Mitsubishi Electric Shizuoka Sight - Shizuoka

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mitsubishi Electric Shizuoka Sight

住所 :

3 Chome-18-1 Oshika, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8528, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 422-8528

3 Chome-18-1 Oshika, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8528, Japan
黙れげっ歯類 on Google

I catch a cold due to the low tension of human beings in my home country
すずきまもる on Google

Mitsubishi Electric Shizuoka Seisakusho should definitely stop going by dispatch
きまぐれチャンネル on Google

This is my workplace. Air conditioner and refrigerator are made here
ぶーぶー on Google

この会社には、絶対に来てはいけないタイプが3種類います。 1 3蜜を気にする人 2 工具の取り扱いになれてない人 3 嫌煙家、禁煙中の人 1、コロナ対策で、社員以外は休憩所や近場の食堂を使わせませんが、毎朝百人近くがすし詰め状態で朝礼をしたり、給水所やトイレは常に行列で、3蜜を基本的に理解してない職場です。 2、誰かが止めるまで、ライン速度が早くなるラインの為、工具に不慣れな新人はまず追いつけません。 また、この会社はスケジュールが全てな為、入るタイミングによっては、 工具に不慣れでも研修3日で独り立ちしろ等と、無茶振りをしてきます。 そして、その計画通り出来なければ追い込まれてクビです。 このシステムで、適切な研修期間さえあれば定着出来る能力があった人でも、かなりの数が去ります。 3、毎朝、入場門横でタバコを吸う行列から副流煙の洗礼をウケます。 分煙も仕切がなく、そこら中で吸っているので匂いがダダ漏れです。 嫌煙家の居場所はありませんし、禁煙したての人が禁煙を続けるのは厳しい環境です。
There are three types of this company that you should never come to. 1 3 People who care about honey 2 People who are not accustomed to handling tools 3 Smokers, non-smokers 1. As a measure against corona, only employees are not allowed to use the rest area or the nearby dining room, but nearly 100 people every morning have a morning assembly in a packed state, and the water supply station and toilet are always in line, basically understanding 3 honey. It is a workplace that has not been done. 2. The line speed will increase until someone stops it, so newcomers who are unfamiliar with tools cannot catch up. Also, since this company has all the schedules, depending on the timing of entering, Even if you are unfamiliar with tools, you will be pretending to be alone in 3 days of training. And if you can't follow the plan, you'll be forced into a fire. With this system, a considerable number of people who have the ability to settle down with an appropriate training period will leave. 3. Every morning, a second-hand smoke baptism is given from the procession of smoking next to the entrance gate. There is no partition for the smoke separation, and the smell is leaking because it is sucked everywhere. There is no place for smokers, and it is a harsh environment for people who have just quit smoking to continue quitting smoking.
Alisa Akulov on Google

An event to open the grounds of Mitsubishi Electric Shizuoka Works is being held once a year with daily thanks to the locals. Some finds inside
パピヨン on Google

Trucks are not allowed to enter from 12:00 to 12:45 noon. I can't move the car inside. ,
藤巻大和 on Google

初めて積み込みに行きました。 100円店の指輪をたくさん付けた受付の老女。 アイツの上から物を言う態度。 本人にも言いましたが、会社にも言ってもう2度行きません。 とにかくとても不愉快な思いをしました。
I went to load for the first time. An old woman at the reception with a lot of rings from a 100-yen shop. The attitude of speaking from the top of him. I told him, but I told the company that I wouldn't go there again. Anyway, I felt very unpleasant.
がせじろう on Google

生産計画より早いサイクルタイムで流して、作業量増えてもサイクルタイムはそのまま 従業員は歯車程度にしか思って無いでしょ 検査結果や生産結果だけじゃ無くて生産現場の現状も見てね
Cycle time is faster than the production plan, and even if the amount of work increases, the cycle time remains the same. Employees think only about gears, right? Look not only at the inspection results and production results, but also at the current state of the production site.

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