
5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)滝川金物店

住所 :

Mitsukaido Takaramachi, Joso, 〒303-0023 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–6PM
Thursday 8:30AM–6PM
Friday 8:30AM–6PM
街 : Ibaraki

Mitsukaido Takaramachi, Joso, 〒303-0023 Ibaraki,Japan
skt0066 on Google

とても腕が良いです スペアキーからでも合鍵作ってくれます
Very good Even a spare key will make a duplicate key
R on Google

サクッと丁寧に作って下さいました! しかも値段も安かったです!
He made it crisply and carefully! Moreover, the price was cheap!
富澪 on Google

I've been using it for a long time, but the owner is also an elderly person who has a good knack and is easy to get used to. I personally think that Ibaraki is number one. The price is also usually cheaper than other shops!
たか on Google

玄関ドア開きずらい・車に鍵閉じ込め等々、かなり以前からお世話になってます。 出来ない事象は、一度も無く信頼感100%の職人技です?
I have been indebted for a long time, such as the difficulty of opening the front door and the lock-in of the key in the car. The event that cannot be done is the craftsmanship with 100% reliability ?
裕二荒木 on Google

I got a replica blank key of KAWASAKI's Z series old model type, but at the home center, the key I brought in was refused without being scraped and I brought it to the Takigawa hardware store, which has been indebted several times. After checking the size, the shop owner made the key in a few minutes while saying the material. This makes my ZEPHYRχ even cooler. It is a key production recommended store.
宮田祐介 on Google

素晴らしい職人気質! ハーレーのエースキーの合鍵を作ってもらいました。 僕の鍵は一部割れていた様で最初は無理と言われましたが、「ここで無理なら他じゃ無理と言われました」と言ってみると「やってみる?」と! 一本目は納得がいかない様で二本目。 何とか納得された様で、いざハーレーへ。 マスターキーよりしっかりとしてました! で2000円を遥かに下回る値段。 失敗作の料金は請求されず。 もちろん、もう一本お願いします‼︎
Great craftsmanship! I asked him to make a Harley-Davidson key. My key seemed to be partially broken and I was told that it was impossible at first, but when I said "If I couldn't do it here, I couldn't do it elsewhere", I said "Would you like to try it?"! The first one seems to be unconvincing and the second one. He seemed to be convinced somehow, so he went to Harley. It was stronger than the master key! The price is far below 2000 yen. You will not be charged for the failed work. Of course, please give me another one! ︎
、、 on Google

I went to make a master key. He has always been a gentle uncle. It's helpful because it makes it for a very short time while shopping.
猫まんま on Google

I can't figure out the key because I own multiple units ... I made a duplicate key from the KEY cylinder! The finish was perfect. If you are in trouble, I will go again.

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