
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (有)BPコーポレーション

住所 :

Miyadera, Iruma, 〒358-0014 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Webサイト : https://bpc-body-shop.business.site/
街 : Saitama

Miyadera, Iruma, 〒358-0014 Saitama,Japan
山本翔 on Google

The clerk's support after-sales service was also very reliable, and I thought it would be a serious shop that I would like to use again.
ポロシー on Google

Estimate and actual billing are different, but for those who are amateurs or less for the labor cost equivalent to the dealer, those who do not mind anything if the wheel, in-dash, etc. are hurt
コジロウ on Google

Thank you for processing the headlights and installing the aero parts. I asked for a very troublesome work, but I was able to leave it to me without any anxiety because I was able to work with particular attention and to contact me frequently with photos of the situation during the work.
Ylll S on Google

It is a sheet metal repair shop that does not rely on putty as much as possible, and can be struck firmly and without punching. The level of welding is high, and TIG and spot welding are great as well as MIG. He / she does well to the back side without painting. I thought the quality of used car sales was the most amazing shop I've ever seen.
ぴくるす少佐 on Google

An American car shop where you can buy parallel cars that will be kind to you. The after-sales service for the vehicles purchased here is also perfect and very reliable. Rare cars are also imported in parallel. Unfortunately, we do not trade in, so be careful about that. Payment by card costs a fee in addition to sales tax ... orz
2015 SILVERDO on Google

15y Silverdo1500WT購入にて遠方からでしたが、希望通りの満足できる1台を探してもらいました。 納車までアメリカから日本まで経過を連絡してくれたり、安心して車が届くまで待つ事が出来ました! 小さいことですが、希望ナンバー指定してましたがお互いに忙しかったせいなのか、ナンバー指定の件がなかったことになっていたのが少しだけ残念でしたが、逆に言えばそれぐらいしか気になった事は無いです! というか、かなり予算より安くして貰ったりサービスで塗装してもらったりしたので次回の車検時にナンバー変更でいいやと思うぐらいの感じでした!笑笑 納車後も些細な事でも相談してもらい担当者が変わってからも利益に関わらずお客優先の対応には、ここで買って良かったと思っています! 辛口になってしまいましたが、今の車を買い換える時、またお世話になろうと思えるカーショップです!!
I bought the 15y Silverdo 1500WT from afar, but I was asked to find a satisfactory one as I wanted. I was able to inform the progress from the United States to Japan until the car was delivered, and I was able to wait until the car arrived with confidence! It's a small thing, but I was a little disappointed that there was no number designation, probably because we were busy with each other, but conversely, I'm only concerned about that. I have never been! Or rather, I got it cheaper than the budget and had it painted by the service, so I felt like I could change the number at the next vehicle inspection! LOL Even after the car was delivered, I was asked to consult with me about even the smallest matters, and even after the person in charge changed, I'm glad I bought it here to give priority to customers regardless of profits! It's been dry, but it's a car shop that I think I'll take care of again when I buy a new car !!
0314ヒロ on Google

