
2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)イシダカーゴ

住所 :

Mishimae, Takatsuki, 〒569-0835 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87789
Webサイト : http://www.ishida-cargo.co.jp/
街 : Osaka

Mishimae, Takatsuki, 〒569-0835 Osaka,Japan
yfr sis on Google

湘南ナンバー2701、後ろからビタ付け&ハイビームであおり運転。 看板背負ってるのに、そりゃないよ。
Shonan number 2701, driving with bitter and high beam from behind. I carry a sign on my back, but that's not true.
minoru.s on Google

湘南ナンバー 運転マナー悪い 高速で煽るな❗️ 大型車リミッター以上出てる 同業者の恥 会社は、 管理してないのか?
Shonan number Bad driving manners Don't fan at high speed ❗️ There are more than large car limiters Shame of the same trader Is the company not in control?
雀目 on Google

さきほど京都方面高速道路でイシダカーゴトラックナンバー244が無理な追い抜きしたあげく、割り込み 、急停車して発進!高速道路で停車するなんて危険極まりない!過去の事件の模範者が運転してるのかな!運転者は最悪最低だが、運転士の教育をしない会社はもっと最悪だ!
Ishida Cargo Truck No. 244 has overtaken the highway in the direction of Kyoto earlier, interrupted, suddenly stopped and started! Stopping on the highway is extremely dangerous! Is the model of the past incident driving? Drivers are the worst, but companies that don't train drivers are even worse!
山田巧 on Google

The driver here is driving dangerously. Please be careful. I will continue to calm down and I will even pass. Moreover, it caused trouble, but when the excuse tried to get in front of the car next to me, there was my car and he approached me. This excuse is also strange. It's wrong that you approached the car in the first place. If it's written on Ishida Cargo and the loading platform, let's escape without hesitation! ! Also, please don't send work to this company to reduce accidents. A punishment for employees of this company! !
テテテtetete on Google

2021年2月14日22時40分、イシダカーゴの大型トラック(湘南130う・112)が、圏央道厚木PA(内回り)の小型車用駐車スペースに堂々と駐車している。 証拠写真もあるよ! 迷惑極まりない。 会社はドライバーの教育しっかりしろや! なんならテレビにでも情報流そうか?
At 22:40 on February 14, 2021, a large truck of Ishida Cargo (Shonan 130 U / 112) is parked in the parking space for small cars at Atsugi PA (inner circumference) on the Ken-O Expressway. There is also a proof photo! very nuisance. The company should educate drivers well! What if information could be broadcast on TV?
ワッキーセブン on Google

京都ナンバーのイシダの運転手、免許持ってるのか?7月30日21時30分頃、東名阪自動車道上り四日市IC 辺りでウインカーも点けず平気でバスを被せ、蛇行運転の急ブレーキ、こんなところに荷物預けて荷主も可哀想に。ドラレコの画像は良い研修用になりますわw皆さんイシダをみたら近づかないように!!
Do you have a license as a driver of Ishida of Kyoto number? Around 21:30 on July 30, Yokkaichi IC going up the Higashi-Meihan Expressway I didn't turn on the blinkers around, so I covered the bus calmly, suddenly braked meandering, and left my luggage in such a place, and the shipper was sorry. The image of the dash cam will be a good training w. If you see Ishida, stay away! !!
小川郷夢 on Google

Osaka number 2902 driver Thank you for the fast pacemaker! It was a very exemplary high speed drive with a key preft! By the way, I was also a long-distance driver 25 years ago.
たつや on Google

大阪ナンバー2511こちらが急ブレーキを踏まないといけないタイミングでウィンカーも出さず割り込んできた 他の方の口コミも散々なもんやけど頭悪い奴しか雇ってないの? この会社に未来はないね
Osaka number 2511 I interrupted without a turn signal at the timing when I had to step on the brake suddenly The reviews of other people are terrible, but are you hiring only the crazy guys? This company has no future

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