Mitsugonjodo Temple - Onomichi

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mitsugonjodo Temple

住所 :

Onomichi, Hiroshima 722-2324, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 722-2324

Onomichi, Hiroshima 722-2324, Japan
如意輪観世音 on Google

I guess it is a temple that I often worship.
村上孝輔 on Google

I don't know just by passing.
MIC OK on Google

Innoshimatakumacho Temple
kochan -m on Google

うちの菩提寺です❗ 厳かな雰囲気のお寺です❗ これから、イチョウと桜の紅葉がキレイですよ❗?
This is our family temple ❗ It is a temple with a solemn atmosphere ❗ From now on, the autumn leaves of ginkgo and cherry blossoms will be beautiful ❗?
アルテミス on Google

The sea is seen in the distance, and it is well-fruited in the cherry blossoms season and the citrus season. It looks like you can increase the variety of fortunes and do better. It seems that there are more tombs of alienation and alienation. The bell sounds well.
cyato0130 on Google

境内が綺麗。 駐車場は狭い。
The precincts are beautiful. The parking lot is small.
レモンだぜ〜 on Google

ちょっとわかりにくい場所にありました。本尊が数体あり、大きなお寺です。 何よりハッサク発祥の地として、原木の株が奉納されています。
It was in a place that was a little confusing. It is a large temple with several principal idols. Above all, the stock of raw wood is dedicated as the birthplace of Hassaku orange.
ナカしゅう on Google

無料駐車場には藤棚があり、花の季節にはきれいなのかな? とげ抜き地蔵やぼけ封じ観音、手水舎の天井には立派な龍が描かれていました。境内の中には立派なソテツがありました。 以下、尾道観光協会より転写 真言宗のお寺で本尊は阿弥陀如来像。 このお寺には因島特産「はっさく」発祥の地の記念碑やその販路拡大に貢献した田中清兵衛の記念碑があります。
Is there a wisteria in the free parking lot and is it beautiful during the flower season? A splendid dragon was drawn on the thornless Jizo, the deafened Kannon, and the ceiling of the Temizuya. There was a fine cycad inside the precincts. Below, transcript from Onomichi Tourism Association It is a temple of the Shingon sect and the main image is Amida Nyorai. In this temple, there is a memorial to the birthplace of "Hassaku", a specialty of Innoshima, and a memorial to Seibei Tanaka, who contributed to the expansion of the market.

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