注文書作成から契約までは頻繁に連絡が来るが、契約後は輸出や到着の連絡もなし。見積もりも、概算の概算で具体性がなく予算を大幅にオーバーした。パーツ代金などの詳細も要求しなければ開示されず、納車間際に漸く入手して確認したところ、見積もりには工賃が含まれていないものもあり、少なく見積もられていたため1500ドル以上のオーバー。為替の誤差を考慮してもいい加減すぎる見積もり。ローンで購入予定だったため、多めに見積もって欲しかった。また、日本に到着後一カ月半もあったにもかかわらず納車予定の連絡も無く、催促して初めて納車予定の調整が始まる始末。日本での作業はガラスコーティングと下回りの錆止め。半月前にコーティング終了と聞いており、下回りも一週間で終わると聞いていたが、未だに下回りの作業が始まっていないとのこと。契約までは熱心だが、その後は催促しなければ車の状況や納車予定も連絡されませんでした。今回はじめての購入だったということで、馴染みにならないと後回しになるということなのかと思っています。ですので、一見さんには到底おススメできません。 納車後後日談、担当者が退職し新しい担当の方から納車していただきました。電車で受け取りに行きましたが、最寄りまで迎えにきていただきました。また、これまでの不満点についても謝罪と丁寧な説明を頂きました。全てはコミュニケーション不足と不十分な報告が原因ということがわかり、ひとまず過去は清算できたと思います。これからのメンテナンス等で良いお付き合いができればと期待しています。 さらに後日談。車両改善で取り付けたモニターのフロントとサイドカメラの入力切替ができず 原因も分からず‥。各種配線を見るも、電源の取り方は素人並。配線が乱雑に弄られすぎて個人ではどうにもできず、別の電装屋さんに全ての配線を、やり直してもらいました。プロの目から見ても素人のDIY並だと言われました。また、たくさん車を輸入しているので、米国からのパーツ輸入は(それらと一緒に送れば)安くできると言われていたけど、それも嘘で、結局楽天やらアマゾンで売ってる値段くらいにしかならないと言われる‥。どんだけ担当者間で言うこと違うんだよと思いました。結局、新しいホイールは個人で米国から購入しました。楽天、アマゾンよりも全然安く買えました。
Frequent contact from purchase order preparation to contract, but no contract of export or arrival after contract. Estimates were also significantly over the budget there is no concreteness in the estimate of the approximate. We did not disclose details unless we asked for details such as parts price, but we got it after getting delivered gradually and found that there were some that did not include fees in the estimate, so it was over estimated over $ 1,500 for over estimation. Even if you consider errors in exchange rates too much estimate. It was planned to purchase with a loan, so I wanted to estimate it a little. Also, despite having been a month and a half after arriving in Japan, there is no contact with the delivery schedule, and the adjustment that the schedule to be delivered is started for the first time only by urging. Rust of less than work and the glass coating in Japan. I heard that the coating is finished half a month ago and I heard that the lowering will be over in a week, but the work which is still under is still not starting. Until the contract is enthusiastic, but after that we had to prompt the car situation and delivery schedule was not notified. I think that this is the first purchase this time, so that it will be postponed if it does not become familiar. So, I can not recommend it to Mr. Seki. Sequel After delivered, the person in charge had it delivered from the side of the new charge of retirement. I went to the receipt by train, but I was coming to pick me up at the nearest. In addition, we received an apology and polite also describes dissatisfaction points so far. It turned out that all was caused by insufficient communication and inadequate reporting, and I think that the past could be liquidated for the time being. I expect if it is good relations in the future of maintenance or the like. In addition sequel. I can not switch the input of the front of the monitor and the side camera attached by improving the vehicle Cause also know not ‥. Even watching various wiring, how to turn on the power is amateur. The wiring was messed up roughly and I could not do anything with the individual, I got another wiring shop to redo all wiring. Even looking from the professional eyes it was said that it is the same as the amateur 's DIY. Also, since we import a lot of cars, it was said that importing parts from the United States (if sent with them) can be done cheaply, but that is also a lie, only after the price sold at Rakuten and the Amazon after all It becomes not a ‥ called. I thought that I do it different to say between Dondake personnel. After all, I purchased a new wheel from the United States personally. Rakuten, I bought it cheaper than Amazon.
Masahiko Nakamura on Google

VIPER 2017型を通販で買いました。 正直、見たことも触ったこともない車を買うのは不安がありましたが、販売担当の方はとても親切丁寧で信頼できる方だったので、安心してお任せできました。 発注から納車まで半年ほどかかりましたが、定期的に進捗状況や写真まで送ってくれたので、安心して納車を待つことができました。 1万キロ/1年半乗っていますが、まったく故障も不具合もなく快調に走っています。 「アメ車は壊れる」という固定観念をBPは払拭してくれました。 これからもどうぞよろしくお願いします。
I bought the VIPER 2017 model online. To be honest, I was worried about buying a car that I had never seen or touched, but the sales person was very kind, polite and reliable, so I was able to leave it to him with confidence. It took about half a year from ordering to delivery, but I was able to wait for delivery with peace of mind because he sent me the progress and photos on a regular basis. I've been riding 10,000km / year and a half, and it's running smoothly without any breakdowns or problems. BP dispelled the stereotype that "American cars will break". We look forward to working with you in the future.

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