Miyagi Stadium - Miyagi District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Miyagi Stadium

住所 :

Tate-40-1 Sugaya, Rifu, Miyagi District, Miyagi 981-0122, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 981-0122
Webサイト : https://www.mspf.jp/grande21/index.php%3Faction%3Dsisetu_shoukai_stadium

Tate-40-1 Sugaya, Rifu, Miyagi District, Miyagi 981-0122, Japan
Sato Takuto on Google

The stadium with a maximum of 10,000 people has a short waiting line and is very comfortable. This will never happen again.
NORI on Google

オリンピック 日本VSチリ 観戦してきましたー! 終始攻めていたのですが、なかなかゴールが決まらず、逆に1度だけ入れられたかとヒヤッとした場面がありましたが、最後に勝ち越しのゴールが決まって大盛り上がりでした! 皆さん、マスクはもちろん、静かに観戦していました。チャンスの場面では拍手をして選手に応援を届けていました。会場も感染対策はとてもしっかり行っていました。 コロナ禍でオリンピックの開催や観客を入れる事への賛否はありますが、やっぱり日本が勝って嬉しかったし観戦出来て良かったです。
I've been watching the Olympics Japan VS Chile! I was attacking from beginning to end, but it was hard to score a goal, and on the contrary, there was a scene where I was surprised that I was able to enter only once, but at the end I got a goal to win and it was a great excitement! Everyone was watching the game quietly, not to mention the mask. When I had a chance, I applauded and delivered support to the players. The venue was also very well prepared for infection control. There are pros and cons to hosting the Olympics and having spectators in the corona, but I'm glad that Japan won and I was happy to watch the game.
Y Y on Google

u20女子ワールドカップやオリンピックなど、多くの国際試合を見せたくれた 遠い東海地方の県外の人間ですが、何故かこのスタジアムには不思議と縁があります。
He showed us many international games such as the u20 Women's World Cup and the Olympics. Although he is a person from outside the prefecture in the distant Tokai region, for some reason this stadium has a strange connection.
坂本千明(チアキ) on Google

The toilet was clean and I was able to use the facility with peace of mind. I would like to thank the Governor of Miyagi Prefecture for visiting the Olympic soccer spectators.
H F on Google

東京2020スペイン対コートジボワールを観戦してきました。 往復のシャトルバスとも人数制限で快適。トイレもすぐに入れるし、試合も堪能できました。 ただし売店等はコンパクトで寂しい感じ。致し方無いですね。 実質は5500人の入場者だったそうです。
I have been watching Tokyo 2020 Spain vs. Cote d'Ivoire. Both the round-trip shuttle bus are comfortable with a limited number of people. I was able to put in the toilet immediately and enjoy the game. However, the shops are compact and lonely. I can't help it. It seems that the actual number of visitors was 5,500.
The Olympics Sports on Google

Jigoro Kano Judo School Pakistan on Google

Really nice place after reconstructions
c0Rr dUMp on Google

Attending a live today so shuttle buses were provided. Accessibility isn't that good, far from train station. Facilities aren't new but maintenance is good.

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