
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 明神原なごみ広場

住所 :

Miwamachinamera, Iwakuni, 〒740-1223 Yamaguchi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
街 : Yamaguchi

Miwamachinamera, Iwakuni, 〒740-1223 Yamaguchi,Japan
Saka Geen (SakaGeeen) on Google

2022/4/9 秋の岸根栗の時に何回か来たが、桜のシーズン・・もう満開時は過ぎて葉桜状態でしたが、さすが桜街道というだけあってきれいな公園があり見事でした。来年は満開時に来たい。
さと on Google

大きな木に満開の?菜の花とのコンビ最高~!!! 空の青さとのバランスも良くて言葉にならない程、見事な景色を堪能出来ました。 お散歩にも最適な場所です~?
たいぞーのり on Google

桜の季節はすごくきれいです。 ぐるりと桜が公園を取り囲んでおり、桃源郷ならぬ、「桜源郷」という出で立ちです。 バーベキューのコンロがあり、肉を焼くことができます。公園のなかに小川が流れていて、水遊びができます。 子供さんを遊ばせる際には自己責任で!
Charlie Klein on Google

Fish, frogs and fireflies! It was a nice little park.
Kevin Guldner on Google

Fantastic park for a picnic and walk with the family. There are pavilions for a small BBQ and lunch.
Ken “Nimbostratus” on Google

Great walking/jogging trails, grounds are well kept, connected to 3 other parks by walking/jogging trails. A place to go to unwind.
Amelia Badelia on Google

There are several parks in this area, this one being my favorite. We met friends here this year, and it was quiet, calming and peaceful. The children could run and play. The water and cherry blossoms were fantastic. From the road it is an exceptionally beautiful view, as well as in the park. There were some people in anime costumes taking sakura photos. Please be respectful of the space and others. So beautiful!
Iwakuni Foodie on Google

This park in Miwa is one of my favorite spots for cherry blossom viewing! The bright yellow rapeseed flowers are usually blooming at the same time. I love seeing the yellow flowers blooming all around the cherry blossom trees! Plenty of wide spaces for picnics and for children to run around. The park is also dog friendly. There is a small parking lot at the park, but it fills up pretty quickly on the weekends when the cherry blossoms are blooming.

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