Mitakadai Station - Mitaka

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mitakadai Station

住所 :

1-chōme-32 Inokashira, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0001, Japan

Postal code : 181-0001

1-chōme-32 Inokashira, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0001, Japan
Takashi KAMIYA (gotetsu) on Google

牟礼方面からの利用者が多く、朝夕の通勤通学時間帯は意外に混雑する。午前中はお年寄り中心の落ち着いた雰囲気だが、昼過ぎからは立教女学院の女子生徒の帰宅で賑やかに。小さな駅なのにいろいろな表情を持っていて楽しめます。 万が一井の頭線が止まってしまっても、神田川沿いに20分歩けば吉祥寺に出られるし、北上して西荻窪もぎりぎり徒歩圏内。坂を南に登ると三鷹市役所方面と仙川行きのバス停がある。
There are many users from the Mure area, and it is unexpectedly crowded during the morning and evening commuting hours. In the morning, the atmosphere is calm with the elderly in mind, but after noon it is lively with the return of female students from Rikkyo Jogakuin. Although it is a small station, you can enjoy it with various expressions. Even if the Inokashira Line stops, you can get to Kichijoji if you walk along the Kanda River for 20 minutes, and walk north to reach Nishi-Ogikubo. There is a bus stop for Mitaka City Hall and Sengawa when going up the hill.
ienari10 on Google

I was planning to take a bus to Sengawa Station, but I was a bit dissatisfied because the bus stop was difficult to understand. The station itself is small, but the impression that there are many students probably because of Rikkyo Women's Junior College. It is a pity that there are few cafes where you can take a break in front of the station.
雪。 on Google

この間久々に近くによって、三鷹台駅を散策していました。 26年くらい前になるのですが、ここの駅から近くの幼稚園に通っていました。 たまに幼稚園の帰りに、駅前のパン屋さん?(もかしたら洋食屋?)のピラフを母と一緒に食べていました。 当時、両親が離婚してよそへ引っ越すまでの短い間の出来事だったのですが。 3~4歳の自分が、この時食べたピラフがとても美味しくて、今でも記憶に残っていました。 また楽しい時の思い出の味を食べたくて探してみたのですが。 お店は見つかりませんでした。もしかしたら違うお店に変わっているかも知れませんし区画整理でもあったかも知れないです。 ピラフを作った方は、コックコートを着ていたオジサンでした、もし生きていればご高齢かと…。 1993年〜1994年の頃だったと思うのですが当時と比べて駅周りがキレイになっていた気がしました。
During this time, I was taking a walk around Mitakadai Station for a long time. About 26 years ago, I was going to a kindergarten nearby from this station. Sometimes on the way home from kindergarten, a bakery in front of the station? I was eating a pilaf from (maybe a Western restaurant?) with my mother. At that time, it was a short time before my parents divorced and moved away. I was 3-4 years old and the pilaf I ate at this time was so delicious that I still remember it. I also wanted to find the taste of memories when I was having fun, so I searched for it. The store was not found. Perhaps it has changed to a different shop, and it may have been a land readjustment. The person who made the pilaf was Ojisan who was wearing a cock coat, and if he was alive he would be old. I think it was around 1993-1994, but I felt that the area around the station was cleaner than it was at that time.
侭田卓磨 on Google

すぐ隣の踏切では、警察が踏切手前での一時停止違反を取り締まることがある。 要注意。
At the railroad crossing next door, police may crack down on stop signs in front of the railroad crossing. Be careful.
Fumi. on Google

There are north and south exits at each station on the Inokashira line. Although it is a small station, the information is easy to understand and clean. There were convenience stores and supermarkets around the station. I don't feel any major inconvenience. There was a waiting room in the station platform.
36 Komaken on Google

台という名前がつきますが、場所は谷底の神田川沿い。 地盤は悪いほうですが、名前につられて住んでいる人がチラホラ
The name is Dai, but the place is along the Kanda River at the bottom of the valley. The ground is bad, but the people who live by the name are chilling
みゅん on Google

京王井の頭線の駅で、急行は止まらない。 駅周辺は閑静な住宅街で、夜は結構暗い。 駅のすぐ近くに三鷹市と杉並区の市区境がある。 立教女学院の最寄り駅。
The express does not stop at the Keio Inokashira Line station. The area around the station is a quiet residential area, and it is quite dark at night. There is a city border between Mitaka City and Suginami Ward near the station. The nearest station to Rikkyo Jogakuin.
きじばる潜狸 on Google

最近はリニューアルされてだいぶ綺麗になり、北口からは車対応のエレベーターもできましたが、歩道橋は昭和の頃から変わりなく、懐かしさを覚えます。 改札すぐのステンドグラスは立教女学院がある駅だから、意匠を合わせたのかな? 急行こそ停まりませんが私の生活には大切な駅です。
Recently, it has been renewed and it has become much cleaner, and an elevator for cars has been built from the north exit, but the pedestrian bridge has not changed since the Showa era, and I feel nostalgic. The stained glass right after the ticket gate is the station where Rikkyo Jogakuin is located, so I wonder if the design was matched. The express does not stop, but it is an important station in my life.

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