
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 日栄商事株式会社

住所 :

Mitsukaido Yamadamachi, Joso, 〒303-0031 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://www.nichiei-syoji.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–7:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–7:30PM
Monday 9:30AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–7:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9:30AM–7:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–7:30PM
街 : Ibaraki

Mitsukaido Yamadamachi, Joso, 〒303-0031 Ibaraki,Japan
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オフィスの植物が伸び放題でうっとうしい。道路にはみ出している。 その程度の意識の会社が建てる建物など高が知れている。
The plants in the office are all-you-can-grow and annoying. It sticks out on the road. The height of buildings built by companies with that level of awareness is known.
野鳥倶楽部 on Google

追記----- ※久々に見たら、他にも指摘されている方がいますが、不自然な評価5つ星が同時期に連発していて笑えますね。 見る人が見れば一目瞭然ですが、あからさますぎて余計に評判落としますよ。 ------------ 建築してもらえばわかりますが、あまりに杜撰な工事内容とアフターに呆れます。 業者ではなく一個人(ネットでの悪評を前もって確認しつつも自分の家はまさか問題ないだろうと日栄で家を立ててしまった被害者の一人)です。 まず家屋引渡し時には外構が全くできておらず、数カ月は家に入るまで泥だらけになってしまう庭で過ごす羽目になります。 完成後、柱の下に基礎パッキンが入っていないことがわかり、指摘したところ特に問題ないとの驚愕の返答でした。納得がいかなかったのでパッキンのメーカーより柱の下には入れないと施工不良であるというアドバイスを受け、その情報で日栄側を説得し一緒に床下に潜りバールで広げながらパッキンを打ち込みました。 また引き渡し後、ガス栓が指定の位置にあいていなかったり、トイレ配管の施工不備で異臭がしたり、挙げれば切りがないです。 完成後(契約後)は対応が一変し、上記のように面倒なことは後回しとなり雨漏りなども自分たちの責任で直すとのことで半年以上経っても直すことができていません。 雨漏りにより柱や屋根裏の木材にカビ、変色があっても見ればわかります、問題ないです、大丈夫です。と押し切られます。雨漏りした部屋の畳に虫が湧き、実際に見てもらっても、え?どこですか?虫はどこにでもいますからとのこと…。 建築後に無断で水道を使用し、蛇口を締め忘れジャージャー出しっぱなしということもありました。 施工不備などで修繕工事のある日は、いつの間にか庭に日栄の車があり庭をウロウロしています。チャイム無しで玄関を開けて入ってくることもあり、アフターからその上司から常識がなさすぎです。 被害者がこれ以上増えないことを切に願います。
Postscript ------ ※ If you look at it after a long time, there are others pointed out, but unnatural evaluation 5 stars can be laughed out in a row at the same time. It will be obvious if you look at it, but it will be overwhelmed and it will lose its reputation. ------------- I understand if you get it built, but I am drowning in the construction details and aftermarket too daunting. It is not a contractor but an individual (one of the victims who established a house at Niskei that they would not have any problem while checking their bad reputation on the Internet in advance). First of all, when the house is delivered, there is no exterior structure, and for several months, you will spend time in the garden which will be muddy until you enter the house. After completion, it was found that no foundation packing was put under the pillar, and it was astonishing that no particular problems were pointed out. As I was not convinced, I received an advice from the manufacturer of the packing and I received a suggestion that it would be a construction failure if I could not put it under a pillar, and I convinced Nikkei by the information and drove the packing together while diving with the bar. Also, after delivery, the gas plug may not be in the specified position, or there may be an offensive odor due to a defective installation of the toilet piping, or, if mentioned, it may not be cut. After completion (after the contract), the response has changed completely, and as described above, the troublesome things have been postponed, and it has not been possible to fix it even after half a year because it is possible to fix rain leaks and the like at their own risk. You can see if there is mold or discoloration on the pillars and attic wood due to the leak, it's okay, it's fine. It is pushed out. The insects loom over the tatami mats in the room that leaked water, and even if you actually see them, eh? Where? Because there are insects everywhere .... After construction, I used water without permission, and sometimes I was forced to leave the faucet and leave the jar jar out. On a day when there is a repair work due to poor construction, etc., there will be a car of Niskei in the yard, and we are wandering around the yard. Sometimes there is no chime and the front door is opened, and after-sales senses are too common. I hope you won't increase the number of victims any more.
蘭蘭 on Google

Last year, I built a house with Niei Corporation. We went looking at the construction sales of other companies, but it was not quite as we hoped, and Nichiei Shoji felt that the number of properties was too large and it was built with free design and the price was also cheap. It is good because you can choose all exterior and interior.
Ku Toru on Google

Both sales and design are low level. Especially the design is not good. It is cheaper than other companies if built with the same contents. The risk is high accordingly. What I said is not reflected. I don't recommend it.
ちびた on Google

営業マン、現場の人達全ての人達が非常識です。 こんな会社に注文する方たちの神経もおかしい!!
All the sales people and people in the field are insane. The nerves of those who order from such a company are also strange! !!
いでぽんぽん on Google

I built a house in Niei, but it is still built and there is no aftercare. Even if there is a defect in the plumbing work, nothing will be dealt with. Even if I call the president and sales, I can't answer. I'm disappointed.
Shinji Seki on Google

日栄商事が建てた住宅の近隣に住む者です。 外構工事では建築基準法の道路幅のルールを守らず施工、隣接の土地の竹や木を同意なく伐採、クレームを入れても特に反省もなく境界標を埋める、ゴミを隣接の敷地に放置するなど企業倫理やコンプライアンスの意識がとても低く会社です。 これは経営方針からくる企業文化のため、クレームでは改善しません。 安さだけで選択し後悔する方が減ることを願い投稿しておきます。
A person who lives near a house built by Niei Shoji. In exterior construction, construction does not follow the road width rules of the Building Standards Act, cutting bamboo and trees in the adjacent land without consent, filling the boundary marker without any remorse even if a complaint is made, leaving garbage on the adjacent site It is a company with very low awareness of corporate ethics and compliance. This is a corporate culture that comes from management policy, so complaints will not improve it. I will post it in the hope that there will be fewer people who choose it just because it is cheap and regret it.
417 yaanbe on Google

床下にゴミ置きっぱなしでした。 そんな業者です。 外構はかなり遅れます。 訴えたくなるぐらい遅れます。 また、ハイモルタルの使い方知らないのか、剥がれまくっております。 直してもらえないし。 シューズクローゼットの見えないような所の穴はほったらかし。 もちろん交換ではなく穴埋め補修。 施工は雑です。 他もろもろ初期不良あり。 こんな業者が安心できる住宅業者だなんて。 どの審査でこうなったのか知りたいですね。
I left garbage under the floor. It is such a trader. The exterior is quite late. It's so late that I want to sue. Also, maybe I don't know how to use high mortar, it's peeling off. I can't fix it. Leave the holes in the shoe closet invisible. Of course, it is not a replacement but a hole filling repair. Construction is rough. There are various other initial defects. It's a housing company that you can rest assured that such a company. I would like to know in which examination this happened.

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