決済も使用できるので便利です。
There is a waiting time for car maintenance, but when you finish the reception, you will always receive drinks and sweets. The waiting room (which isn't separated like a room now in Corona) also has magazines, massage chairs, and Wi-Fi. You can also drink tea at the free coffee maker and waterstand. On Wednesday, we also have a ladies' day of engine oil, which is a great deal. The staff are kind and the business supermarket next door can come and go, so I'm asking here if there is something lately. Recently, it is convenient because you can also use smartphone payment.
Brave Waves on Google

全盛期の賑わいからするとかなり寂しい。 店舗もフロアが減り品数も減り、タイヤ屋さんの雰囲気が強い感じです。
It is quite lonely considering the bustle of the heyday. The number of floors and the number of items in the stores have decreased, and the atmosphere of the tire shop is strong.
才谷屋梅太郎(Umetaro800) on Google

①昔に比べ、規模はかなり小さくなったけど良くなった。 ②業務スーパー併設はかなり良い。 ③自転車売場が超おすすめ! 90年代半ば、バイト仲間とよく遊びに行った。 20年以上経って、となりの「業務スーパー」が目当てで久しぶりに行った。 案内がシンプルだったので、車検も通してしまった。 社内車検場で3時間もあれば終了。ディーラーのように変なオプションもついてこないので、ある程度知識ある方なら使い勝手は良い。 オプションはなかったが、2年間戦車チケットなどサービスは沢山付いてきた。 実はそのまたついでに自転車も買ってしまった。 いや、買う予定はあったのだが、担当の方のプロ意識の高さに背中を押された。 20年以上来ていなかったけど、良い店になったなあ‥というおっさんの感想。
(1) Compared to the past, the scale is much smaller but better. (2) The business supermarket is quite good. ③ The bicycle section is highly recommended! In the mid 90's, I often went out to play with my fellow part-time workers. After more than 20 years, I went to the next "business supermarket" for the first time in a long time. Since the guidance was simple, I passed the vehicle inspection. It will be over in 3 hours at the in-house vehicle inspection site. It doesn't come with strange options like a dealer, so if you have some knowledge, it's easy to use. There were no options, but a lot of services such as tank tickets came with it for two years. Actually, I also bought a bicycle. No, I was planning to buy it, but the professionalism of the person in charge pushed me back. I haven't been here for more than 20 years, but the old man said that it became a good restaurant.

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