Mitakidofureai Park - Tome

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mitakidofureai Park

住所 :

Aikawa-1-6 Towacho Maiya, Tome, Miyagi 987-0902, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 987-0902
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Aikawa-1-6 Towacho Maiya, Tome, Miyagi 987-0902, Japan
Ryouziの休日 on Google

キャンプ?でお世話になったけど、春休みもあってか、地元の若い子達が深夜1時頃と4時頃に車できてガヤガヤして寝られなかったのが残念でした。(;_;) 直ぐそばには小川も流れていて、小川のせせらぎに癒される感?は良き??✨でしたよ!
I was taken care of at the camp ?, but it was a pity that the young local children couldn't sleep because they could drive around 1 and 4 midnight, probably because of spring break. (; _;) A stream is flowing right next to me, and the feeling of being healed by the babbling of the stream was good ??✨!
橘渚 on Google

夏に綺麗な小川で遊ぶのに持ってこいの場所なのは他の方がレビューしてるので割愛させて頂きますが、2月中旬頃、爆弾低気圧の時にキャンプに訪れました。 雪は降るし朝日が上がっても日陰なので寒さはずっと続きますが静かで風もなく川の音を聞きながら焚き火を楽しむのにこれほど良い場所はありません。 冬の期間は管理人さんが不在の為、管理してる市役所に電話確認しましたがお姉さんが凄く丁寧に教えてくれて(少しなまってて可愛い)猫もお出迎えしてくれてとても良い無料キャンプ場でした。 最後は一周ゴミを拾い帰って来ました。トイレも水も出ませんが冬キャン最高だな✨
Others have reviewed the place to bring to play in the beautiful stream in the summer, so I will omit it, but I visited the camp around mid-February during the low pressure system. It snows and it's shaded even when the sun rises, so it's cold all the time, but it's quiet, there's no wind, and there's no better place to enjoy a bonfire while listening to the sound of the river. During the winter, the manager was absent, so I called the city hall that manages it, but my sister told me very carefully (a little sloppy and cute) and the cat also welcomed me, which is very good free of charge. It was a campsite. At the end, I picked up the trash and came back. There is no toilet or water, but winter can be the best ✨

There is also a nice campsite.
NMZN on Google

水場があるので、夏のキャンプには良いロケーションです。 トイレのスペック以外はバランスの良いキャンプ場でした。
The water area makes it a good location for summer camps. It was a well-balanced campsite except for the toilet specifications.
氏家純 on Google

宮城県登米市東和町にあります 三滝堂ふれあい公園に行って来ました✨ 第3回目のチェアリングです✨ とっても綺麗な水が川を流れています✨ 途中コンクリートで作られた水の流れる道があり観ていて面白いです✨ 気持ちいい空気が流れていて癒されます✨ 木の生え方が面白い生え方をしていたり、岩が削られた面がすごい形をしていたり✨ 見どころ満載の三滝堂ふれあい公園✨ 自然の素晴らしい恵を感じ✨ リフレッシュできました✨ 地球サンキュー? 次回のチェアリングも心の向くまま どこかステキな場所へ✨ 感謝してます✨ #登米市東和町 #三滝堂ふれあい公園 #チェアリング #チェアリング好きな人と繋がりたい #自然を感じる #自然を楽しむ #自然を満喫 #癒しの時間 #癒しの風景
Located in Towa Town, Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture I went to Mitakidofureai Park ✨ This is the third chair ring ✨ Very clean water is flowing in the river ✨ There is a water flow path made of concrete on the way and it is interesting to see it ✨ Pleasant air is flowing and healed ✨ The way the tree grows is interesting, and the surface where the rock is carved has a great shape. Mitakidofureai Park full of highlights ✨ Feel the wonderful blessings of nature ✨ I was able to refresh ✨ Earth Thank You ? The next chairing will be as you like To some nice place ✨ Thank you ✨ #Tome City Towa Town #Mitakidofureai Park #Chairing #Chairing I want to connect with people who like it #Feel nature #Enjoy nature #Enjoy nature #Time of rest and relaxation #Healing scenery
米内光政 on Google

It is a place that is well-balanced with nature and has an ideal environment for families. Although it is such a facility, the information board is only apologetic and it feels like an unexplored region, but it is popular because the environment is in place and many families come from far away on holidays, so it is quite a distance for people next door. I think you should refrain from using it until the coronavirus is over.
関口千草 on Google

小さい子は目が離せませんが、小学生3年生以上であれば川が浅いので子どもを遊ばせるにはちょうど良いです。 ・敷物 ・ポップアップテント ・タオル ・着替え ・ゴーグル ・浮き輪 ・虫除けスプレー ・軽食 ☆虫取り網とカゴは必須です☆ 週末や連休は混み合うので、8:30頃までに現地に到着すれば駐車場は近くに停められます。9:00過ぎるとちょっと遠い駐車場を案内されます。 バーベキューも可能です。 小さな売店があって、かき氷、フランクフルト、アイス、焼鳥等が買えます。 それから、網やトング等バーベキューに必要な物がレンタル出来ます。炭も売っています。 小学生高学年くらいになると、半日も居れば十分です。 魚はいますが素速くて大人でも捕まえることができません。 近くに「産直 三滝堂」がありますが凄く混みます。 おにぎり、パン、お菓子、飲み物等の食べ物は少し準備していった方が安心です。 是非、楽しんで来てください!!
Keep an eye on small children, but if you are in the third grade of elementary school or above, the river is shallow, so it is just right for children to play. ・ Rug ・ Pop-up tent ·towel ・ Change of clothes ·goggles ・ Floating ring ·bug repellent spray ・ Light meal ☆ Insect net and basket are essential ☆ Weekends and consecutive holidays are crowded, so if you arrive at the site by about 8:30, the parking lot will be parked nearby. After 9:00, you will be guided to a parking lot that is a little far away. Barbecue is also possible. There is a small shop where you can buy shaved ice, Frankfurt, ice cream, yakitori, etc. Then you can rent things you need for barbecue, such as nets and tongs. We also sell charcoal. In the upper grades of elementary school, it is enough to stay for half a day. There are fish, but they are so fast that even adults cannot catch them. There is "Sansei Mitakido" nearby, but it is very crowded. It is safer to prepare a little food such as rice balls, bread, sweets, and drinks. Please come and enjoy yourself !!
Cam Hartman on Google

This is a great place to take the family to!

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